Required packages 1. Package GcClust requires packages colorspace, ggplot2, mvtnorm, reshape2, robustbase, rstan, sp, maps, shiny, and shinystan. These packages are available from the R package repository and should be installed first. Installation instructions for GcClust when using RStudio 1. On the menu bar, click on “Tools” and then click on “Install Packages”. The Install-Packages window will appear. 2. Under item “Install from:”, select “Package Archive File (.zip; .tar.gz)”. Under item “Package archive”, use the Browse button to locate file “GcClust_1.0.tar.gz”. If you use multiple libraries, then you must select the appropriate library for the installation, using item “Install to Library”. Otherwise, use the default value in this item. Finally, click on “Install”. Installation instructions for GcClust when using RGui 1. In the R console window, type “setwd(directory)” where “directory” is the directory containing the file “GcClust_1.0.tar.gz”. Two backslashes ("\\") are needed to separate folders within argument directory. For example, if the directory is F:\temp\install, then argument directory should be "F:\\temp\\install" 2. Type “install.packages(‘GcClust_1.0.tar.gz’)”, and the package will be installed in the default library.