This directory contains public-domain Windows executables and source code for PDEPTH and auxiliary programs as documented in: Phillips, J.D., 2018, PDEPTH – A computer program for the geophysical interpretation of magnetic and gravity profiles through Fourier filtering, source-depth analysis, and forward modeling: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods, book 7, chap. C17, 23 p., The subdirectories are as follows: bin - contains compiled executable and dynamic-link library files for 32-bit Windows computers. lib - contains Tcl and Tk library subdirectories supporting the files in the bin directory. src - contains the Fortran, C, and Tcl/Tk source code files in subdirectories. test - contains test data files for use by PDepth. Installation Instructions: Executable programs PfGraphicsMenu.exe, PDepth.exe, and pdep2xyz.exe and the associated dynamic-link library (.dll) files need to be installed all in the same directory, such as C:\usgs\bin. This directory should be listed in the PATH environment variable so that the programs can be executed from the command line. To permanently add a directory to the PATH environment variable you will need to use Control Panel to access the Advanced System Settings in the System Panel. Alternatively, you can temporarily add the directory to the PATH by running a short batch file containing the line path c:\usgs\bin;%path% each time you open a command window. The lib directory should be installed at the same level as the bin directory, C:\usgs\lib. A desktop shortcut to PfGraphicsMenu.exe can be created (by dragging the file from Explorer to the Desktop) and assigned the icon file usgsflag.ico, provided under the bin subdirectory. The shortcut should start in the bin directory containing PfGraphicsMenu.exe and PDepth.exe. The Geosoft eXecutable utility usgs_pdepth.gx is used to export magnetic (or gravity) profiles from a Geosoft database for input to PDepth. Geosoft updates its software regularly, and major version updates often require revision and recompilation of the gx source code. The USGS currently maintains its compiled GX code at the current Geosoft version level in support of the following report: Phillips, J.D., 2007, Geosoft eXecutables (GX’s) Developed by the U.S. Geological Survey, Version 2.0, with Notes on GX Development from Fortran Code: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2007-1355, 111 p. See the report at for a link to the compiled GX code and installation instructions. Compilation Instructions (for programmers and developers): To compile the source code for programs PDEPTH and PFGRAPHICSMENU, you will need to have a current version of MINGW and MSYS installed on your computer (see In addition you will need versions 8.4 of the Tcl and Tk libraries installed within the MINGW directory structure. The current Makefile for PDEPTH uses the following libraries: /MinGW/lib/libtk84.a /MinGW/lib/libtcl84.a Tcl/Tk source code for PFMENU and PDEPTH has been converted to C code using the utility program mktclapp.exe (see, which is accessed through the Tcl/Tk interface xmktclapp.tcl. The following one-line batch file, called tcl2c.bat, is used to invoke this program from within MSYS: wish84 /usr/local/bin/xmktclapp.tcl Configuration files pfmenu.mta and pdepth.mta for xmktclapp are provided. If you wish to make changes to the Tcl source code, you will need to run tcl2c prior to running make. Fortran program pdep2xyz.f has been compiled using gfortran as follows: gfortran -o pdep2xyz pdep2xyz.f