USGS - science for a changing world

Techniques and Methods 2-G1

Techniques and Methods 2-G1
Chapter 1 of Book 2,
Collection of Environmental Data
Section G, Remote Sensing

Protocol for Landsat-Based Monitoring of Landscape Dynamics at North Coast and Cascades Network Parks

Prepared in cooperation with the
North Coast and Cascades Network, National Park Service

By Robert E. Kennedy, Warren B. Cohen, Alan A. Kirschbaum, and Erik Haunreiter

Background and Objectives

As part of the National Park Service’s larger goal of developing long-term monitoring programs in response to the Natural Resource Challenge of 2000, the parks of the North Coast and Cascades Network (NCCN) have determined that monitoring of landscape dynamics is necessary to track ecosystem health (Weber and others, 2005). Landscape dynamics refer to a broad suite of ecological, geomorphological, and anthropogenic processes occurring across broad spatial scales. The NCCN has sought protocols that would leverage remote-sensing technologies to aid in monitoring landscape dynamics.


I. Background and Objectives
II. Sampling Design
III. Methods
IV. Data Handling, Analysis, and Reporting
V. Personnel Requirements And Training
VI. Operational Requirements
VII. References Cited
SOP 1. Acquiring Landsat Imagery
SOP 2. Preprocessing Landsat Imagery
SOP 3. Physiognomic Change Detection
SOP 4. Validation of Change-Detection Products
SOP 5. Data Management
SOP 6. Revising Protocol

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