By Eugene Shuter and Warren E. Teasdale
Purpose and scope
Techniques for drilling, installing, and completing wells
Auger drilling
Equipment and accessories
Solid-stem augers
Hollow-stem augers
Techniques for on-site auger drilling
Mid-stem auger drilling
Hollow-stem auger drilling
Auger-drilling procedures and problems
Auger drilling in moist or saturated materials
Auger drilling in dry materials
Drill response in various lithologies
Retrieval of lost augers
Use of auger-retrieval tools
Auger retrieval using wash-over method
Auger-drilling precautionary measures
Installation of well casing and screen in solid-stem augered holes
Installation of well casing and screen in hollow-stem augered holes
Hydraulic-rotary drilling
Applications of hydraulic-rotary drilling
Equipment and accessories
Methods of drilling
Drilling mud
Instruments for field monitoring of drilling muds
Mud balance
Sand-content set
High-yield bentonite clays
Problems encountered in hydraulic-rotary drilling
Bit-swabbing damage
Borehole-geophysical logging
Installation of well casing and screen
Cable-tool percussion drilling
Applications of cable-tool percussion drilling
Equipment and accessories
Methods of drilling
Installation of well casing and screen
Air-rotary drilling
Applications of air-rotary drilling
Equipment and accessories
Methods of drilling
Borehole-geophysical logging
Installation of well casing and screen
Reverse-circulation drilling
Techniques for coring
Hydraulic-rotary coring
Equipment and accessories
Methods of coring
Coring procedures in unconsolidated sediments
Drilling fluids
Coring porcedures in rock
Drilling and casing through over-burden
Drilling fluids
Coring rock
Removal of core barrel from the hole
Removal of unconsolidated sediment core from the inner barrel
Removal of rock core from the inner tube
Lost circulation of drilling fluid
Drilling-mud pit construction
Air-rotary coring
Equipment and accessories
Coring procedures in rock
Drilling fluids
Problems encountered
Contamination of core
Handling of cuttings and dust
Techniques of sampling
Procedures of sampling and testing in auger drilling
Solid-stem augers
Solid-stem auger sampling in unsaturated materials
Solid-stem auger sampling in saturated materials
Hollow-stem auger sampling in unsaturated materials
Hollow-stem auger sampling in saturated materials
Procedures of sampling in hydraulic-rotary drilling
Samples from the hole
Drive- or push-core samples
Shelby-tube samples
Procedures of sampling in cable-tool percussion drilling
Sampling consolidated materials
Sampling unconsolidated materials
Drive-core sampling
Procedures of sampling in air-rotary drilling
Sampling tools and their application
Applications of Denison sampler and core barrel
Removal of sample-retainer liner from inner barrel
Sampling fluid sands
Applications of pitcher sampler
Removal of Shelby-tube sample retainer
Applications of solid- or split-barrel samplers
Deviations from ASTM standards
Method for drive sampling
Applications of the thin-walled tube sampler
Standard practice for thin-walled tube sampling of soils
Applications of the retractable-plug sampler
Extraction of the sampler
Applications of the stationary-piston sampler
Sample characteristics
Undisturbed samples
Wall effects
Accuracy of measurements
Contamination of samples
Disturbances following sampling
Disturbed samples
Comparison between undisturbed and disturbed samples
Well-development techniques
Air surging
Mechanical surging
High-velocity jetting
Chemical treatment
Development of selected well-screen intervals
Development of gravel-packed wells
Development of small-diameter wells
Air development
High-velocity jetting
Selected references
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