A Model For Simulation of Flow in Singular and Interconnected Channels

U.S. Geological Survey, Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations, Book 7, Chapter C3

By R.W. Schaffranek, R.A. Baltzer and D.E. Goldberg

Table of Contents

Symbols and units




Unsteady-flow equations for networks of open channels

Flow equations

Boundary conditions

Compatibility conditions at internal junction

Boundary conditions at external junctions

Initial conditions

Solution technique for open-channel network flow simulation

Finite-difference formulation

Coefficient-matrix formulation

Branch-transformation equation

Matrix solution

Branch-network model implementation

Channel and cross-sectional geometry

Channel conveyance parameters

Initial and boundary-value data

Computation-control parameters

Calibration and verification

Branch-network program description

Program restrictions

Model application

Program run preparation

Data input

Job control

Program versions

Storage and time requirements

Diagnostic messages

Input/output description

Branch-network model applications

Sacramento-Freeport reach of the Sacramento River

Columbia River reach at Rocky Reach Dam near Wenatchee, Wash

Kootenai River reach near Porthill, Idaho

Connecticut River reach near Hartford, Conn

Detroit River between Lake St. Clair and Lake Erie


References cited

Appendix I, Program control-card format

Appendix II, Definition of MAIN program variables and arrays

Appendix III, Adjustable arrays

Appendix IV, FORTRAN IV program listing



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