1. Camm, T. W. Mine and Mill Models for the Juneau Mining District. BuMines Rep., Mar. 1989, 41 pp.; available upon request from BuMines-WFOC, Spokane, WA.

2. Gosling, B. B., T. W. Camm, N. Wetzel, and S. A. Stebbins. Engineering Cost Analysis for the WMNRA/SNCA Study Area. Appendix C in The Potential Supply of Minerals from the White Moun­tains National Recreation Area and the Steese National Conservation Area in Alaska. BuMines OFR 12-89, Apr. 1989, pp. C-1 to C41.

3. U.S. Bureau of Mines. Bureau of Mines Cost Estimating Sys­tem Handbook (in two parts), 1. Surface and Underground Mining. BuMines IC 9142, 1987, 631 pp.

4. _. Bureau of Mines Cost Estimating System Handbook (in two parts), 2. Mineral Processing. BuMines IC 9143, 1987,565 pp.

5. Smith, R C. PREVAL- Prefeasibility Software Program for Eval­uating Mineral Deposits. BuMines IC, 1991.

6. Canadian Mining Journal. 1989 Mining Source Book. Southam Business Publ., Don Mills, ON, Canada, 1989, 174 pp.

7. Mular, A. L. Mining and Mineral Processing Equipment Costs and Preliminary Capital Cost Estimates. CIM Spec. v. 25, 1982, 265 pp.

8. R. S. Means Co. Inc. Building Construction Cost Data 1989, 47th Annual Ed. Kingston, MA, 1988, 502 pp.

9. Dataquest Inc. Cost Reference Guide for Construction Equip­ment. Dun & Bradstreet Corp., San Jose, CA, periodically updated, 674 pp.

10. Schumacher, O. L. (ed.). Mining Cost Service. Western Mine Eng., Spokane, WA, periodically updated, 569 pp.

11. Taylor, H. K. Mine Valuation and Feasibility Studies. Ch. in Mineral Industry Costs, 2nd ed., ed. by J. R Hoskins and W. R Green. Northwest Min. Assoc., 1978, pp. 1-17.

12. Kohn, P. M. CE Cost Indexes Maintain 13-Year Ascent. Reprint from Chem. Eng., May 8, 1978, p. 190.

13. Matley, J. CE Cost Indexes Set Slower Pace. Reprint from Chem. Eng., Apr. 29, 1985, p. 76.

14. Matley, J., and A. Hick. Cost Indexes End 1987 on an Upswing. Reprint from Chem. Eng., Apr. 11, 1988, 3 pp.

15. Caterpillar Inc. Caterpillar Performance Handbook. Peoria, IL, 19th ed., 1988, 912 pp.

16. Hitachi Construction Machinery Co. Ltd. The Excavators. Tokyo, Japan, 5th ed., 1988, 485 pp.

17. Terex Corp. Production and Cost Estimating of Material Move­ment with Earthmoving Equipment. Hudson, OH, 1981, 78 pp.

18. Cummins, A. B., and I. A. Given (ed.). SME Mining Engineer­ing Handbook, Volume 1. Soc. Min. Eng. A1ME, 1973, New York, pp. 12-1 to 12-262.

19. Dravo Corp. Analysis of Large Scale Non-coal Underground Min­ing Methods (contract S0122059). BuMines OFR 36-74, 1974, 605 pp.

20. Hamrin, H. Guide to Underground Mining Methods and Appli­cations. Atlas Copco, Stockholm, Sweden, 1986, 40 pp.

21. Hustrulid, W. A. (ed.). Underground Mining Methods Handbook. Soc. Min. Eng. RIME, New York, 1982, 1,754 pp.

22. McMahon, T. Rock Burst Research and the Coeur d'Alene Dis­trict. BuMines IC 9186, 1988, p. 32.

23. Dow Chemical Co. Flotation Fundamentals and Mining Chemi­cals. 1976, 80 pp.

24. Engineering and Mining Journal. Technology Turns Southwest Waste into Ore. V. 191, No. 1, tan. 1990, pp. C41-C44.

25. Hopkins, W. R, and I. E. Lewis. Recent Innovations in SX/EW Plants to Reduce Capital and Operating Costs. Miner. & Metall. Proc­essing, v. 7, No. 1, Feb. 1990, pp. 1-8.

26. Kordosky, G. A., and J. P. Dorlac. Capital and Operating Costs for the Processes of Solvent Extraction and Electrowinning as Applied to Copper Recovery. Henkel Corp., Tucson, AZ, undated (contains 1985 data), 15 pp.

27. Merritt, P. C. (ed.). E&M1 Book of Flowsheets. McGraw-Hill Inc., New York, 1984, 207 pp.

28. Klumpar, I. V. Updated Capital Cost Estimation Factors. Process Econ. Int., London, v. VI, Nos. 3 & 4, 1986, pp. 43-44.

29. Suttill, K. R Solvent Extraction, A Key in Maintaining Copper Production. Eng. & Min. J., v. 190, No. 9, Sept. 1989, pp. 24-26.

30. Ulrich, G. D. A Guide to Chemical Engineering Process Design and Economics. Wiley, New York, 1984, 472 pp.

31. Weiss, N. L. (ed.). SME Mineral Processing Handbook. Soc. Min. Eng. AIME, New York, 1985, 2,097 pp.

32. Ritcey, G. M. Tailings Management, Problems and Solutions in the Mining Industry. Elsevier Publ., Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1989, pp. 884-894.