Water Data Report 1997
03136500 KOKOSING RIVER AT MOUNT VERNON, OHIO LOCATION.--Lat 40024'20", long 82030'00", in sec. 2, T.6 N., R.13 W., Knox County, Hydrologic Unit 05040003, on right bank 300 ft downstream from Tilden Avenue Bridge at Mount Vernon, 0.8 mi downstream from North Branch, and 2.7 mi upstream from Dry Creek. DRAINAGE AREA.--202 mi2. PERIOD OF RECORD.--February 1953 to current year. REVISED RECORDS.--WSP 2107: Drainage area. GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 981.16 ft above sea level. (Levels by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.) Prior to May 21, 1991, gage at same site and at datum 3.00 ft higher. REMARKS.--Records good except for periods of estimated record, which are poor. Some regulation by Knox Lake, capacity, 3,750 acre-ft, 8.2 mi upstream on East Branch of North Branch Kokosing River beginning in 1954 and North Branch Kokosing River Lake, 14,886 acre-ft, 10.0 mi upstream on North Branch Kokosing River, beginning in June 1972. Water-quality data collected at this site. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers satellite telemeter at station. DISCHARGE, CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, WATER YEAR OCTOBER 1996 TO SEPTEMBER 1997 DAILY MEAN VALUES DAY OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1 129 57 837 240 241 364 212 120 4870 96 63 46 2 98 55 1010 228 217 1100 190 121 2970 93 57 46 3 82 54 492 222 212 857 179 415 1400 82 55 44 4 70 53 327 214 624 538 173 501 1000 75 58 41 5 63 53 e230 243 1770 703 172 334 601 70 56 39 6 59 53 e200 289 830 1690 180 281 398 68 50 38 7 57 55 e180 228 483 876 165 232 309 64 47 38 8 55 66 e170 e150 364 565 148 223 260 63 47 38 9 54 74 e150 e120 302 453 140 407 226 74 46 38 10 55 97 169 e100 270 1060 134 314 202 85 45 59 11 55 102 462 e80 244 721 132 249 181 78 44 65 12 53 94 1720 e70 229 484 151 212 167 70 45 57 13 51 84 1090 e80 202 386 200 188 169 64 49 49 14 50 78 566 e94 204 1050 190 171 163 60 49 46 15 49 e76 384 e90 195 1090 169 176 142 57 51 44 16 48 70 317 e80 175 587 157 162 137 55 67 42 17 46 68 1340 e70 168 433 161 148 162 55 193 41 18 51 77 1530 e60 175 373 167 149 168 52 185 39 19 74 94 e680 e66 336 365 156 392 162 50 118 38 20 85 94 e400 e80 463 336 144 291 149 48 94 38 21 81 87 303 e100 447 303 137 204 130 46 87 40 22 76 79 267 224 421 275 133 168 118 45 80 38 23 75 74 273 604 318 248 127 148 107 46 72 36 24 71 71 1670 377 258 228 122 137 100 48 66 36 25 71 75 1220 651 224 217 124 641 92 48 64 36 26 70 422 576 409 215 246 129 1600 88 53 61 33 27 67 483 390 357 445 236 123 623 88 195 57 33 28 65 e277 345 1070 493 219 136 360 82 155 54 32 29 62 e200 340 551 --- 218 137 280 76 133 51 32 30 61 173 297 362 --- 214 125 272 76 93 49 30 31 58 --- 264 277 --- 222 --- 565 --- 72 48 --- TOTAL 2041 3395 18199 7786 10525 16657 4613 10084 14793 2293 2108 1232 MEAN 65.8 113 587 251 376 537 154 325 493 74.0 68.0 41.1 MAX 129 483 1720 1070 1770 1690 212 1600 4870 195 193 65 MIN 46 53 150 60 168 214 122 120 76 45 44 30 STATISTICS OF MONTHLY MEAN DATA FOR WATER YEARS 1953 - 1997, BY WATER YEAR (WY) MEAN 64.3 147 244 278 350 425 379 271 188 152 83.1 66.7 MAX 275 635 979 1020 805 1068 845 820 586 636 438 587 (WY) 1991 1973 1991 1959 1975 1963 1964 1996 1989 1990 1980 1979 MIN 15.1 20.4 23.0 36.0 31.4 129 122 53.0 29.1 25.0 18.0 16.7 (WY) 1964 1972 1964 1964 1964 1983 1971 1955 1955 1965 1988 1954 SUMMARY STATISTICS FOR 1996 CALENDAR YEAR FOR 1997 WATER YEAR WATER YEARS 1953 - 1997 ANNUAL TOTAL 123316 93726 ANNUAL MEAN 337 257 221 HIGHEST ANNUAL MEAN 325 1973 LOWEST ANNUAL MEAN 78.7 1954 HIGHEST DAILY MEAN 3210 May 12 4870 Jun 1 14600 Jan 21 1959 LOWEST DAILY MEAN 46 Oct 17 30 Sep 30 8.6 Aug 22 1988 ANNUAL SEVEN-DAY MINIMUM 48 Aug 31 33 Sep 24 11 Sep 17 1985 INSTANTANEOUS PEAK FLOW 6180 Jun 1 38000 Jan 21 1959 INSTANTANEOUS PEAK STAGE 11.59 Jun 1 18.19 Jan 21 1959 INSTANTANEOUS LOW FLOW 30 Sep 30 8.6 Aug 22 1988 10 PERCENT EXCEEDS 838 565 483 50 PERCENT EXCEEDS 166 137 103 90 PERCENT EXCEEDS 57 48 30 e Estimated.