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Water Data Report 1997

Water Resources Data - Ohio, Water Year 97, Vol. 1 | Hocking River Basin


LOCATION.--Lat 39033'54", long 82028'29", in NW 1/4 sec. 5, T.14 N., R.17 W., Hocking County, Hydrologic Unit 05030204, 
on right bank at upstream side of bridge at Enterprise, 4.0 mi downstream from Buck Run, and 4.3 mi upstream from 
Scott Creek.
DRAINAGE AREA.--459 mi2.
PERIOD OF RECORD.--October 1930 to current year. Prior to May 1931 monthly discharge only, published in WSP 1305.
REVISED RECORDS.--WSP 873: 1938. WRD-OH-70-1: 1969. WSP 1907: Drainage area.
GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 723.58 ft above sea level. Prior to Oct. 24, 1933, nonrecording gage 
at same site and datum.
REMARKS.--Records fair except for periods of estimated record, which are poor. Flood flow affected by temporary 
retention in eight retarding basins, combined capacity, 8,710 acre-ft, constructed between 1955 and 1961 upstream 
from station. Water-quality data collected at this site. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers satellite telemeter at 
EXTREMES OUTSIDE PERIOD OF RECORD.--Flood in March 1907, reached a stage of 22.0 ft, from floodmark; discharge,   
36,000 ft3/s, from reports of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

					DAILY MEAN VALUES                                                
 DAY       OCT      NOV      DEC      JAN      FEB      MAR      APR      MAY      JUN      JUL      AUG      SEP
   1       126       98     1940      331      549     2020      681      271      746      441      172      211
   2       110       97     1500      323      483     7650      604      257      953      318      150      194
   3       100       93     1080      317      452     5840      561      477      887      526      138      187
   4        89       90      822      303     1020     2780      523      646      777      277      303      172
   5        83       91      477      454     3330     1870      515      496      564      203      239      154
   6        81       99      447      532     1700     2080      524      440      430      170      161      146
   7        79      172      399      396     1140     1500      458      384      344      150      133      137
   8        78      711      356      340      866     1180      410      405      301      134      118      134
   9        96      509      332      344      710     1010      387      689      272      134      109      134
  10       121      342      312      366      628     3510      363      549      241      144      102      213
  11       106      283      313      265      569     2090      354      461      227      123      162      185
  12        88      234      412     e240      528     1370      417      413      206      108      130      153
  13        82      206      522     e220      472     1040      611      380      233       98      301      138
  14        79      184      400     e200      474     1420      491      347      325       91      318      127
  15        78      166      345     e190      479     1540      428      383      225       85      572      119
  16        78      161      324     e190      437     1050      400      317      193       79      755      115
  17        77      157     1850     e180      391      874      397      285      380       75     3970      113
  18       111      194     1560     e170      402      895      373      270      412       69     9510      110
  19       217      214      831     e170      440     1720      352      258      843       69     3900      107
  20       155      187      584     e160      484     1230      331      276      446       64     2350      230
  21       126      179      459     e160      495      991      316      240      321       59     2310      234
  22       117      179      455     e200      492      833      308      213      256       64     1430      152
  23       114      167      425     e400      427      698      297      198      217       93     1010      129
  24       111      163      792      341      390      614      294      190      191      158      685      124
  25       107      164      725     1190      362      574      279      251      171      167      537      118
  26       103      523      517      776      365     1020      268      552      158      108      438      110
  27       118      505      465      693      465      846      258      371      156     2070      371      103
  28       126      406      441     2650      434      716      304      283      135      704      332       99
  29       125      354      420     1250      ---      767      287      244      122      425      284       97
  30       115      409      378      792      ---      736      259      241      227      284      253       88
  31       104      ---      352      629      ---      798      ---      251      ---      211      231      ---
 TOTAL    3300     7337    20235    14772    18984    51262    12050    11038    10959     7701    31474     4333
 MEAN      106      245      653      477      678     1654      402      356      365      248     1015      144
 MAX       217      711     1940     2650     3330     7650      681      689      953     2070     9510      234
 MIN        77       90      312      160      362      574      258      190      122       59      102       88
 CFSM      .23      .53     1.42     1.04     1.48     3.60      .88      .78      .80      .54     2.21      .31
 IN.       .27      .59     1.64     1.20     1.54     4.15      .98      .89      .89      .62     2.55      .35
 STATISTICS OF MONTHLY MEAN DATA FOR WATER YEARS 1931 - 1997, BY WATER YEAR (WY)                                 
 MEAN      124      251      426      636      781      953      850      616      367      284      237      158
 MAX       670     1864     1844     3605     1899     2875     2228     2499     1446     1437     1686     1087
 (WY)     1976     1986     1991     1937     1979     1945     1940     1968     1981     1958     1980     1979
 MIN      33.4     41.1     40.5      100     58.0      181      184     95.3     68.1     61.0     39.9     30.4
 (WY)     1954     1954     1964     1977     1954     1941     1941     1934     1936     1988     1932     1953
 SUMMARY STATISTICS           FOR 1996 CALENDAR YEAR        FOR 1997 WATER YEAR           WATER YEARS 1931 - 1997
 ANNUAL TOTAL                      270036                     193445                                             
 ANNUAL MEAN                          738                        530                        471                  
 HIGHEST ANNUAL MEAN                                                                        860              1979
 LOWEST ANNUAL MEAN                                                                         110              1954
 HIGHEST DAILY MEAN                  5500     Apr 30            9510     Aug 18           21600       Apr 20 1940
 LOWEST DAILY MEAN                     65     Sep 15              59     Jul 21              23       Aug 12 1944
 ANNUAL SEVEN-DAY MINIMUM              76     Sep 21              68     Jul 16              27       Aug  7 1944
 INSTANTANEOUS PEAK FLOW                                       10600     Aug 18 a         26000       Mar 10 1964
 INSTANTANEOUS PEAK STAGE                                         16.27  Aug 18              21.31    Mar 10 1964
 INSTANTANEOUS LOW FLOW                                           56     Jul 21              23       Aug 12 1944
 ANNUAL RUNOFF (CFSM)                   1.61                       1.15                       1.03               
 ANNUAL RUNOFF (INCHES)                21.89                      15.68                      13.95               
 10 PERCENT EXCEEDS                  1880                       1020                       1060                  
 50 PERCENT EXCEEDS                   401                        317                        212                  
 90 PERCENT EXCEEDS                    95                        104                         58                  

a Peaks above base shown in table of peak discharges and stages at continuous-record surface-water-discharge stations.
e Estimated.

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