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Water Data Report 1997

Water Resources Data - Ohio, Water Year 97, Vol. 1 | Hocking River Basin


LOCATION.--Lat 39019'44", long 82005'16", in T.9 N., R.14 W., Athens County, Hydrologic Unit 05030204, on right bank 
0.8 mi east of business section of Athens, 1.4 mi downstream from Coats Run, and 3.0 mi downstream from Margaret 
DRAINAGE AREA.--943 mi2.
PERIOD OF RECORD.--May 1915 to current year.
REVISED RECORDS.--WSP 523: 1918-19(M). WSP 743: 1922(M). WSP 873: 1920, 1922, 1924-28, 1937. WSP 1113: 1932.         
WDR-OH-90-1: 1979(M), 1983(M), 1985(M), 1986(M).
GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 611.26 ft above sea level. Prior to Aug. 17, 1931, nonrecording gage, 
Aug. 18, 1931 to Jun. 19, 1970, at present site at datum 3.55 ft. higher. Jun. 19, 1970 to Sep. 30, 1971 and   
Oct. 1, 1976 to Mar. 31, 1993 water-stage recorder at site 5.3 mi downstream at datum 11.26 ft lower, published 
as "Below Athens" (03159510).
REMARKS.--Records fair except for periods of estimated record, which are poor. Water-quality data collected at this 
site. Some regulation by Burr Oak Resorvoir, capacity 26,900 acre-ft, on East Branch Sunday Creek 29 mi upstream 
beginning 1952 (see station 0315800); by Hocking Lake, capacity 3,080 acre-ft, on Clear Fork 39.4 mi upstream 
beginning in 1949; and by temporary retention in 8 retarding basins, combined capacity, 8,710 acre-ft, constructed 
between 1955 and 1961 upstream from Lancaster (see station 03156400).
EXTREMES OUTSIDE PERIOD RECORD.--Flood in March 1907 reached a stage of about 27 ft, site and datum then in use, from 
flood marks; discharge 50,000 ft3/s, estimated by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

					DAILY MEAN VALUES                                                
 DAY       OCT      NOV      DEC      JAN      FEB      MAR      APR      MAY      JUN      JUL      AUG      SEP
   1       267      209     3050      856     1460     4770     1800      527     1530      772      331      507
   2       264      198     4170      759     1280   e15000     1540      533     3540      702      297      461
   3       213      200     2210      743     1140   e17100     1320      914     2480      646      275      475
   4       194      199     1700      720     1390   e11100     1210     1600     1960      772      338      417
   5       182      188     1340     1720     6710     5860     1130     1370     1640      490      513      385
   6       172      198     1080     2830     6020     4680     1130     1170     1170      398      370      369
   7       164     e350      992     1740     3130     4140     1050     1030      878      350      282      340
   8       158     e900      886     1360     2240     3080      921      972      729      326      249      325
   9       157    e1700      806     e900     1820     2550      840     1710      648      312      263      324
  10       176    e1200      671    e1000     1560     5630      783     1570      578      305      240      333
  11       195     e940      615     e700     1420     7010      743     1200      520      307      235      372
  12       194     e740     1670     e600     1310     3940      797     1020      488      283      275      334
  13       170      632     2780     e540     1200     2910     1320     1010      506      262      288      289
  14       154      591     1730     e500     1150     2640     1240      912      748      249      695      274
  15       141      545     1320     e450     1230     3330     1120      790      630      231      530      260
  16       135      429     1110     e420     1170     2440     1020      760      491      222     1140      254
  17       126      384     2150     e400     1050     1920      971      650      740      213     3060      255
  18       150      427     4540     e380      991     1950      829      598     1160      205     8260      250
  19       244      503     2450     e360     1020     3660      764      573     1870      200    14800      236
  20      e470      506     1720     e350     1120     3300      718      725     1330      196    11000      234
  21      e380      468     1150     e340     1150     2540      679      677      873      191     4930      316
  22      e330      455      991     e450     1170     1980      653      550      675      182     3440      323
  23       293      442      970     e600     1070     1610      631      493      564      174     2490      265
  24       263      431     1570      808      938     1400      609      455      477      199     1840      239
  25       231      426     2310     2040      865     1290      588      507      422      317     1490      227
  26       225      597     1520     2480      905     2680      558     1880      394      267     1210      221
  27       233     1070     1410     1690     1100     2740      539     1430      371     1210     1000      214
  28       255      865     1150     5370     1110     2060      588     1010      351     2120      903      194
  29       257      737     1060     4810      ---     1750      618      925      318      871      723      192
  30       220      846     1050     2580      ---     2000      556      799      324      585      604      184
  31       216      ---      947     1800      ---     1850      ---      700      ---      420      548      ---
 TOTAL    6829    17376    51118    40296    46719   128910    27265    29060    28405    13977    62619     9069
 MEAN      220      579     1649     1300     1669     4158      909      937      947      451     2020      302
 MAX       470     1700     4540     5370     6710    17100     1800     1880     3540     2120    14800      507
 MIN       126      188      615      340      865     1290      539      455      318      174      235      184
 STATISTICS OF MONTHLY MEAN DATA FOR WATER YEARS 1916 - 1997, BY WATER YEAR (WY)                                 
 MEAN      245      544     1010     1438     1735     2136     1819     1365      767      505      425      300
 MAX      1539     3194     3830     7796     3928     5975     4268     5672     3143     2957     3054     2031
 (WY)     1976     1920     1924     1937     1951     1963     1940     1968     1928     1958     1980     1979
 MIN      36.1     46.4     64.5     75.5     91.6      262      385      174     77.8     52.2     39.6     44.8
 (WY)     1931     1954     1931     1931     1954     1931     1925     1934     1930     1930     1930     1930
 SUMMARY STATISTICS           FOR 1996 CALENDAR YEAR        FOR 1997 WATER YEAR           WATER YEARS 1916 - 1997
 ANNUAL TOTAL                      605884                     461643                                             
 ANNUAL MEAN                         1655                       1265                       1021                  
 HIGHEST ANNUAL MEAN                                                                       1794              1989
 LOWEST ANNUAL MEAN                                                                         233              1954
 HIGHEST DAILY MEAN                 10200     Jan 25           17100     Mar  3           31200       Mar 11 1964
 LOWEST DAILY MEAN                    126     Oct 17             126     Oct 17              10       Oct 11 1930
 ANNUAL SEVEN-DAY MINIMUM             153     Oct 12             153     Oct 12              24       Oct 11 1930
 INSTANTANEOUS PEAK FLOW                                       17400     Mar  3           32900       Mar 11 1964
 INSTANTANEOUS PEAK STAGE                                         22.95  Mar  3              24.18    Mar 11 1964
 INSTANTANEOUS LOW FLOW                                          118     Oct 17              10       Oct 11 1930
 10 PERCENT EXCEEDS                  4490                       2560                       2440                  
 50 PERCENT EXCEEDS                   912                        737                        430                  
 90 PERCENT EXCEEDS                   198                        221                         89             

e Estimated.

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