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Water Data Report 1997

Water Resources Data - Ohio, Water Year 97, Vol. 1 | Scioto River Basin


LOCATION.--Lat 39015'49", long 83010'01", Ross County, Hydrologic Unit 05060003, on upstream side of left abutment of 
highway bridge, 0.2 mi downstream from Sulfur Lick, 1.2 mi southwest of Bourneville, and 1.2 mi upstream from 
Upper Twin Creek.
DRAINAGE AREA.--807 mi2.
PERIOD OF RECORD.--October 1921 to January 1937, January 1938 to current year. Monthly discharge only for some periods, 
published in WSP 1305. Published as "at Bainbridge" October 1921 to September 1923 and as "near Bainbridge" January 
1938 to May 1939.
REVISED RECORDS.--WRD OH-72-1: 1971. WRD OH-76-1: 1993, 1994-95(M).
GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 665.56 ft above sea level. See WSP 1725 for history of changes prior 
to May 3, 1939.
REMARKS.--Records fair except for periods of estimated record, which are poor. Flow regulated by Paint Creek Lake  
17 mi upstream since 1971, capacity 145,000 acre-ft and Rocky Fork Lake 23 mi upstream since 1952, capacity, 
34,100 acre-ft. Water-quality and sediment data collected at this site. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers satellite 
telemeter at station.
EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Maximum discharge, 56,900 ft3/s Mar. 10, 1964, gage height, 20.50 ft, from rating 
curve extended above 30,000 ft3/s on basis of contracted-opening measurement at gage height 20.08 ft; minimum 
daily, 5 ft3/s Oct. 29, 1965.

03234000.html	DISCHARGE, CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, WATER YEAR OCTOBER 1996 TO SEPTEMBER 1997                   
					DAILY MEAN VALUES                                                
 DAY       OCT      NOV      DEC      JAN      FEB      MAR      APR      MAY      JUN      JUL      AUG      SEP
   1       498      209     1970      929     1280     4860      453     e320     3510     3660     e130      171
   2       733      207     2670      913      802     9710      402     e400     2350     3250     e110      166
   3       635      205     4920      897      789     3970      371    e1000     1270     5860      e90      136
   4       436      192     4180      878     3050     2050      343    e1600      422     4450      e80       77
   5       407      127     2220     1050     5540     1260      616    e1400      335     1870      e70       56
   6       196      119     1540     1060     5370     2670      701    e1300      681      674      e68       51
   7        86      126     1200      985     4460     6040      385    e1200     3220      601      e66       47
   8        74      234     1150      913     2350     5930      293     1190     5020      551      e66       45
   9        72      866      997     e700     2280     5910      271     1320     4910      478      e70       45
  10        71      828      726     e500     2220     6170      251     1200     4790      339      e76       45
  11        67      311      700     e350     1990     6320      258      627     4790      311      e82       45
  12        66      211      681     e300     1290     5940      372      634     4850      293      e86       46
  13       120      240      810     e280     1290     5590      375      706     4540      280       98       47
  14       115      232     1140     e270     1150     4280      398      611     2350      270      101       44
  15        58      238      971     e270     1090     3940      458      354      425      261      101       44
  16        53      278      578     e350      878     2570      416      328      371      249      112       44
  17        50      278     3700     e500      821     1860      505      309     1190      239      196       43
  18        61      298     4960     e600      773     1530      485      295     2280      231     1450       44
  19       278      311     4280     e330      623     3040      308      300     2600      224     2850       45
  20       464      306     4110      292      905     3210      292      475     3650      211     2150       50
  21      e400      307     3710      331     1180     2520      347      506     3700      153     1120       52
  22      e300      290      873      501     1150     1550     e310      348     3420      144     1780       52
  23      e280      186      598      638     1020     1490     e300      323     1370      144     1640       54
  24       266      175     1540     1130      779     1000     e290      309      901      146      817       54
  25       185      195     2840     2620      616     1020     e290      326      813      157      502       55
  26       141      871     2010     2150      586     1340     e450      634      526      149      424       57
  27       141     1280     1340     2140      746     1180     e580     1120      502     e140      323       57
  28       148     1210     1050     3890      803     1050     e450      895      481     e140      277       58
  29       206     1160      814     3580      ---     1390     e310      641      508     e150      198       60
  30       203     1210      911     2960      ---     1370     e280      574      756      189      185       57
  31       209      ---     1090     2700      ---      918      ---      517      ---     e160      177      ---
 TOTAL    7019    12700    60279    35007    45831   101678    11560    21762    66531    25974    15495     1847
 MEAN      226      423     1944     1129     1637     3280      385      702     2218      838      500     61.6
 MAX       733     1280     4960     3890     5540     9710      701     1600     5020     5860     2850      171
 MIN        50      119      578      270      586      918      251      295      335      140       66       43
 STATISTICS OF MONTHLY MEAN DATA FOR WATER YEARS 1971 - 1997, BY WATER YEAR (WY)                                 
 MEAN      322      696     1140     1190     1462     1750     1425     1335      836      436      305      250
 MAX      1446     2628     3159     2744     2982     4070     3087     4175     3103     1490     1827     2838
 (WY)     1991     1986     1991     1991     1990     1975     1989     1996     1996     1980     1980     1979
 MIN      40.0     75.0     41.9     37.8      211      213      151     95.7     59.9     55.0     40.7     34.6
 (WY)     1988     1992     1988     1977     1987     1983     1976     1976     1988     1988     1991     1983
 SUMMARY STATISTICS           FOR 1996 CALENDAR YEAR        FOR 1997 WATER YEAR           WATER YEARS 1971 - 1997
 ANNUAL TOTAL                      552388                     405683                                             
 ANNUAL MEAN                         1509                       1111                        926                  
 HIGHEST ANNUAL MEAN                                                                       1407              1996
 LOWEST ANNUAL MEAN                                                                         325              1977
 HIGHEST DAILY MEAN                  6690     Jan 28            9710     Mar  2           10100       May 29 1990
 LOWEST DAILY MEAN                     48     Sep 25              43     Sep 17              24       Oct  8 1993
 ANNUAL SEVEN-DAY MINIMUM              50     Sep 20              44     Sep 13              25       Jan 11 1988
 INSTANTANEOUS PEAK FLOW                                       13300     Mar  2           20300       Apr 10 1994
 INSTANTANEOUS PEAK STAGE                                         13.77  Mar  2              16.08    Dec 30 1990
 INSTANTANEOUS LOW FLOW                                           43     Sep 17              24       Oct  8 1993
 10 PERCENT EXCEEDS                  4850                       3460                       2590                  
 50 PERCENT EXCEEDS                   794                        501                        398                  
 90 PERCENT EXCEEDS                    61                         70                         61                  
e Estimated.

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