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Water Data Report 1997

Water Resources Data - Ohio, Water Year 97, Vol. 1 | Little Miami River Basin


LOCATION.--Lat 39010'17", long 84017'53", Clermont County, Hydrologic Unit 05090202, on right bank 500 ft downstream 
from Wooster Pike Bridge on U.S. Highway 50 in Milford, 1.2 mi upstream from East Fork, 6.4 mi downstream from 
North Branch Creek, and at mile 12.9.
DRAINAGE AREA.--1,203 mi2.
PERIOD OF RECORD.--July 1915 to September 1917, October 1917 to May 1920 (gage heights only), March 1925 to September 
1936, October 1938 to current year. Monthly discharge only for some periods, published in WSP 1305, published as 
"at Miamiville" 1915-20.
REVISED RECORDS.--WSP 728: 1931. WSP 743: 1932. WSP 873: 1925-36. WSP 1908: Drainage area.
GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 494.35 ft above sea level. June 22, 1915, to May 14, 1920, nonrecording 
gage at site 4 mi upstream at different datum. Mar. 11, 1925, to Aug.16,1928, nonrecording gage at bridge 500 ft 
upstream at datum 5.72 ft higher. Aug. 17, 1928, to Sept. 30, 1977, water-stage recorder at same site at datum 
5.00 ft higher.
REMARKS.--Records good except for periods of estimated discharge, which are fair. Some regulation since 1948 by Cowan 
Lake, capacity 12,000 acre-ft, 45 mi upstream on Cowan Creek, tributary to Todd Fork, and Caesar Creek Lake 
capacity 242,200 acre-ft 41.3 mi upstream on Caesar Creek. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers satellite telemeter at 
station. Water-quality and sediment data collected at this site.
EXTREMES OUTSIDE PERIOD OF RECORD.--Flood in March 1913 reached a stage of 30.5 ft, present datum, from information 
by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

					DAILY MEAN VALUES                                                
 DAY       OCT      NOV      DEC      JAN      FEB      MAR      APR      MAY      JUN      JUL      AUG      SEP
   1       671      491    10900      900     1460     6570     1500      588    28300     1290      260      233
   2       558      492     5750      880     1370    14300     1040      873     9410     1600      242      229
   3       499      653     5150      866     1360     6600      763     8420     6940     3960      233      234
   4       471      549     2590     1000     8240     5020      620     4350     6340     2660      230      249
   5       373      427     2130     1530     8380     3080      669     2600     5350      878      220      221
   6       284      440     2620     1410     5760     2680      778     1970     4600      585      220      208
   7       255      471     2140      885     4450     2060     e740     1650     3020      485      212      201
   8       240      676     1830      666     2830     1530     e640     2250     3160      438      202      227
   9       238      769     1320     e540     2820     1870     e610     3190     5880      396      202      283
  10       243      754     1090     e450     2290     6400      545     1760     4160      461      215      365
  11       239      722      981     e380     1530     3880      519     1100     3690      470      210      308
  12       231      506     1230     e360     1240     4710      711      862     1680      385      258      261
  13       224      442     1600     e350     1080     4120      973      769     1470      352      366      243
  14       219      371     1140     e330     1040     5390      734      692     1420      461      947      222
  15       216      333     1000     e320     1060     5560      615      602      983      529      911      245
  16       216      316     1140     e310      910     5000      560      596     1300      393      809      263
  17       209      309    12300     e310      807     4120      539      560     2350      334      928      257
  18       476      344     6110     e300      858     2580      523      529     9440      300     4220      255
  19       588      351     4890     e300      844     5120      499      498     5440      282     2330      222
  20       443      360     3860     e300      883     4000      479      508     3850      261     1960      201
  21       356      363     3370     e290      988     3220      527      490     1890      242     2420      230
  22       336      375     1880    e1500     1060     1900      560      450     1300      285     2390      234
  23       406      371     1880    e3000      960     1280      495      418     1080     1380     1030      199
  24       372      338     6400    e1500      763     1160      467      401      811     1670      622      197
  25       331      603     4260     3580      636     1030      456     1170      578      822      485      194
  26       291     6000     3150     1450      613      985      438     3170      548      541      369      192
  27       292     4210     2130     4290      922     1040      426     1730      552      376      322      181
  28       300     2930     1470    10400     1030      829      477     1700      501      354      298      167
  29       376     1420     1570     4750      ---     2610      490      858      552      341      278      165
  30       478     2320     1460     3530      ---     1750      444      679      676      359      260      161
  31       478      ---     1240     2160      ---     1910      ---     3420      ---      293      245      ---
 TOTAL   10909    28706    98581    48837    56184   112304    18837    48853   117271    23183    23894     6847
 MEAN      352      957     3180     1575     2007     3623      628     1576     3909      748      771      228
 MAX       671     6000    12300    10400     8380    14300     1500     8420    28300     3960     4220      365
 MIN       209      309      981      290      613      829      426      401      501      242      202      161
 CFSM      .29      .80     2.64     1.31     1.67     3.01      .52     1.31     3.25      .62      .64      .19
 IN.       .34      .89     3.05     1.51     1.74     3.47      .58     1.51     3.63      .72      .74      .21
 STATISTICS OF MONTHLY MEAN DATA FOR WATER YEARS 1916 - 1997, BY WATER YEAR (WY)                                 
 MEAN      353      806     1318     1900     2111     2461     2114     1667     1025      702      481      362
 MAX      2775     4189     5494     7131     4951     8212     5396     7594     4686     3542     3014     3711
 (WY)     1927     1986     1991     1949     1950     1945     1940     1996     1973     1958     1926     1979
 MIN      47.0     60.2     73.4     88.6      145      218      369      138      117     78.0     77.6     43.0
 (WY)     1954     1954     1935     1977     1954     1941     1941     1934     1925     1930     1930     1953
 SUMMARY STATISTICS           FOR 1996 CALENDAR YEAR        FOR 1997 WATER YEAR           WATER YEARS 1916 - 1997
 ANNUAL TOTAL                      930395                     594406                                             
 ANNUAL MEAN                         2542                       1629                       1276                  
 HIGHEST ANNUAL MEAN                                                                       2364              1996
 LOWEST ANNUAL MEAN                                                                         301              1954
 HIGHEST DAILY MEAN                 26400     Apr 29           28300     Jun  1           72400       Jan 22 1959
 LOWEST DAILY MEAN                    196     Sep 15             161     Sep 30              27       Sep 18 1954
 ANNUAL SEVEN-DAY MINIMUM             212     Sep  2             180     Sep 24              37       Sep 12 1964
 INSTANTANEOUS PEAK FLOW                                       39700     Jun  1 a         84100       Jan 22 1959
 INSTANTANEOUS PEAK STAGE                                         19.34  Jun  1              27.30    Jan 22 1959
 INSTANTANEOUS LOW FLOW                                          161     Sep 30              27       Sep 18 1954
 ANNUAL RUNOFF (CFSM)                   2.11                       1.35                       1.06               
 ANNUAL RUNOFF (INCHES)                28.77                      18.38                      14.42               
 10 PERCENT EXCEEDS                  6680                       4270                       3010                  
 50 PERCENT EXCEEDS                  1000                        679                        495                  
 90 PERCENT EXCEEDS                   267                        239                        112                  

a Peaks above base shown in table of peak discharges and stages at continuous-record surface-water-discharge stations.
e Estimated.

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