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Water Data Report 1997

Water Resources Data - Ohio, Water Year 97, Vol. 1 | Mill Creek Basin


LOCATION.--Lat 39012'07", long 84028'16", in SW 1/4 sec. 1, R.1, T.3, Hamilton County, Hydrologic Unit 05090203, on 
right bank at Anthony Wayne Avenue Bridge in Carthage, 1.0 mi downstream from West Fork Mill Creek, and 11.0 mi 
upstream from mouth.
DRAINAGE AREA.--115 mi2.
PERIOD OF RECORD.--November 1946 to current year.
REVISED RECORDS.--WDR-OH-95-1: 1993 (M). WSP 1908: Drainage area.
GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 507.00 ft above Ohio River datum. Prior to Oct. 1, 1954, at same site 
at datum 512.00 ft above Ohio River Datum. Oct. 1, 1954, to Sept. 30, 1977, at site 100 ft downstream at datum  
512.00 ft above Ohio River Datum. Oct. 1, 1977, to Oct. 16, 1984, at site 100 ft upstream at present datum.
REMARKS.--Records good except for periods of estimated record, which are poor. Some interbasin transfers of water 
between Mill Creek and Great Miami River basins by industrial and municipal operations. Flow regulated by West 
Fork Mill Creek Reservoir, 6.9 mi upstream, beginning 1953. Water-quality data collected at this site. Because 
of interbasin transfers and regulation, statistics are not published.
EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Maximum discharge, 9,030 ft3/s Sept. 14, 1979, gage height, 21.82 ft present datum, 
from rating curve extended above 4,000 ft3/s on basis of slope-area measurement of peak flow; no flow many days 
in 1947-48.
EXTREMES FOR CURRENT YEAR.--Maximum discharge, 5,740 ft3/s June 9, gage height, 16.30 ft; minimum daily, 18.0 ft3/s 
Sept. 1, 21, 23, 28.

					DAILY MEAN VALUES                                                
 DAY       OCT      NOV      DEC      JAN      FEB      MAR      APR      MAY      JUN      JUL      AUG      SEP
   1       119       33     1400       72      101     1170       92      223     2950      166       24       18
   2        77       29      456       94      107     1820       89      320      832       47       23       25
   3        52       26      300       69       95      456       66     1300      741       41       22       26
   4        49       26      241       67     1090      257       63      424      694       34       22       24
   5        42       26      250      173      622      166      137      358      618       32       23       23
   6        33       44      249      108      444      144      114      210      274       31       21       21
   7        33      137      153       90      218      261       71      152      103       32       22       21
   8        34      162      115       65      201      430       50      414      494       32       22       39
   9        41      106       82       81      154      598       45      236     1900       31       20      127
  10        34       89       77       78      141      669       45      153      764       29       24      162
  11        29       49       92      e54      121      591       46      104      540       30       25       80
  12        26       45      158      e47      106      416      229       77      202       28       38       35
  13        26       38      114      e44       97      336      110       53      109       27      204       24
  14        27       36      116      e42      112      654      141       59       71       32       69       21
  15        27       32       87      e40      102      343       89       45       53       35      420       22
  16        27       31      263      e39       92      193       71       53      412       41      106       29
  17        27       47     1660      e39       95      127       60       42      273       26      505       25
  18       485       65      450      e38       93      241       45       43     1260       26      624       21
  19       161       41      398      e38       73      350       45       38      416       24      300       22
  20       104       36      269      e40       72      190       53       41      286       22      162       21
  21        65       73      180      e45       90      146      100       36      112       23      102      e18
  22        69       52      133      504       88      105       80       35      162       39       59      e20
  23       149       40      220      173       58       80       46       34       76       72       45      e18
  24        56       39      737      202       56       80       56       34       70      135       33      e23
  25        44      334      251      210       53       97       43      483       48       37       30      e20
  26        64     1000      172      126      111      135       44      480       60       28       30      e23
  27        80      307      128     1010      173       87       50      156       47       47       31      e19
  28        65      199      109      895      118       90       72       86       41       63       30      e18
  29        58      146       91      454      ---      381       50      199      108       30       27      e19
  30        39      345      101      141      ---      198       59      155      106       25       26      e20
  31        39      ---       76      114      ---      145      ---     1170      ---       25       24      ---
 TOTAL    2181     3633     9128     5192     4883    10956     2261     7213    13822     1290     3113      984
 MEAN     70.4      121      294      167      174      353     75.4      233      461     41.6      100     32.8
 MAX       485     1000     1660     1010     1090     1820      229     1300     2950      166      624      162
 MIN        26       26       76       38       53       80       43       34       41       22       20       18

  e Estimated.

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