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Water Data Report 1997

Water Resources Data - Ohio, Water Year 97, Vol. 1 | Great Miami River Basi

                                  03264000 GREENVILLE CREEK NEAR BRADFORD, OHIO

LOCATION.--Lat 40006'08", Long 84025'48", in NW 1/4 sec. 34, T.9 N., R.4 E., Miami County, Hydrologic Unit 05080001, 
on left bank at downstream side of bridge on State Highway 721, 0.8 mi downstream from small left bank tributary, 
1.8 mi south of Bradford, and 6 mi upstream from mouth.
DRAINAGE AREA.--193 mi2.
PERIOD OF RECORD.--October 1930 to current year. Prior to April 1931, monthly discharge only, published in WSP 1305.
REVISED RECORDS.--WSP 803: 1933(M). WSP 1235: 1936, 1937(M). WSP 1908: Drainage area. WRD-OH-82-1: 1980.
GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 948.9 ft above sea level. Prior to Oct. 1, 1942, nonrecording gage at 
same site and datum. Apr. 6, 1962 to Nov. 13, 1963, water-stage recorder at site 200 ft downstream at same datum.
REMARKS.--Records good except for periods of estimated record, which are poor. Some diurnal fluctuation caused by 
mill 8 mi upstream from station; daily flows are not affected appreciably. Sediment data collected at this site.
COOPERATION.--Gage-height tapes and 11 discharge measurements furnished by Miami Conservancy District.
EXTREMES OUTSIDE PERIOD OF RECORD.--Flood in March 1913 reached a stage of 12.1 ft; discharge, 18,200 ft3/s, at site 
with drainage area of 213 mi2, computed by Miami Conservancy District.

                              DISCHARGE, CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, WATER YEAR OCTOBER 1996 TO SEPTEMBER 1997                   
                                                       DAILY MEAN VALUES                                                
 DAY       OCT      NOV      DEC      JAN      FEB      MAR      APR      MAY      JUN      JUL      AUG      SEP
   1        39       36      993      260      183      494     e300      124     4590      365       50       34
   2        35       33      864      243      168     1500     e250      126     4850      344       47       31
   3        30       30      386      225      172     1240      227      505     3440      197       46       29
   4        29       29      239      209      742      623      210      713     1440      147       45       28
   5        27       29      182      442     1840      757      219      419      765      123       42       28
   6        26       28      168      501      840     1430      233      302      552      107       39       28
   7        25       29      151      296      491      713      195      222      440      116       36       28
   8        25       71      141     e180      369      487      166      186      388      106       34       28
   9        25       89      122     e130     e250      418      152      180      372      144       34       27
  10        25       75      107     e100     e210      708      144      157      334      163       34       30
  11        25       69      117      e90     e190      513      138      139      286      121       33       38
  12        27       59      543      e80     e170      376      209      133      255      102       33       38
  13        26       52      700      e76     e160      325      411      125      259       94       37       32
  14        25       46      382      e72     e150      959      273      122      245       86       40       29
  15        24       42      252      e70     e140      882      209      115      203       81       41       28
  16        24       36      275      e70      138      449      183      105      182       74       42       27
  17        24       36     1580      e80      133      364      169      100      174       67       64       27
  18        37       43     1610     e100      133      360      157       99      287       63       71       25
  19        51       44      669      e90      163     e600      145      121      298       61       55       25
  20        44      e42      388      e70      200     e450      139      153      211       58       60       25
  21        36      e40      290     e100      356     e300      133      115      180       55       66       28
  22        36      e38      229      540      678     e220      133      104      175       60       55       26
  23        35      e37      247     1540      395     e200      130      100      171       62       48       25
  24        35      e40     1810      622      278     e180      126       96      150       60       44       27
  25        30       94     1760      427      219     e160      131      138      138       93       42       27
  26        28      835      628      288      213     e150      126      441      137       70       39       25
  27        29      522      417      275      941     e140      113      304      134       64       38       24
  28        29      264      400      648      853     e250      116      213      121       63       38       24
  29        29      179      479      365      ---     e700      142      178      113       58       38       23
  30        32      225      368      243      ---     e500      138      169      109       56       36       23
  31        36      ---      303      200      ---     e350      ---     1000      ---       53       36      ---
 TOTAL     948     3192    16800     8632    10775    16798     5417     7004    20999     3313     1363      837
 MEAN     30.6      106      542      278      385      542      181      226      700      107     44.0     27.9
 MAX        51      835     1810     1540     1840     1500      411     1000     4850      365       71       38
 MIN        24       28      107       70      133      140      113       96      109       53       33       23
 CFSM      .16      .55     2.81     1.44     1.99     2.81      .94     1.17     3.63      .55      .23      .14
 IN.       .18      .62     3.24     1.66     2.08     3.24     1.04     1.35     4.05      .64      .26      .16
 STATISTICS OF MONTHLY MEAN DATA FOR WATER YEARS 1931 - 1997, BY WATER YEAR (WY)                                 
 MEAN     56.2      112      179      248      278      331      320      219      184      109     69.5     48.6
 MAX       496      724      772     1430      844      826      783      935     1142      502      723      425
 (WY)     1987     1994     1991     1937     1950     1963     1964     1933     1958     1987     1979     1989
 MIN      10.7     14.9     13.5     14.9     15.9     48.2     58.7     27.7     21.6     13.9     8.93     10.7
 (WY)     1964     1935     1964     1945     1935     1941     1935     1941     1934     1934     1988     1941
 SUMMARY STATISTICS           FOR 1996 CALENDAR YEAR        FOR 1997 WATER YEAR           WATER YEARS 1931 - 1997
 ANNUAL TOTAL                      114321                      96078                                             
 ANNUAL MEAN                          312                        263                        179                  
 HIGHEST ANNUAL MEAN                                                                        302              1950
 LOWEST ANNUAL MEAN                                                                          52.8            1941
 HIGHEST DAILY MEAN                  3940     Jan 19            4850     Jun  2            7920       May 14 1933
 LOWEST DAILY MEAN                     24     Oct 15              23     Sep 29               5.3     Sep 17 1963
 ANNUAL SEVEN-DAY MINIMUM              25     Oct 11              25     Sep 24               6.4     Aug 25 1988
 INSTANTANEOUS PEAK FLOW                                        5470     Jun  1 a          9320       May 14 1933
 INSTANTANEOUS PEAK STAGE                                          9.56  Jun  1              10.31    Mar  5 1963
 INSTANTANEOUS LOW FLOW                                           23     Sep 29               4.8     Sep 17 1963
 ANNUAL RUNOFF (CFSM)                   1.62                       1.36                        .93               
 ANNUAL RUNOFF (INCHES)                22.03                      18.52                      12.59               
 10 PERCENT EXCEEDS                   798                        609                        395                  
 50 PERCENT EXCEEDS                   140                        133                         74                  
 90 PERCENT EXCEEDS                    30                         28                         21                  

a Peaks above base shown in table of peak discharges and stages at continuous-record surface-water-discharge stations.
e Estimated.

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