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Water Data Report 1997

Water Resources Data - Ohio, Water Year 97, Vol. 1 | Great Miami River Basin


LOCATION.--Lat 40003'28", long 84201'22", in SW 1/4 sec. 18, T.7 N., R.5 E., Miami County, Hydrologic Unit 05080001, 
on left bank at downstream side of bridge on Laurer Road, 0.8 mi northwest of Pleasant Hill, 2 mi downstream from 
Painter Creek, 2 mi upstream from Canyon Run, and at mile 28.35.
DRAINAGE AREA.--503 mi2.
PERIOD OF RECORD.--October 1916 to September 1928, October 1934 to current year. Monthly discharge only for some 
periods, published in WSP 1305. Gage-height records collected at same site March 1922 to December 1963 are 
contained in reports of the National Weather Service.
REVISED RECORDS.--WSP 523: 1917. WSP 1305: 1920(M). WSP 1908: Drainage area.
GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 846.73 ft above sea level. Prior to Dec. 23, 1934, nonrecording gage 
at same site and datum.
REMARKS.--Records good except for estimated daily discharges, which are poor. Sediment data collected at this site.
COOPERATION.--Gage-height tapes and 8 discharge measurements furnished by Miami Conservancy District.
EXTREMES OUTSIDE PERIOD OF RECORD.--Flood of March 25, 1913, reached a stage of 17.5 ft. Discharge at site about      
3 mi upstream, 51,400 ft3/s, computed by Miami Conservancy District. This stage is not comparable with present 
gage heights because of failure of levee in 1913.

					DAILY MEAN VALUES                                                
 DAY       OCT      NOV      DEC      JAN      FEB      MAR      APR      MAY      JUN      JUL      AUG      SEP
   1        89       62     3040      507     e320     1120     e560      202    13100      570      e74       61
   2        72       60     2210      474      340     4140      482      216    12000      588      e68       59
   3        65       58      871      435      387     2620      425     1220     6180      332      e66       56
   4        60       55      543      402     2130     1250      387     1750     2530      249      e62       48
   5        57       55      429     1210     4900     1880      376      795     1320      202      e60       48
   6        54       55      394     1120     1870     3620      407      543      904      175      e56       50
   7        52       62      353      550      975     1570      356      409      686      177      e54       50
   8        51       94      333     e340      675      939      300      356      578      170       61       47
   9        50      197      287     e250      502      771      276      340      545      194       63       57
  10        51      132      250     e200     e400     1670      261      294     e520      239       63       68
  11        51      124      315     e190     e350     1050      253      261     e500      184       65      105
  12        52      102     2290     e170     e320      677      338      251      480      155      e70       65
  13        48       78     2340     e160     e290      544      753      238      602      141      e76       55
  14        46      e66      985     e150     e270     2330      477      221      834      130       82       47
  15        47      e62      614     e180     e250     1880      371      207      429      121       86       46
  16        44      e60      709     e200     e240      833      324      190      340      113       80       45
  17        44      e66     5500     e170      237      627      305      182      312      100      113       42
  18        57      e68     4310     e150      248      626      286      181      686       91      142       38
  19        87      e66     1550     e140      305     1320      270      204     1060       90      112       36
  20        81      e64      766     e150      416      874      256      271      473       86      109       41
  21        70       60     e500     e210      896      656      244      217      348      e86      124       38
  22        63       57     e370    e1400     1840      546      237      184      325      e88      104       36
  23        61       57     e450    e3400      810      430      228      171      340      e92       85       36
  24        59       57     5530     1260      520      377      221      165      266      e94       75       37
  25        56      157     3700      813      420      363      218      187      240      e90       72       38
  26        51     2620     1240      535      417      353      207      622      239      e94       69       33
  27        54     1220      761      529     3320      316      192      484      224     e100       70       31
  28        55      548      778     1780     2280      310      213      345      201     e180       70       30
  29        55      373     1100      730      ---     2110      214      290      186     e150       65       32
  30        63      543      768     e400      ---     1210      202      305      185     e100       63       28
  31        63      ---      600     e350      ---     e800      ---     2260      ---      e80       63      ---
 TOTAL    1808     7278    43886    18555    25928    37812     9639    13561    46633     5261     2422     1403
 MEAN     58.3      243     1416      599      926     1220      321      437     1554      170     78.1     46.8
 MAX        89     2620     5530     3400     4900     4140      753     2260    13100      588      142      105
 MIN        44       55      250      140      237      310      192      165      185       80       54       28
 CFSM      .12      .48     2.81     1.19     1.84     2.42      .64      .87     3.09      .34      .16      .09
 IN.       .13      .54     3.25     1.37     1.92     2.80      .71     1.00     3.45      .39      .18      .10
 STATISTICS OF MONTHLY MEAN DATA FOR WATER YEARS 1917 - 1997, BY WATER YEAR (WY)                                 
 MEAN      133      295      455      620      723      929      841      480      462      269      148      118
 MAX      1313     1909     2437     3961     2177     2433     2513     1700     3334     1295     1823     2127
 (WY)     1927     1994     1991     1937     1950     1963     1922     1996     1958     1993     1979     1926
 MIN      11.7     19.3     16.0     21.5     44.0     79.8      131     44.6     33.7     22.2     14.1     14.9
 (WY)     1964     1964     1964     1977     1964     1941     1971     1941     1988     1977     1988     1954
 SUMMARY STATISTICS           FOR 1996 CALENDAR YEAR        FOR 1997 WATER YEAR           WATER YEARS 1917 - 1997
 ANNUAL TOTAL                      277083                     214186                                             
 ANNUAL MEAN                          757                        587                        454                  
 HIGHEST ANNUAL MEAN                                                                        775              1973
 LOWEST ANNUAL MEAN                                                                          99.3            1941
 HIGHEST DAILY MEAN                 12900     Jan 19           13100     Jun  1           17400       Jan 15 1937
 LOWEST DAILY MEAN                     35     Sep  8              28     Sep 30               4.0     Oct 17 1920
 ANNUAL SEVEN-DAY MINIMUM              39     Sep  2              33     Sep 24               8.1     Oct 11 1920
 INSTANTANEOUS PEAK FLOW                                       15500     Jun  1 a         26400       Jan 14 1937
 INSTANTANEOUS PEAK STAGE                                         16.02  Jun  1              18.46    Jun 29 1980
 INSTANTANEOUS LOW FLOW                                           28     Sep 30               4.0     Oct 17 1920
 ANNUAL RUNOFF (CFSM)                   1.51                       1.17                        .90               
 ANNUAL RUNOFF (INCHES)                20.49                      15.84                      12.27               
 10 PERCENT EXCEEDS                  2090                       1280                       1020                  
 50 PERCENT EXCEEDS                   269                        238                        144                  
 90 PERCENT EXCEEDS                    55                         54                         32                  

a Peaks above base shown in table of peak discharges and stages at continuous-record surface-water-discharge stations.
e Estimated.

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