Water Data Report 1997
03267000 MAD RIVER NEAR URBANA, OHIO LOCATION.--Lat 40006'27", long 83047'57", on west line of sec. 35, T.5 E., R. 11 N., Champaign County, Hydrologic Unit 05080001, on left bank at downstream side of bridge on U.S. Highway 36, 1.8 mi upstream from Dugan Run, 1.8 mi downstream from Muddy Creek, 2.5 mi west of Urbana, and at mile 39.7. DRAINAGE AREA.--162 mi2. PERIOD OF RECORD.--September 1925 to September 1931, August 1939 to current year. REVISED RECORDS.--WSP 1305: 1930(M), WSP 1505: 1956. WSP 1625: 1929. WSP 1908: Drainage area. GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 985.22 ft above sea level. Prior to May 18, 1930, nonrecording gage at same site and datum. May 18, 1930, to Sept. 30, 1931, nonrecording gage at site 600 ft downstream at datum 0.36 ft lower. Aug. 1 to Sept. 25, 1939, nonrecording gage at present site and datum. REMARKS.--Records good except for periods of estimated record, which are poor. Sediment data collected at this site. COOPERATION.--Gage-height tapes and 8 discharge measurements furnished by Miami Conservancy District. DISCHARGE, CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, WATER YEAR OCTOBER 1996 TO SEPTEMBER 1997 DAILY MEAN VALUES DAY OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1 130 104 518 220 177 256 223 162 1660 181 124 113 2 123 97 299 209 170 695 214 153 2550 172 123 109 3 112 96 225 202 168 373 209 541 708 202 124 105 4 108 95 195 197 642 312 205 381 506 166 134 106 5 106 101 180 239 712 366 211 268 420 159 124 106 6 105 99 175 216 342 484 217 247 363 157 119 106 7 104 99 166 e180 282 327 199 219 328 152 117 104 8 104 104 159 e170 252 292 192 218 302 149 116 104 9 102 102 153 e160 229 276 186 235 286 153 115 104 10 101 101 147 e150 220 436 184 210 269 150 113 104 11 101 99 194 e140 211 314 183 194 260 151 e110 106 12 102 98 239 e140 205 276 204 191 e250 151 e115 104 13 101 98 229 e135 191 259 214 182 e250 149 e120 99 14 100 98 181 e130 192 506 196 178 e240 145 122 98 15 98 96 165 e130 186 366 190 175 e230 142 121 98 16 98 95 170 e130 181 295 188 166 e220 139 119 97 17 98 95 992 e130 174 285 184 165 e230 136 161 93 18 103 95 445 e160 178 284 180 172 225 134 137 90 19 105 95 300 e130 209 316 178 196 216 133 126 90 20 99 95 244 e130 213 286 173 186 207 127 129 87 21 98 96 220 148 243 270 170 171 202 127 136 85 22 97 101 211 310 234 254 174 168 193 128 137 84 23 97 104 218 304 204 242 168 161 189 142 129 87 24 98 101 928 e190 191 230 165 158 185 138 125 85 25 96 109 370 e170 183 228 160 173 180 132 125 85 26 95 442 285 e160 183 228 158 217 174 128 123 85 27 95 219 261 e150 434 221 159 174 168 132 122 81 28 95 169 258 371 294 216 162 162 164 141 120 78 29 97 151 254 207 --- 298 157 157 162 129 118 77 30 104 193 234 192 --- 252 156 154 158 129 118 e75 31 106 --- 225 185 --- 241 --- 223 --- 125 118 --- TOTAL 3178 3647 8840 5685 7100 9684 5559 6357 11495 4499 3840 2845 MEAN 103 122 285 183 254 312 185 205 383 145 124 94.8 MAX 130 442 992 371 712 695 223 541 2550 202 161 113 MIN 95 95 147 130 168 216 156 153 158 125 110 75 CFSM .63 .75 1.76 1.13 1.57 1.93 1.14 1.27 2.37 .90 .76 .59 IN. .73 .84 2.03 1.31 1.63 2.22 1.28 1.46 2.64 1.03 .88 .65 STATISTICS OF MONTHLY MEAN DATA FOR WATER YEARS 1926 - 1997, BY WATER YEAR (WY) MEAN 85.1 102 132 174 202 225 222 189 164 135 103 86.2 MAX 355 315 473 730 523 567 486 620 507 454 302 250 (WY) 1987 1973 1991 1950 1950 1963 1948 1996 1947 1993 1995 1926 MIN 29.3 29.7 27.8 36.7 33.8 65.3 90.7 61.7 59.3 41.8 35.8 30.3 (WY) 1964 1964 1964 1964 1964 1992 1953 1941 1962 1954 1963 1963 SUMMARY STATISTICS FOR 1996 CALENDAR YEAR FOR 1997 WATER YEAR WATER YEARS 1926 - 1997 ANNUAL TOTAL 94305 72729 ANNUAL MEAN 258 199 151 HIGHEST ANNUAL MEAN 245 1996 LOWEST ANNUAL MEAN 58.1 1954 HIGHEST DAILY MEAN 1560 May 11 2550 Jun 2 5740 Mar 5 1963 LOWEST DAILY MEAN 77 Jan 14 75 Sep 30 24 Feb 2 1945 ANNUAL SEVEN-DAY MINIMUM 78 Jan 9 81 Sep 24 25 Feb 1 1945 INSTANTANEOUS PEAK FLOW 3890 Jun 2 a 8000 Jan 22 1959 INSTANTANEOUS PEAK STAGE 8.69 Jun 2 12.05 Jan 22 1959 INSTANTANEOUS LOW FLOW 73 Sep 30 24 Feb 2 1945 ANNUAL RUNOFF (CFSM) 1.59 1.23 .93 ANNUAL RUNOFF (INCHES) 21.66 16.70 12.69 10 PERCENT EXCEEDS 512 298 270 50 PERCENT EXCEEDS 189 166 110 90 PERCENT EXCEEDS 98 98 51 a Peaks above base shown in table of peak discharges and stages at continuous-record surface-water-discharge stations. e Estimated