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Water Data Report 1997

Water Resources Data - Ohio, Water Year 97, Vol. 1 | Great Miami River Basin


LOCATION.--Lat 39055'23", long 83052'13", in NW 1/4 sec. 16, R.9, T.4, Clark County, Hydrologic Unit 05080001, on 
right bank 150 ft downstream from Rock Run, 300 ft downstream from bridge on Lower Valley Pike, 2 mi downstream 
from Buck Creek, 3 mi west of Springfield, and at mile 24.1.
DRAINAGE AREA.--490 mi2.
PERIOD OF RECORD.--January 1904 to March 1906 (fragmentary), February 1914 to current year. Monthly discharge only 
for some periods, published in WSP 1305.
REVISED RECORDS.--WSP 603: 1924. WSP 823: 1929(M). WSP 1305: 1914(M), 1916-17(M), 1922-23(M), 1925(M). WSP 1625: 
1924(M). WSP 1908: Drainage area.
GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 881.42 ft above sea level. Jan. 1, 1904, to Mar. 31, 1906, nonrecording 
gage at site 0.3 mi downstream at different datum. Feb. 1, 1914, to Feb. 29, 1924, nonrecording gage at site 
1.8 mi upstream at datum 6.39 ft higher. Mar. 1, l924, to July 31, 1925, nonrecording gage at site 300 ft upstream 
at same datum.
REMARKS.--Records good except those for periods of estimated record, which are poor. Some regulation by C.J. Brown 
Reservoir, 8.3 mi upstream on Buck Creek, since 1972. Occasional low-flow regulation by powerplant 2.3 mi upstream; 
daily flows are not affected appreciably. Water-quality data collected at this site.
COOPERATION.--Gage-height charts, tapes, and 9 discharge measurements furnished by Miami Conservancy District.
EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Maximum discharge, 30,500 ft3/s Jan. 21, 1959, gage height, 15.76 ft, from rating 
curve extended above 14,000 ft3/s on basis of slope-area and contracted opening measurements of peak flow;       
minimum daily discharge, 30 ft3/s Sept. 15, 1904.
EXTREMES OUTSIDE PERIOD OF RECORD.--Flood of March 25, 1913, reached a stage of 16.9 ft, present datum; discharge, 
55,400 ft3/s computed by Miami Conservancy District.

					DAILY MEAN VALUES                                                
 DAY       OCT      NOV      DEC      JAN      FEB      MAR      APR      MAY      JUN      JUL      AUG      SEP
   1       420      299     2160      635      509      734      502      382     6060      848      278      270
   2       419      293     1220      583      488     2530      478      433     4950      544      264      269
   3       383      290      915      511      490     1320      466     1620     2320      595      256      268
   4       389      289      772      507     1900     1060      455     1100     1820      497      370      263
   5       384      290      726      814     2240      964      504      798     1640      465      293      253
   6       378      289      674      674     1350     1230      498      705     1350      449      289      249
   7       376      340      533      570      946      927      451      615     1020      442      282      241
   8       350      322      507      530      807      834      429      649      960      433      267      232
   9       320      314      471      539      720      909      418      655      909      533      260      232
  10       319      304      448      521      663     1470      435      588      911      448      258      246
  11       315      305      443      447      601     1020      429      537     1020      412      258      250
  12       310      322      563      487      578      855      520      502      834      380      274      233
  13       306      320      615      454      539      790      504      476      707      369      366      230
  14       303      318      524      415      542     1570      454      476      670      367      279      237
  15       275      303      469      438      518     1170      430      453      575      355      311      235
  16       246      287      490     e430      495      912      422      419      776      344      274      237
  17       296      310     2620     e380      479      843      418      399      985      334      863      246
  18       432      301     1910     e500      495      913      407      404      797      325      655      242
  19       380      310     1050     e420      598     1010      397      456      855      324      487      239
  20       362      337      919      373      633      885      387      439      866      309      640      272
  21       359      358     1040      367      732      806      385      412      649      340      556      281
  22       354      323      962     1120      705      744      383      404      542      323      390      283
  23       387      293      568     1160      601      684      376      401      523      468      357      287
  24       339      293     2330      856      559      647      370      380      507      364      332      284
  25       265      677     1230      656      538      635      362      394      493      334      326      280
  26       275     1520      929      540      556      592      342      459      502      318      315      277
  27       273      760      816      820      978      512      346      401      468      337      302      277
  28       276      595      806     1340      777      497      367      379      443      413      294      279
  29       299      549      791      765      ---      642      346      394      430      340      286      279
  30       300      882      715      691      ---      578      339      382      471      320      281      282
  31       299      ---      669      538      ---      546      ---      719      ---      307      274      ---
 TOTAL   10389    12393    28885    19081    21037    28829    12620    16831    35053    12637    10937     7753
 MEAN      335      413      932      616      751      930      421      543     1168      408      353      258
 MAX       432     1520     2620     1340     2240     2530      520     1620     6060      848      863      287
 MIN       246      287      443      367      479      497      339      379      430      307      256      230
 CFSM      .68      .84     1.90     1.26     1.53     1.90      .86     1.11     2.38      .83      .72      .53
 IN.       .79      .94     2.19     1.45     1.60     2.19      .96     1.28     2.66      .96      .83      .59
 STATISTICS OF MONTHLY MEAN DATA FOR WATER YEARS 1974 - 1997, BY WATER YEAR (WY)                                 
 MEAN      362      440      564      593      696      732      714      679      604      507      366      333
 MAX      1081      904     1583     1177     1409     1279     1174     2106     1371     1284      947     1279
 (WY)     1987     1986     1991     1991     1975     1978     1996     1996     1980     1993     1979     1979
 MIN       176      204      188      189      235      251      312      240      174      189      162      177
 (WY)     1989     1978     1977     1977     1992     1983     1976     1988     1988     1988     1988     1977
 SUMMARY STATISTICS           FOR 1996 CALENDAR YEAR        FOR 1997 WATER YEAR           WATER YEARS 1974 - 1997
 ANNUAL TOTAL                      305800                     216445                                             
 ANNUAL MEAN                          836                        593                        548                  
 HIGHEST ANNUAL MEAN                                                                        792              1996
 LOWEST ANNUAL MEAN                                                                         279              1977
 HIGHEST DAILY MEAN                  6050     Apr 29            6060     Jun  1            8200       Jan 31 1982
 LOWEST DAILY MEAN                    230     Jan 13             230     Sep 13             100       Jan 26 1977
 ANNUAL SEVEN-DAY MINIMUM             239     Jan  9             237     Sep  8             103       Jan 24 1977
 INSTANTANEOUS PEAK FLOW                                        9350     Jun  1           12200       Jun 29 1980
 INSTANTANEOUS PEAK STAGE                                         11.05  Jun  1              11.88    Jun 29 1980
 INSTANTANEOUS LOW FLOW                                          230     Sep 13             100       Jan 26 1977
 ANNUAL RUNOFF (CFSM)                   1.71                       1.21                       1.12               
 ANNUAL RUNOFF (INCHES)                23.22                      16.43                      15.20               
 10 PERCENT EXCEEDS                  1840                        970                       1010                  
 50 PERCENT EXCEEDS                   555                        451                        397                  
 90 PERCENT EXCEEDS                   285                        277                        221                  
 e Estimated.

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