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Water Data Report 1997

Water Resources Data - Ohio, Water Year 97, Vol. 1 | Great Miami River Basin


LOCATION.--Lat 39023'28", long 84034'20", in NE 1/4 sec. 6, T.1 N., R.3 E., Butler County, Hydrologic Unit 05080002, 
on right bank 1,000 ft downstream from Columbia Bridge at Hamilton, 3 mi downstream from Four Mile Creek, 4.3 mi 
upstream from Pleasant Run, and at mile 34.8.
DRAINAGE AREA.--3,630 mi2.
PERIOD OF RECORD.--January 1907 to June 1909 (fragmentary), January 1910 to September 1918, April 1927 to current   
year. Monthly discharge only for some periods, published in WSP 1305. Gage-height records collected at site 0.7 mi 
upstream since 1911 are contained in reports of National Weather Service. Prior to October 1962, published as 
Miami River at Hamilton.
REVISED RECORDS.--WSP 803: 1936. WSP 1908: Drainage area.
GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 499.98 ft above sea level. Prior to Apr. 12, 1927, nonrecording gage 
at site 0.7 mi upstream at datum 64.65 ft higher.
REMARKS.--Records excellent except for periods of estimated record, which are fair. Some regulation and diversion at 
low flow by industrial plants upstream from station. Flood flow regulated by five retarding basins upstream from 
station beginning in 1920 (see REMARKS for station numbers 03271500 and 03272000). The Miami and Erie Canal 
diverted water from the basin 1.7 mi upstream from station until Nov. 1, 1930, when the canal was abandoned; 
amount of diversion not known. Water-quality and water-temperature data collected at this site.
COOPERATION.--Gage-height charts, tapes, and 8 discharge measurements furnished by Miami Conservancy District.
EXTREMES OUTSIDE PERIOD OF RECORD.--Maximum discharge, 352,000 ft3/s Mar. 26, 1913, gage height 38.5 ft, site and 
datum then in use, computed by Miami Conservancy District.

					DAILY MEAN VALUES                                                

 DAY       OCT      NOV      DEC      JAN      FEB      MAR      APR      MAY      JUN      JUL      AUG      SEP
   1      1830      931    17500     4830     3950    13400     5380     2640    37100     3480      936      739
   2      1520      901    17200     4390     3510    27700     4540     2510    37000     4750      904      741
   3      1300      884    10700     4050     3320    21300     3850    16400    34700     6670      849      834
   4      1170      883     6900     3700    12000    14400     3450    11200    26100     5020      821      753
   5      1090      867     5240     5050    23400     9500     3320     8520    19800     3810      846      632
   6      1050      867     5260     7020    19200    11300     3580     6020    14700     2790      870      623
   7      1030      894     4150     5890    12800    13700     3390     4530    11700     2300      891      658
   8      1000     1250     3570     4310     8350     9410     3040     4010     8330     2010      882      645
   9       975     1210     3200     3670     6570     7940     2720     4020     6990     1920      808      616
  10       917     1190     2870     3510     5470    14000     2510     3500     5000     2440      792      840
  11       890     1260     2630     2880     4710    11100     2480     3160     4290     2040      799     1040
  12       883     1170     4220     2170     4140     7910     2830     2900     3970     1870      714     1040
  13       867     1100    11800     1900     3720     6220     3360     2650     3550     1610     1620      792
  14       867     1050    11300    e1800     3430    11000     3680     2440     3710     1480     1200      716
  15       853     1030     7630    e1700     3340    13400     3210     2400     3920     1440      983      732
  16       837      994     6910    e2400     3100     9660     2780     2290     3260     1380     1030      727
  17       803      924    27500    e2000     2840     6820     2630     2130     4110     1270     1260      680
  18      1340      949    28100    e1800     2640     6830     2500     2090     4700     1180     3770      647
  19      1500      992    20300    e1600     2750     9880     2460     2080     4790     1090     2240      659
  20      1140      992    12600    e1500     3120     8240     2350     2160     5290      980     2270      609
  21      1070      995     7460    e1900     3770     6490     2320     2150     3920      968     2250      613
  22      1060     1010     6150     8340     5880     5480     2240     2060     3040     1180     1680      607
  23      1090     1000     5290    12500     6750     4680     2130     1910     2620     1190     1380      607
  24      1110      977    16500    11300     4900     4140     2030     1800     2490     1760     1200      607
  25      1020     1340    21400     8110     3870     3770     2050     2510     2240     1390     1130      614
  26       924    12200    14400     5500     3510     3690     2000     2700     2110     1260     1040      591
  27       970    11600     9310     8470     5250     3460     1930     3100     2080     1130      956      576
  28       950     6280     6680    12600    12700     3240     1980     2990     2020     1200      904      555
  29       902     4140     6790     8760      ---     3950     2000     2560     1930     1460      840      544
  30       964     4590     6730     5810      ---     8400     1960     2290     2010     1160      762      531
  31       953      ---     5660     4620      ---     6470      ---     6450      ---     1010      718      ---
 TOTAL   32875    64470   315950   154080   178990   287480    84700   118170   267470    63238    37345    20568
 MEAN     1060     2149    10190     4970     6393     9274     2823     3812     8916     2040     1205      686
 MAX      1830    12200    28100    12600    23400    27700     5380    16400    37100     6670     3770     1040
 MIN       803      867     2630     1500     2640     3240     1930     1800     1930      968      714      531
 CFSM      .29      .59     2.81     1.37     1.76     2.55      .78     1.05     2.46      .56      .33      .19
 IN.       .34      .66     3.24     1.58     1.83     2.95      .87     1.21     2.74      .65      .38      .21
 STATISTICS OF MONTHLY MEAN DATA FOR WATER YEARS 1927 - 1997, BY WATER YEAR (WY)                                 

 MEAN     1036     1981     3314     4992     5226     6150     5854     4252     3177     2197     1399      953
 MAX      6728    10060    13280    29460    14410    15590    13760    17390    14860     7995     7613     4382
 (WY)     1987     1973     1991     1937     1950     1963     1964     1996     1958     1958     1979     1979
 MIN       279      287      323      434      502      826     1219      602      445      335      391      319
 (WY)     1964     1935     1935     1977     1964     1941     1941     1934     1934     1936     1936     1963
 SUMMARY STATISTICS           FOR 1996 CALENDAR YEAR        FOR 1997 WATER YEAR           WATER YEARS 1927 - 1997

 ANNUAL TOTAL                     2303597                    1625336                                             
 ANNUAL MEAN                         6294                       4453                       3364                  
 HIGHEST ANNUAL MEAN                                                                       5778              1973
 LOWEST ANNUAL MEAN                                                                         931              1954
 HIGHEST DAILY MEAN                 50700     Apr 29           37100     Jun  1           73900       Jan 22 1959
 LOWEST DAILY MEAN                    683     Sep 15             531     Sep 30             155       Sep 27 1941
 ANNUAL SEVEN-DAY MINIMUM             742     Sep  2             574     Sep 24             201       Sep 26 1941
 INSTANTANEOUS PEAK FLOW                                       43500     Jun  1          108000       Jan 21 1959
 INSTANTANEOUS PEAK STAGE                                         71.50  Jun  1              79.47    Jan 21 1959
 INSTANTANEOUS LOW FLOW                                          531     Sep 30             155       Sep 27 1941
 ANNUAL RUNOFF (CFSM)                   1.73                       1.23                        .93               
 ANNUAL RUNOFF (INCHES)                23.61                      16.66                      12.59               
 10 PERCENT EXCEEDS                 17200                      11300                       7760                  
 50 PERCENT EXCEEDS                  2880                       2490                       1610                  
 90 PERCENT EXCEEDS                   916                        839                        506                  

e Estimated.

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