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Water Data Report 1997

Water Resources Data - Ohio, Water Year 97, Vol. 1 | Scioto River Basin

                                         RESERVOIRS IN SCIOTO RIVER BASIN

03220500 O'Shaughnessy Reservoir near Dublin.--Lat 40009'14", long 83007'33", Delaware County, Hydrologic 
Unit 0506001, in gate house of dam on Scioto River, 4.0 mi north of Dublin.
   DRAINAGE AREA.--979 mi2.
   PERIOD OF RECORD.--October 1924 to current year.
   GAGE.--water-stage recorder. Monthend contents only for some periods published in WSP 1305. Datum of gage is      
sea level (levels by city of Columbus). Prior to Dec. 2, 1940, nonrecording gage at same site and datum.
   REMARKS.--Reservoir is formed by concrete dam; dam completed and storage begun in 1924. Usable capacity, 
14,500 acre-ft, between elevations 789.5 ft (sill of outlet gate) and 845 ft (crest of spillway), based on 
survey made in 1942. Flashboards installed May 8, 1945, additional capacity, 2,480 acre-ft, between elevations 
845 ft (crest of spillway) and 847.9 ft (crest of flashboards). Dead storage below elevation 789.5 ft,    
55 acre-ft. Figures given herein represent usable contents. Water used for municipal supply of city of Columbus 
and recreational purposes. Reservoir also used for power generation since July 1987. Capacity table computed 
from data furnished by city of Columbus.
   EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.-- Maximum contents, 24,240 acre-ft Jan. 22, 1959, elevation, 854.40 ft; minimum, 
43 acre-ft Feb. 11, 1945, elevation, 791.97 ft.
   EXTREMES FOR CURRENT YEAR.--Maximum contents, 22,400 acre-ft Jun. 2, elevation, 852.90 ft; minimum, 16,520 acre-ft 
Sept. 30, elevation, 847.41 ft.

03221500 Griggs Reservoir near Columbus.--Lat 40000'54", long 83005'38", Franklin County, Hydrologic Unit 05060001, 
on left abutment of dam on Scioto River, 6.2 mi northwest of State Capitol building in Columbus, and 6.5 mi 
upstream from Olentangy River.
   DRAINAGE AREA.--1,044 mi2.
   PERIOD OF RECORD.--January 1921 to current year.
   GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Monthend contents only for some periods, published in WSP 1305. Daily readings have 
been obtained by city of Columbus, Division of Water, since 1908. Datum of gage is 680.38 ft above sea level 
(levels by city of Columbus). Prior to Oct. 4, 1940, nonrecording gage at same site and datum.
   REMARKS.--Reservoir formed by concrete dam; dam completed and storage begun in 1905. Usable capacity,              
3,700 acre-ft between elevations 735.4 ft (lowest outlets) and 753.4 ft (crest of spillway), based on survey 
made in 1935. Flashboards installed July 28, 1945, additional capacity, 750 acre-ft, between elevations      
753.4 ft (crest of spillway) and 755.6 ft (crest of flashboards). Dead storage below elevation 735.4 ft,        
239 acre-ft. Figures given herein represent usable contents. Water is used for municipal supply of city of 
Columbus and recreational purposes. Capacity table computed from data furnished by city of Columbus.
   EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.-- Maximum contents, 7,490 acre-ft Jan. 22, 1959, elevation, 763.91 ft; minimum,   
38 acre-ft Jan. 24, 1945, elevation, 735.78 ft.
   EXTREMES FOR CURRENT YEAR.--Maximum contents, 6,970 acre-ft Jun. 2, elevation 762.50 ft; minimum, 4,350 acre-ft 
Sept. 30, elevation 755.33.

03228400 Hoover Reservoir at Central College.--Lat 40006'30", long 82052'59", in T.2 N., R.17 W., Franklin County, 
Hydrologic Unit 05060001, in gate house of dam on Big Walnut Creek, 0.5 mi northeast of Central College, and 
12 mi northeast of Columbus.
   DRAINAGE AREA.--190 mi2.
   PERIOD OF RECORD.--March 1955 to current year.
   REVISED RECORDS.--WRD OH-78-1: 1975 (M).
   GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is sea level. Prior to Sept. 10, 1956, nonrecording gage at same site 
and datum.
   REMARKS.--Reservoir formed by earthfill dam with concrete spillway; dam completed in 1954 and storage begun in 
March 1955. Usable capacity, 60,130 acre-ft between elevations 830.0 ft (lowest outlet) and 890.0 ft (crest of 
spillway). Additional flood-control storage above elevation 890.0 ft by bascule gates installed in May 1970, 
25,750 acre-ft. Dead storage below elevation 830.0 ft, 214 acre-ft. Figures given herein represent usable 
contents. Reservoir is used for municipal supply of city of Columbus and for recreational purposes. Outflow is 
controlled mostly by operation of valves in tunnel through dam, but above spillway level bascule gates can be 
used. Capacity table computed from data furnished by city of Columbus.
   EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD: Maximum contents, 83,260 acre-ft, Feb. 24, 1975, elevation, 897.26 ft; minimum, 
19,010 acre-ft Mar. 1, 1964, elevation, 868.58 ft.
   EXTREMES FOR CURRENT YEAR: 87,480 acre-ft Jun. 2, elevation, 898.45 ft; minimum, 36,510 acre-ft Nov. 25, elevation, 
880.18 ft.

		  03220500			 03221500		         03228400
Date  	Elevation Contents  Change in  Elevation Content   Change in  	Elevation Contents  Change in
	(ft)	  (acre-ft) contents   (feet)	 (acre-ft) contents  	(ft)	  (acre-    contents
			    (acre-ft)			   (acre-ft)		  ft)	    (acre-ft)
Sept. 30  848.69  17,750    		756.74	 4,820  	 	885.22    47,650
Oct.  31  848.53  17,590    -160	756.31	 4,690	   -130		882.48	  41,230     -6,420	
Nov.  30  849.21  18,270    +680	758.28	 5,400	   +710		882.30	  40,830       -400
Dec.  31  848.86  17,920    -350	757.03	 4,940	   -460		892.38	  66,800    +25,970
Calendar year 1996	    +160			 +1,305				     +9,730
Jan.  31  848.64  17,770    -220	756.93	 4,910	    -30		894.40	  73,250     +6,450	
Feb.  28  849.48  18,550    +850	757.94	 5,280	   +370		894.58	  73,860       +650
Mar.  31  848.71  17,700    -780	757.02	 4,940	   -340		894.57	  73,820	-40
Apr.  30  848.05  17,110    -660	756.46	 4,740	   -200		893.53	  70,370     -3,450
May.  31  849.78  18,870  +1,760     	758.37	 5,440	   +700		895.26	  76,200     +5,830
June  30  848.65  17,710  -1,160     	756.57	 4,780	   -660		893.82	  71,300     -4,900
July  31  848.52  17,580    -130	756.49	 4,750	    -30		892.58	  67,400     -3,900
Aug.  31  848.48  17,540     -40    	756.40   4,720	    -30		892.76	  67,940       +540
Sept. 30  847.43  16,540  -1,000     	755.52	 4,420	   -300		890.10	  60,400     -7,540
Water year 1997		  -1,210			   -400				    +12,790

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