Water Data Report NJ-98-1
AbstractThis volume of the annual hydrologic data report of New Jersey is one of a series of annual reports that document hydrologic data gathered from the U.S. Geological Survey's surface- and ground-water data-collection networks in each State, Puerto Rico, and the Trust Territories. These records of streamflow, ground-water levels, and water quality provide the hydrologic information needed by state, local and federal agencies, and the private sector for developing and managing our Nation's land and water resources. |
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Reed, T.J., Centinaro, G.L., Dudek, J.F., Corcino, V., Steckroat, G .C., and McTigure, R.C., 1999, Water Resources Data - New Jersey, Water Year 1998, Volume 1, Surface-Water Data: U.S. Geological Survey Water Data Report NJ-98-1, 281 p.
List of surface-water stations, in downstream order, for which records are published
List of discontinued surface-wter discharge stations
List of discontinued low-flow stations
Summary of hydrologic condtions
Special networks and programs
Explanation of records
Current water-resources projects in New Jersey
Water-related reports for New Jersey completed in recent years
Water-related articles for New Jersey completed in recent years
Water-related fact sheets for New Jersey completed in recent years
Access to USGS water data
Definition of terms
Selected references
Publications on Techniques of Water-Resources Investigatoins
Station records, surface water