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Assisting in the collection of the data were the following gage observers:

Richard Kemnitz, Colville River at Umiat

Ed LaChapelle, McCarthy Creek near McCarthy

Dick Levitt, Kahtaheena River near Gustavus

Brian Omann, Sawmill Creek and Blue Lake near Sitka

Dean Orbison, Sawmill Creek and Green Lake near Sitka

Steve Paustian, Kadashan River near Tenakee

Alan Peck, Moody Creek near Aleknagik

Eric Sundberg, Greens Creek at Greens Creek Mine near Juneau

Tom Walters, Terror River near Kodiak

Bob Walworth, Tatalina River near Takotna

Ray Williams, Iliamna River near Pedro Bay

John Borg, Yukon River at Eagle

Rob Gieck, Sagavanirktok River Tributary near Pump Station 3

John Martinisko, Ikalukrok River below Red Dog Creek near Kivalina

Organizations that supplied data are acknowledged in station descriptions.