#ReachSampleID SUID OrigSUID STAID Reach ReachCollectionDate SampleType ReviewStatus REFLOC Collector HABQUAL REACHCOM STAGE STAGEMD DISCH DISCHMD CHMOD REACHLEN TRANDIS USRCHEND DSRCHEND USBMBK DSBMBK USBMDESC DSBMDESC RCHGRAD THGRAD RCHGRAMD STRMTYP Comments InsertDate UpdateDate 22119 UIRB UIRB 05540032 A 7/10/2000 14:16 REACH R Gary`s mill road Bridge "Adolphson, Debbie L., Gaebler, Stensvold, Krista A" Good stream was in falling stage heavy rains the night before Lightly affected 300 30 20 320 Both 20 m DS of Garys Mill Road garys mill road bridge 320 meters downstream stream was in falling stage heavy rains the night before 8/2/2000 17:55 6/25/2003 17:06