Available Data

05530510 Willow Creek at Des Plaines River Road near Rosemont, IL

(Station list)  (Map)

Text Files of Habitat Data

Habitat data for this station are contained in the following tab-delimited text files. An explanation of column headers can be accessed at this link.
Reach (2000) -- General description of the sampled reach.
Geomorphic Channel Unit (2000) -- Fluvial geomorphic descriptors of channel shape and stream velocity (for example pool, riffle, or run).
Transect (2000) -- Channel and bank measurements made along transects (cross sections) within each reach.
Transect Points (2000) -- Channel and substrate measurements and observations at points along a transect (cross section).

Additional data for this station:
Station Descriptions
Surface-Water Data
Water Discharge and Stage
Partial Record
Water Quality
Biological Data
Algae   (2000)
Benthic Macroinvertebrates
Annual Tables   (2000)
Text Files   (2000)
Annual Tables   (2001)
Text Files   (2001)
Annual Tables   (2000)
Text Files   (2000)

Table of Contents


Station Descriptions

Surface-Water Data

Ground-Water Data

Meteorological Data

Biological Data