Station list     Available data

05593520                         CROOKED CREEK NEAR HOFFMAN, IL

LOCATION.--Lat 38°30'25", long 89°16'24", in NE1/4NE1/4 sec.26, T.1 N., R.2 W., Washington County, Hydrologic Unit 07140202, on left bank at downstream side of bridge on County Highway 24, 2.2 mi southwest of Hoffman, 4.8 mi southeast of Posey, about 9 mi upstream from State Highway 127, and at mile 20.9.

DRAINAGE AREA.--254 mi2.

PERIOD OF RECORD.--October 1968 to September 1974, October 1998 to September 1999 (gage heights only). October 1974 to September 1998 (discharge).

GAGE.--Water-stage recorder and crest-stage gage. Datum of gage is 420.19 ft above sea level.

REMARKS.--U.S. Army Corps of Engineers satellite telemeter at station.

EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Maximum gage height, 17.40 ft, May 17, 1990; minimum observed, 1.77 ft, Sept. 22, 1976.

EXTREMES FOR CURRENT YEAR.--Maximum gage height, 15.04 ft, Jan. 23; minimum, 2.49 ft, Oct. 5.
1 2.81 3.07 3.22 3.18 13.68 9.34 3.60 4.66 3.12 3.77 2.64 3.31
2 2.69 3.07 3.22 3.30 13.79 6.91 3.56 4.04 8.71 11.04 2.63 3.31
3 2.61 3.26 3.18 3.71 13.07 5.01 6.17 3.67 6.30 12.43 2.58 3.35
4 2.56 3.44 3.22 4.46 10.03 4.43 13.27 3.51 5.28 12.08 2.57 3.36
5 2.52 3.98 3.23 5.21 6.26 4.14 13.46 5.80 10.49 6.77 2.65 3.35
6 2.63 3.80 3.20 4.78 4.95 9.31 13.49 11.43 7.82 4.10 2.64 3.35
7 2.86 3.46 3.20 4.20 12.50 10.46 13.27 12.84 5.27 3.53 2.59 3.35
8 2.88 3.26 3.28 3.87 13.94 8.07 13.09 11.70 5.16 3.28 4.16 3.36
9 3.12 3.15 3.24 3.72 13.65 11.58 11.54 6.24 6.99 3.31 3.63 3.35
10 3.15 3.42 3.28 3.64 12.18 12.56 8.67 4.45 4.59 11.34 2.94 3.37
11 2.95 5.39 3.29 3.59 7.68 12.31 6.11 3.98 4.58 9.03 2.76 3.35
12 2.78 6.54 3.25 3.56 11.82 8.22 4.83 3.82 8.04 4.75 2.72 3.35
13 2.69 4.99 3.23 7.87 11.36 5.27 4.30 5.90 4.85 3.72 2.76 3.33
14 2.68 3.85 3.21 12.22 8.31 5.02 3.98 4.45 7.46 3.33 2.83 3.31
15 2.68 3.50 3.18 12.41 6.09 4.32 7.93 3.88 8.85 3.15 2.88 3.30
16 2.71 3.37 3.13 10.12 4.88 4.08 8.80 3.71 5.50 3.01 2.95 3.28
17 2.76 3.31 3.10 9.54 4.87 3.94 7.14 3.84 4.11 2.92 3.08 3.33
18 2.85 3.24 3.14 13.17 4.82 3.80 5.92 4.20 3.64 2.86 3.09 3.34
19 3.27 3.16 3.17 13.35 4.59 3.68 5.25 3.66 3.42 2.81 3.06 3.34
20 3.15 3.11 3.19 13.50 4.29 3.57 4.77 3.50 3.27 2.80 3.06 3.35
21 3.28 3.12 3.20 12.65 4.06 3.50 4.26 3.56 3.13 3.36 3.06 3.36
22 3.31 3.13 3.74 13.52 3.88 3.45 4.03 3.45 3.04 2.94 3.04 3.38
23 3.11 3.08 4.11 14.83 3.77 7.55 3.87 3.31 3.00 2.75 3.03 3.37
24 2.95 3.05 4.66 14.11 3.80 10.43 3.72 3.20 3.74 2.66 3.19 3.34
25 2.88 3.10 4.05 13.22 3.91 8.91 3.57 3.13 4.43 2.66 3.19 3.33
26 2.83 3.11 3.61 10.45 4.04 6.32 3.52 3.07 3.54 4.66 3.20 3.32
27 2.80 3.13 3.38 6.50 5.30 4.92 3.97 3.01 3.31 3.73 3.38 3.30
28 2.84 3.12 3.27 5.22 7.59 4.18 3.90 2.97 3.27 3.18 3.32 3.28
29 2.87 3.11 3.23 5.36 --- 3.95 5.17 2.93 3.59 2.94 3.31 3.34
30 2.88 3.12 3.21 5.41 --- 3.78 5.42 2.89 3.41 2.82 3.30 3.36
31 3.03 --- 3.20 9.50 --- 3.66 --- 2.88 --- 2.69 3.31 ---

MEAN 2.88 3.51 3.35 8.07 7.83 6.34 6.69 4.63 5.06 4.66 3.02 3.34
MAX 3.31 6.54 4.66 14.83 13.94 12.56 13.49 12.84 10.49 12.43 4.16 3.38
MIN 2.52 3.05 3.10 3.18 3.77 3.45 3.52 2.88 3.00 2.66 2.57 3.28

WTR YR 1999 MEAN 4.93 MAX 14.83 MIN 2.52

Table of Contents


Station Descriptions

Surface-Water Data

Ground-Water Data

Meteorological Data

Biological Data