Help for the Java Map

How To Use the Map

The map offers seven main options as follows:

  1. zoom or pan the map,
  2. link to a station's "Available Data" page,
  3. find stations by station number or map feature,
  4. display stations by data type,
  5. display features such as streams,
  6. display stations by year(s) of available data, and
  7. increase or decrease text or symbol sizes.

Zooming and panning the map

To pan the map (move it so a different area is visible), click and hold any mouse button over the map and move the mouse in the direction you want the map to move. A black bullseye will appear to show the center of the map.

To zoom the map, first pan the map so the are of interest is in the center of the black bullseye. Then either (1) click and drag the slider at the upper right corner of the map to the new magnification level desired, or (2) click on the zoom scale to move the slider directly to the new magnification level. The point at the center of the window stays stationary while the map zooms.

Listing the data available for a station

When your mouse cursor is positioned over a station or feature, the name of the station or feature appears at the bottom of the map. Clicking on a station on the map will display the "Available Data" page for that station. Clicking on a feature will do nothing.

Finding stations and other features on the map

To find stations or other features on the map, enter any text in the "Find" box and press "Enter" or click the "Go" box. The "Find" function will locate any stations and any loaded features that contain the exact text entered.

A red bullseye will show the location of the first station or feature found. If more than one station and/or feature is found, "next" and "prev" boxes become active. These boxes can be used to cycle through the found stations and features. Stations are shown first followed by map features. Click the "clear" box to hide the bullseye and return to the text entry box.

Displaying only data of a certain type

To show only stations for which a certain type of data exists, click in the check box next to the name of the data type at the upper left corner of the map.

Displaying only stations with data from a certain period

To display only stations with data for a certain year or period of years, enter the year or years into the box below the label "Show stations by year(s):". These years are entered as water years, which start on October 1 of the previous year and end on September 30 of the current year. Periods are entered by inserting a hyphen (-) between the beginning and ending years. Separate years or periods of years can also be entered by inserting a semicolon (;) between the discrete years. Example: "1985;1990-1995;1999."

Displaying map layers (features)

To display or hide any of the layers listed at the lower left of the map, click the check box next to the layer name. The first time a check box is clicked, the map will load the corresponding file. Once the file is loaded, clicking the checkbox again will not cause any files to be loaded. Also, items from all loaded files will be searched when the "Find" box is used.

Changing text and icon sizes

To change the size of the text used for station numbers and feature names, click the "+" and "-" boxes next to the word "Text" in the lower left corner of the map. Text will appear on the map after zooming the map for more detail.

To change the size of the symbols used to show where stations are on the map, click the "+" and "-" boxes next to the word "Symbols" in the lower left corner of the map.

Running the Java Map


Check that Java is enabled in your browser:

Netscape Navigator

  1. Open the Preferences window using Edit -> Preferences....
  2. Click on Advanced.
  3. Check that a check appears next to "Enable java".

Microsoft Windows 3.1

You can download Netscape version 4.08 or 3.0.
Java applets may also be viewed using IBM's ADK for Windows 3.1.

Microsoft Windows 95 or later, and Windows NT

Netscape Navigator

If Netscape gives the error "Security exception" while loading files, please use Internet Explorer to view the map. Usually Netscape can be convinced to load the files by changing the location text a little bit, but I have not discovered the pattern.


If you are viewing this report from a CD-ROM, you must install the Joliet File System for Mac OS extension to allow your browser to read the long file names that are required by Java.

Printing the Java Map

Microsoft Windows

Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher

Use the Print option on the browser's File menu.

Netscape Navigator (all versions) or
Internet Explorer (4.5 and lower)

  1. Press and hold one of the "Alt" keys on your keyboard.
  2. Press and release the "Print Screen" or "Prt Sc" key on your keyboard.
  3. Release the "Alt" key.
  4. Start your imaging program:
    • If you have Microsoft Photo Editor, run it.
      If you have another imaging program you are familiar with, it can also be used.
    • Otherwise, if you have Microsoft Word, run it.
      If you have another word processor you are familiar with, it can also be used.
    • Otherwise, you must use Paintbrush. It splits the map into two halves and prints them on separate sheets. Paintbrush is usually located at: Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> Paint.
  5. Paste the picture into the running program using the Paste item on the Edit menu.
  6. If you are using a word processor, resize the picture as necessary so it fits on the page.
  7. Use the Print item on the File menu to print the picture.


Netscape Navigator 4.76 or lower

  1. Print the map to a file using the "Print to: File" option on the Print dialog box.
  2. Use the "lp" command to print the resulting file to the printer of your choice.

Table of Contents


Station Descriptions

Surface-Water Data

Ground-Water Data

Meteorological Data

Biological Data