Column Explanations for Fish Community Data

File Type: Sample Description

Column name Column Description
SampleID Sample ID - an arbitrary, unique integer used to identify the sample
STAID USGS station id number
StationName USGS station name
Reach Reach identifier
CollectionDate Date when sample collection began
SampleType Type of sample collected

File Type: Individual Measurements

Column name Column Description
FishSampleID Fish Sample ID - an arbitrary, unique integer that identifies a fish-community Sample
SUID Four-letter abbreviation for NAWQA study unit
STAID USGS station id number
Reach Reach name
CollectionDate Date and time when sample collection began
SampleType Type of sample
Collector Person or persons responsible for collecting the sample
EntryOrdNum Entry Order Number -- the order in which fish record was entered in database. Unique within sample. Can be re-used for different samples.
Method Fish method code
ShockSec Electroshocking time in seconds
NumHauls Number of Seine, text
NumSets Number of Sets, text
NumTrans Number of Transects, text
ScientificName Scientific name of taxon
CommonName Common or vernacular name of taxon
LabFlag Lab Flag - flag indicating whether specimen(s) were identified in the lab (T) or In the field (F)
FishSLen Fish Standard Length - standard fish length, millimeters
FishTLen Total fish length, in millimeters
FishWt Fish weight, in grams
Abund Abundance - number of individual fish
FishSpecialist Fish Specialist - name of taxonomist who identified fish
ErodeFinFlag Fish anomaly flag indicating presence of eroded fins
DeformFlag Fish anomaly flag indicating presence of deformities
LesionFlag Fish anomaly flag indicating presence of external lesions
TumorFlag Fish anomaly flag indicating presence of external tumors
AnchWormFlag Fish anomaly flag indicating presence anchor worms
BlakSpotFlag Fish anomaly flag indicating presence of black spot.
LeachFlag Fish anomaly flag indicating presence of leaches
FungusFlag Fish anomaly flag indicating presence of fungus
FishIchFlag Fish anomaly flag indicating presence of ich
NoEyesFlag Fish anomaly flag indicating blind or no eyes
ParasiteFlag Fish anomaly flag indicating presence of visible external or subcutaneous Parasites
PopeyeFlag Fish anomaly flag indicating presence of popeye
NoAnomFlag Fish anomaly flag indicating no anomalies were found
NoCharFlag Fish anomaly flag indicating fish was not examined (characterized) for anomalies (T = not characterized, F = characterized)
Voucher Voucher, text
FishComm Fish Comments, text
InsertDate Date and time record for fish sample was inserted in Sample table
UpdateDate Date and time record for fish sample was last updated in Sample table

File Type: Species Abundance

FishSampleID Fish Sample ID - an arbitrary, unique integer that identifies a fish-community sample
SMCOD NAWQA sample identification code
OriginalSUID four letter abbreviation for the study unit that collected the sample
SUID Four-letter abbreviation for NAWQA study unit
STAID USGS station id number or temporary alternative
Reach Reach name (REACHSEQ)
CollectionYear Calendar year when sample was collected
CollectionDate Date and time when sample collection began
TaxonCurrentID Unique BioTDB identifier for taxon
ITISNum Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) taxonomic serial number
TaxonLevel Taxonomic rank of the taxon
HybridFlag Boolean flag indicating whether taxon is a hybrid
Abundance Number of individuals captured in sample.
ScientificName Scientific name of taxon
CommonName Common or vernacular name of taxon
Phylum Taxonomic Phylum
SubPhylum Taxonomic Subphylum
Class Taxonomic Class
Order_ Taxonomic Order
Family Taxonomic Family
Genus Taxonomic Genus
Species Taxonomic Species
Variety Taxonomic Variety

Table of Contents


Station Descriptions

Surface-Water Data

Ground-Water Data

Meteorological Data

Biological Data