USGS Water-Data Report ND-04-1
Prepared in cooperation with the State of North Dakota and with other agencies
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Water-resources data for the 2004 water year for North Dakota consists of records of discharge, stage, and water quality for streams; contents, stage, and water quality for lakes and reservoirs; and water levels and water quality for ground-water wells. Volume 1 contains records of water discharge for 106 streamflow-gaging stations; stage only for 23 river-stage stations; contents and/or stage for 14 lake or reservoir stations; annual maximum discharge for 31 crest-stage stations; and water-quality for 92 streamflow-gaging stations, 6 river-stage stations, 15 lake or reservoir stations, 22 miscellaneous sample sites on rivers, and 67 miscellaneous sample sites on lakes and wetlands. Data are included for 5 water-quality monitor sites on streams and 2 precipitation-chemistry stations. These data represent that part of the National Water Data System operated by the U.S. Geological Survey and cooperating Federal, State, and local agencies in North Dakota.
Report documentation page
List of surface-water stations, in downstream order, for which records are published in this volume
List of precipitation sites, for which chemical-quality data are published in this volume
List of discontinued surface-water discharge or stage-only stations
List of discontinued continuous-record surface-water-quality stations
Summary of hydrologic conditions
Chemical quality of streamflow
Downstream order and station number
Numbering system for well and miscellaneous sites
Special networks and programs
Explanation of stage- and water-discharge records
Data collection and computation
Data presentation
Station manuscript
Peak discharge greater than base discharge
Data table of daily mean values
Statistics of monthly mean data
Summary statistics
Identifying estimated daily discharge
Accuracy of field data and computed results
Other data records available
Explanation of precipitation records
Data collection and computation
Data presentation
Explanation of water-quality records
Collection and examination of data
Water analysis
Surface-water-quality records
Classification of records
Accuracy of the records
Arrangement of records
On-site measurements and sample collection
Water temperature
Laboratory measurements
Data presentation
Remark codes
Water-quality-control data
Blank samples
Reference samples
Replicate samples
Spike samples
Access to USGS water data
Definition of terms
Station records
Discharge measurements at partial-record stations and miscellaneous sites
Crest-stage partial-record stations
Miscellaneous discharge measurement sites
Analyses of samples collected at water-quality partial-record stations and miscellaneous sites
Analyses of samples collected at miscellaneous water-quality lake sites
Analyses of samples collected at Spirit Lake Reservation water-quality sites
Analyses of samples collected at Lake Sakakawea water-quality sites
Analyses of samples collected at Red River of the North miscellaneous water-quality sites
Chemical quality of precipitation
Map showing location of active surface-water gaging stations.
Map showing location of active surface-water-quality stations.
Comparison, by climatological division, of monthly precipitation, water year 2004, to normal monthly precipitation, 1971-2000.
Comparison of monthly mean discharge during water year 2004 to mean monthly discharge for the period of record.
Devils Lake water levels for the period of record and for water years 1993-2004.
System for numbering miscellaneous sites (latitude and longitude).
System for numbering miscellaneous sites (township and range).
Statistical summary of specific-conductance values for the period of record and listing of measured specific-conductance values for water year 2004.
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