LOCATION.-- Lat 41°09'36", long 87°40'07" (NAD of 1927), in SW1/4NE1/4 sec.24, T.31 N., R.13 E., Kankakee County, Hydrologic Unit 07120001, on right bank at end of Hill Street in Momence, 0.2 mi downstream from bridge on State Highways 1 and 17, 1.2 mi upstream from Tower Creek, and at mile 47.9. |
DRAINAGE AREA.-- 2,294 mi2, of which 201 mi2 probably is noncontributing. |
DISCHARGE: February to December 1905, February to July 1906, December 1914 to current year. |
STAGE: Water years 1994 to current year. |
CHEMICAL: Water years 1975-1991 and 1999 to current. Additional chemical data for water years 1959-72 are published in Water-Resources Investigations 78-23 and 79-24 as site F 02. |
SEDIMENT: October 1978-September 1981, January 1993-December 1995. |
MISCELLANEOUS: Contaminants in streambed sediments, August 1998; Contaminants in fish tissue, August 1998. |
ALGAE: Water years 1989-90, and 1999. |
FISH: Water year 1999. |
HABITAT: Water year 1999-2000. |
REVISED RECORDS.-- WSP 1238: 1916, 1930. WSP 1308: 1915(M), 1917(M), 1919(M), 1922(M), 1926(M), 1934-35(M), 1938(M). WDR IL-75-1: Drainage area. |
GAGE.-- Water-stage recorder, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers satellite telemeter. Datum of gage is 609.18 ft above NGVD of 1929 (608.88 ft NAVD 1988). Prior to Aug. 1, 1938, nonrecording gage at site 0.2 mi upstream at datum 1.00 ft higher. Aug. 1, 1938, to Aug. 8, 1969, water-stage recorder at present site at datum 1.00 ft higher. |
SURFACE-WATER DISCHARGE AND STAGE: Maximum discharge, 16,000 ft3/s, Mar. 6, 1979, gage height, 10.51 ft, ice jam; minimum, 243 ft3/s, Aug. 7, 1988. |
SUSPENDED-SEDIMENT CONCENTRATIONS: Maximum daily, 2,620 mg/L, June 9, 1981; minimum daily, 4 mg/L, Feb. 22, Apr. 30, May 3, 4, 1993. |
SUSPENDED-SEDIMENT LOADS: Maximum daily, 30,600 tons, May 30, 1981; minimum daily, 23 tons, Nov. 23, 1980. |
REMARKS FOR CURRENT YEAR.--Fish community samples were collected as part of the National Water-Quality Assessment program (NAWQA) in the Upper Illinois River Basin. Taxonomy is based on Robins and others (1991), except where modified for the family Moronidae (Johnson, 1984) and the order Cyprinidontiformes (Parenti, 1981). Collection methods followed Meador and others (1993). Collections were made with a boat electroshocker and seine. Fishes were identified by C. A. Taylor, Illinois Natural History Survey, Champaign. Reach A is located 803 ft downstream of the Highway 17 bridge in Momence, (lat 41°09'39.94", long 87°39'56.75") and continues downstream for 984 ft which includes the area next to the gaging station. |
Order | |||||
Family | Number | ||||
Scientific name | Common name |
Reach A 8/18/1999 |
Atheriniformes | |||||
Atherinopsidae | |||||
Labidesthes sicculus | brook silverside | 1 | |||
Cypriniformes | |||||
Catostomidae | |||||
Carpiodes cyprinus | quillback | 3 | |||
Hypentelium nigricans | northern hog sucker | 2 | |||
Moxostoma anisurum | silver redhorse | 1 | |||
Moxostoma carinatum | river redhorse | 3 | |||
Moxostoma erythrurum | golden redhorse | 2 | |||
Moxostoma macrolepidotum | shorthead redhorse | 34 | |||
Cyprinidae | |||||
Cyprinella spiloptera | spotfin shiner | 7 | |||
Cyprinus carpio | common carp | 6 | |||
Luxilus chrysocephalus | striped shiner | 1 | |||
Nocomis biguttatus | hornyhead chub | 2 | |||
Notropis chalybaeus | ironcolor shiner | 1 | |||
Notropis rubellus | rosyface shiner | 3 | |||
Notropis stramineus | sand shiner | 2 | |||
Pimephales notatus | bluntnose minnow | 7 | |||
Pimephales vigilax | bullhead minnow | 2 | |||
Semotilus atromaculatus | creek chub | 1 | |||
Cyprinodontiformes | |||||
Fundulidae | |||||
Fundulus notatus | blackstripe topminnow | 1 | |||
Esociformes | |||||
Esocidae | |||||
Esox americanus vermiculatus | grass pickerel | 2 | |||
Esox lucius | northern pike | 1 | |||
Perciformes | |||||
Centrarchidae | |||||
Ambloplites rupestris | rock bass | 8 | |||
Lepomis cyanellus | green sunfish | 3 | |||
Lepomis macrochirus | bluegill | 1 | |||
Lepomis megalotis | longear sunfish | 5 | |||
Micropterus dolomieu | smallmouth bass | 10 | |||
Micropterus salmoides | largemouth bass | 3 | |||
Percidae | |||||
Etheostoma flabellare | fantail darter | 1 | |||
Etheostoma nigrum | johnny darter | 4 | |||
Etheostoma zonale | banded darter | 2 | |||
Percina caprodes | logperch | 7 | |||
Percina maculata | blackside darter | 2 | |||
Siluriformes | |||||
Ictaluridae | |||||
Ictalurus punctatus | channel catfish | 10 |
Table of Contents |
Introduction |
Station Descriptions |
Surface-Water Data |
Ground-Water Data |
Meteorological Data |
Biological Data |