#ReachSampleID SUID OrigSUID STAID Reach ReachCollectionDate SampleType ReviewStatus REFLOC Collector HABQUAL REACHCOM STAGE STAGEMD DISCH DISCHMD CHMOD REACHLEN TRANDIS USRCHEND DSRCHEND USBMBK DSBMBK USBMDESC DSBMDESC RCHGRAD THGRAD RCHGRAMD STRMTYP Comments InsertDate UpdateDate 30068 LIRB LIRB 05553500 A 9/9/1998 8:30 REACH R "Red buoy at the top of Hit Island, just downstream of the confluence of the Illinois and Fox Rivers. " "Harris,Mitchell,Adolphson,Debbie,Fazio,D,Stammer,S" Good Dredged 1200 -40 Both Both "located 40 m US of red buoy, which is located at top of Hitt Island DS of confluence of Fox and Illinois Rivers" 4 9/29/2000 21:39 7/2/2003 12:42