#ReachSampleID SUID OrigSUID STAID Reach ReachCollectionDate SampleType ReviewStatus REFLOC Collector HABQUAL REACHCOM STAGE STAGEMD DISCH DISCHMD CHMOD REACHLEN TRANDIS USRCHEND DSRCHEND USBMBK DSBMBK USBMDESC DSBMDESC RCHGRAD THGRAD RCHGRAMD STRMTYP Comments InsertDate UpdateDate 137953 UIRB UIRB 05525500 A 8/19/2004 9:15 REACH R US boundary begins downstream of the County Road 1100 N bridge "MA Harris, JL Hogan, DJ Fazio, DO Bratz" Fair "high stage, could not access thalweg points at some transects" 3.94 Wire-wt gage 80 Gage Not Modified 250 25 156 406 Both Both "Downstream of CR1100N bridge; rebar, blazed trees, tree tags" "rebar, blazed trees, tree tags" "high stage, could not access thalweg points at some transects" 9/8/2004 9:38 9/13/2005 17:17