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LOCATION.-- Lat 41°01'08", long 89°50'08" (NAD of 1983), in SE1/4SE1/4 sec.17, T.12 N., R.6 E., Stark County, Hydrologic Unit 07130005, on left bank at upstream side of bridge on West Jersey Road (County Road 300 N), 4.5 mi southwest of Wyoming and at mile 4.9.


DRAINAGE AREA.-- 62.7 mi2.





DISCHARGE: October 1959 to current year.


STAGE: Water years 1994 to current year.



CHEMICAL: Water years 1978-91 and 1998.


SEDIMENT: October 1980 to September 1981.




WATER TEMPERATURE: Water year 1981.


MISCELLANEOUS: Contaminants of streambed sediments, August 1996; contaminants of fish tissue, August 1996; streambank sediment size, October 1997; streambed sediment size, October 1997.



ALGAE: Water years 1996-98.




FISH: Water years 1996-98.


HABITAT: Water years 1996-1998, 2003.


REVISED RECORDS.-- WDR IL-75-1: Drainage area.


GAGE.-- Water-stage recorder, phone telemeter, and crest-stage gage. Datum of gage is 606.78 ft above NGVD of 1929 (606.53 ft NAVD 1988). Prior to Oct. 1, 1994, at same site at datum 10.00 ft. higher.



SURFACE-WATER DISCHARGE AND STAGE: Maximum discharge, 6,540 ft3/s, from rating curve extended above 1,400 ft3/s, on basis of contracted-opening measurement of peak flow, June 22, 1974; gage height, 23.81 ft (present datum); no flow, Sept. 25, 26, and part of each day Oct. 7, 8, 13, 1988.

SUSPENDED-SEDIMENT CONCENTRATIONS: Maximum daily mean, 11,100 mg/L Apr. 14, 1981; minimum daily mean, 20 mg/L Feb. 6-17, 1981.

SUSPENDED-SEDIMENT LOADS: Maximum daily, 31,100 tons Apr. 14, 1981; minimum daily, 0.35 ton Feb. 14, 1981.


REMARKS FOR CURRENT YEAR.--Algae community samples were collected as part of the National Water-Quality Assessment program (NAWQA) in the lower Illinois River Basin. A quantitative sample was collected in accordance with NAWQA protocols (Cuffney and others, 1993). Reach A begins 607 ft upstream of the road 450 N bridge (1.95 mi upstream of the gage) and continues upstream for 568 ft. Reach B begins 1818 ft upstream of the road 450N bridge and continues upstream for 564 ft. Reach C begins 2877 ft upstream of the road 450N bridge and continues upstream for 558 ft.

PERIPHYTON ALGAE, QUANTITATIVE, DTH (Depositional-targeted habitat)
[sp., species; Chlorophyta, Green algae; Cyanophyta, Blue-green algae; Chrysophyta, Golden algae, for example diatoms; Cryptophyta, Cryptophytes; Euglenophyta, Euglenoids; Pyrrhophyta, Dinoflagellates; Rhodophyta, Red algae]

Quantitative sample

Reach A

Amphora pediculus (Kützing) Grunow 42197.42449 3971791.125
Craticula molestiformis (Hustedt) Lange-Bertalot 21098.71018 2465898.95
Cyclotella atomus Hustedt 35164.52247 2949477.915
Cyclotella meneghiniana Kützing 344612.3186 297782579.4
Cymatopleura solea var. apiculata (Smith) Ralfs 7032.90202 42888100.78
Mayamaea atomus (Kützing) Lange-Bertalot 70329.04494 1972336.652
Melosira lineata Agardh 14065.80816 14375734.32
Navicula arvensis Hustedt 21098.71018 1569538.654
Navicula cincta (Ehrenberg) Ralfs 119559.3756 74885475.68
Navicula germainii Wallace 21098.71018 13926474.65
Navicula gregaria Donkin 98460.66127 27464946.54
Navicula menisculus Schumann 14065.80816 4927314.041
Navicula reichardtiana Lange-Bertalot 7032.90202 918037.4948
Navicula subminuscula Manguin 28131.61633 2048554.345
Navicula symmetrica Patrick 35164.52247 40263248.49
Navicula trivialis Lange-Bertalot 7032.90202 7668698.232
Nitzschia acicularis (Kützing) Smith 1244824.103 232858075.8
Nitzschia dissipata (Kützing) Grunow 28131.61633 7151767.766
Nitzschia frustulum (Kützing) Grunow 28131.61633 1385345.646
Nitzschia inconspicua Grunow 168789.7062 5840108.913
Nitzschia palea (Kützing) Smith 1603502.234 485594560.7
Nitzschia palea var. debilis (Kützing) Grunow 590763.98 100726667.3
Nitzschia palea var. tenuirostris Grunow 77361.94696 26713431.74
Rhoicosphenia abbreviata (Agardh) Lange-Bertalot 14065.80816 7171374.836
Surirella minuta Brébisson 70329.04494 60105384.97
Lyngbya aestuarii (Mertens) Liebmann 16504.53956 2528329.813
Oscillatoria limnetica Lemmermann 226937.4189 7855751.544
Phormidium formosum 70144.29313 2591145.109
Trachelomonas volvocina Ehrenberg 12378.40467 18193967.64

Reach B

Cosmarium granulatum West 4364.63553 12334460
Amphora pediculus (Kützing) Grunow 88134.46108 8295569.566
Cyclotella meneghiniana Kützing 368562.2938 318477966.6
Gyrosigma scalproides (Rabenhorst) Cleve 16024.44509 23480245.9
Navicula arvensis Hustedt 8012.22254 596031.3631
Navicula canalis Patrick 24036.66763 7994391.811
Navicula cincta (Ehrenberg) Ralfs 184281.1447 115423663.9
Navicula erifuga Lange-Bertalot 16024.44509 7022693.061
Navicula germainii Wallace 48073.33963 31731425.29
Navicula gregaria Donkin 224342.2662 62578782.91
Navicula minima Grunow 64097.78909 2569337.432
Navicula reichardtiana Lange-Bertalot 8012.22254 1045872.77
Navicula rostellata Kützing 16024.44509 14203936.97
Navicula subminuscula Manguin 32048.89454 2333811.943
Navicula symmetrica Patrick 48073.33963 55043796.52
Navicula tripunctata (Müller) Bory 16024.44509 14965821.15
Navicula trivialis Lange-Bertalot 16024.44509 17473104.76
Nitzschia acicularis (Kützing) Smith 1498285.847 280270890.1
Nitzschia dissipata (Kützing) Grunow 8012.22254 2036909.442
Nitzschia frustulum (Kützing) Grunow 16024.44509 789126.191
Nitzschia gracilis Hantzsch ex Rabenhorst 64097.78909 25562369
Nitzschia inconspicua Grunow 80122.23418 2772222.219
Nitzschia palea (Kützing) Smith 1578408.086 477995206.3
Nitzschia palea var. debilis (Kützing) Grunow 793210.1541 135244222.8
Nitzschia palea var. tenuirostris Grunow 120183.3556 41499858.7
Nitzschia solita Hustedt 16024.44509 4274804.96
Nitzschia sp. 0E UL NAWQA 96 KM 16024.44509 187710349.8
Nitzschia thermaloides Hustedt 8012.22254 10914326.62
Sellaphora pupula (Kützing) Meresckowsky 96146.68363 60638580.86
Sellaphora pupula var. elliptica (Hustedt) Bukhtiyarova 8012.22254 60099681.31
Simonsenia delognei (Grunow) Lange-Bertalot 88134.46108 4943987.347
Surirella minuta Brébisson 16024.44509 13694988.21
Tryblionella apiculata Gregory 24036.66763 58665722.5
Cryptomonas sp. 0A UL NAWQA 1996 TS 8729.27106 87292.71057
Oscillatoria limnetica Lemmermann 82928.07504 2870669.617
Phormidium formosum 213867.1409 7900297.677
Planktolyngbya subtilis (Lemmermann) Anagnostidis & Komárek 17458.54211 1147752.068
Euglena polymorpha Dangeard 13093.90659 88500221.5
Trachelomonas verricosa Stokes 8729.27106 13093906.59

Reach C

Gloeocystis vesiculosa Nägeli 7627.72931 2247091.979
Amphora montana Krasske 14677.40642 3156138.71
Amphora pediculus (Kützing) Grunow 176128.919 16577961.47
Cocconeis placentula Ehrenberg 14677.40642 11067342.64
Cocconeis placentula var. lineata (Ehrenberg) Van Heurck 14677.40642 16038525.04
Cyclotella atomus Hustedt 22016.11344 1846635.068
Cyclotella meneghiniana Kützing 572418.9875 494632354.7
Gomphonema minutum (Agardh) Agardh 36693.52367 12223798.75
Gomphonema olivaceum (Lyngbye) Kützing 14677.40642 5733891.511
Gomphonema parvulum (Kützing) Kützing 7338.70321 1595940.071
Hippodonta capitata (Ehrenberg) Lange-Bertalot, Metzeltin et Witkowski 7338.70321 4575333.402
Mayamaea atomus (Kützing) Lange-Bertalot 22016.11344 617428.9373
Navicula arvensis Hustedt 29354.81665 2183712.607
Navicula cincta (Ehrenberg) Ralfs 785241.4301 491832428.3
Navicula cryptotenella Lange-Bertalot ex Krammer et Lange-Bertalot 51370.9339 13572745.08
Navicula exilis Kützing 14677.40642 5227645.529
Navicula germainii Wallace 139435.3915 92036121.07
Navicula gregaria Donkin 234838.5561 65506653.16
Navicula menisculus Schumann 7338.70321 2570779.79
Navicula minima Grunow 102741.8678 4118371.797
Navicula reichardtiana Lange-Bertalot 7338.70321 957955.1501
Navicula rostellata Kützing 36693.52367 32524839.05
Navicula symmetrica Patrick 154112.8017 176458589.4
Navicula tenelloides Hustedt 14677.40642 2427672.469
Navicula tripunctata (Müller) Bory 29354.81665 27415547.51
Nitzschia acicularis (Kützing) Smith 374273.9513 70012069.92
Nitzschia dissipata (Kützing) Grunow 66048.34413 16791158.14
Nitzschia frustulum (Kützing) Grunow 14677.40642 722791.0705
Nitzschia inconspicua Grunow 183467.6222 6347963.507
Nitzschia palea (Kützing) Smith 887983.3018 268911294.4
Nitzschia palea var. debilis (Kützing) Grunow 330241.7206 56307000.86
Nitzschia solita Hustedt 14677.40642 3915458.501
Pleurosigma delicatulum Smith 7338.70321 65358490.77
Sellaphora pupula (Kützing) Meresckowsky 58709.63711 37027476.59
Tryblionella apiculata Gregory 7338.70321 17911398.22
Cryptomonas sp. 0A UL NAWQA 1996 TS 3813.86466 38138.64657
Oscillatoria limnetica Lemmermann 160182.3156 5544931.633
Phormidium formosum 19069.32328 704424.8584
Euglena polymorpha Dangeard 3813.86466 25777476.32
Trachelomonas verricosa Stokes 3813.86466 5720796.985
Trachelomonas volvocina Ehrenberg 3813.86466 5605676.336

PERIPHYTON ALGAE, QUANTITATIVE, RTH (Richest-targeted habitat, cobbles or snags)
[sp., species; Chlorophyta, Green algae; Cyanophyta, Blue-green algae; Chrysophyta, Golden algae, for example diatoms; Cryptophyta, Cryptophytes; Euglenophyta, Euglenoids; Pyrrhophyta, Dinoflagellates; Rhodophyta, Red algae]

Quantitative sample

Reach A

Coelastrum pulchrum Schmidle 2257.78854 75620.86406
Gloeocystis vesiculosa Nägeli 564.44713 166283.3821
Protococcus viridis var. 0A UL NAWQA 1996 TS 13546.73122 5862047.702
Scenedesmus bijuga (Turpin) Lagerheim 2257.78854 91048.12229
Amphora pediculus (Kützing) Grunow 29312.92897 2759050.642
Caloneis bacillum (Grunow) Cleve 1750.02544 752139.5527
Caloneis schumanniana (Grunow) Cleve 437.50636 354850.5028
Cocconeis placentula Ehrenberg 3937.55724 2969073.279
Cocconeis placentula var. lineata (Ehrenberg) Van Heurck 4812.56996 5258866.704
Craticula cuspidata (Kützing) Mann 437.50636 3127722.237
Cyclotella meneghiniana Kützing 6125.08961 5292744.585
Gomphonema minutum (Agardh) Agardh 2187.5318 728737.5489
Gomphonema parvulum (Kützing) Kützing 437.50636 95144.04824
Melosira varians Agardh 875.01272 4440208.34
Navicula arvensis Hustedt 1312.51908 97638.64306
Navicula cincta (Ehrenberg) Ralfs 15750.2301 9865085.592
Navicula cryptotenella Lange-Bertalot ex Krammer et Lange-Bertalot 16625.24339 4392565.469
Navicula erifuga Lange-Bertalot 1312.51908 575209.8493
Navicula exilis Kützing 4375.0636 1558264.522
Navicula germainii Wallace 3500.05088 2310253.541
Navicula gregaria Donkin 5250.07632 1464473.869
Navicula harderii Hustedt 875.01272 113164.1144
Navicula minima Grunow 69126.01172 2770891.976
Navicula reichardtiana Lange-Bertalot 4375.0636 571097.4531
Navicula rostellata Kützing 1750.02544 1551208.228
Navicula subminuscula Manguin 5687.58325 414171.8429
Navicula symmetrica Patrick 18375.26883 21039615.02
Navicula tenelloides Hustedt 3062.54452 506551.0087
Navicula tripunctata (Müller) Bory 2187.5318 2043016.748
Nitzschia acicularis (Kützing) Smith 2625.03816 491042.3361
Nitzschia compressa var. vexans (Grunow) Lange-Bertalot 437.50636 5124949.506
Nitzschia dissipata (Kützing) Grunow 6125.08961 1557152.562
Nitzschia frustulum (Kützing) Grunow 4812.56996 236995.7265
Nitzschia inconspicua Grunow 67375.98628 2331203.169
Nitzschia palea (Kützing) Smith 5250.07632 1589900.19
Nitzschia palea var. debilis (Kützing) Grunow 11812.67286 2014088.891
Nitzschia palea var. tenuirostris Grunow 875.01272 302145.8677
Sellaphora pupula (Kützing) Meresckowsky 437.50636 275930.1082
Sellaphora pupula var. capitata Skvortzvow et Mayer 437.50636 959785.5836
Sellaphora pupula var. elliptica (Hustedt) Bukhtiyarova 875.01272 6563470.419
Simonsenia delognei (Grunow) Lange-Bertalot 1312.51908 73627.02001
Surirella minuta Brébisson 1750.02544 1495626.067
Synedra delicatissima Smith 1312.51908 1900857.659
Cryptomonas sp. 0A UL NAWQA 1996 TS 564.44713 5644.47134
Cyanothece aeruginosa (Nägeli) Komárek 1128.89427 1591769.699
Lyngbya aestuarii (Mertens) Liebmann 5644.47134 864676.359
Oscillatoria limosa (Dillwyn) Agardh 57009.16056 49358184.7
Phormidium aerugineo-caeruleum 10724.49555 537432.4824
Phormidium formosum 14675.62549 542120.7273
Phormidium tenue (Agardh ex Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek 15804.51976 2714114.596
Unknown Cyanophyte UL NAWQA 1996 TS (oval shape) 1128.89427 1181875.657
Unknown Cyanophyte curved filam. UL NAWQA 96 TS 5644.47134 4072636.588
Trachelomonas volvocina Ehrenberg 2257.78854 3318531.965
Unknown Rhodophyte UL NAWQA 1996 TS (filament) 7337.81274 6016466.555

Reach B

Closterium sp. 0A UL NAWQA 1996 TS 714.98348 60773.59571
Gloeocystis vesiculosa Nägeli 3574.91739 1053153.288
Protococcus viridis var. 0A UL NAWQA 1996 TS 2859.93392 1237573.018
Amphora montana Krasske 2455.58359 528033.5095
Amphora pediculus (Kützing) Grunow 62617.38939 5893800.26
Cocconeis placentula Ehrenberg 17189.08727 12961248.95
Cyclotella atomus Hustedt 6138.95969 514914.5999
Cyclotella meneghiniana Kützing 44200.51032 38194055.36
Gomphonema minutum (Agardh) Agardh 15961.29476 5317223.187
Gomphonema olivaceum (Lyngbye) Kützing 2455.58359 959300.9485
Gomphonema parvulum (Kützing) Kützing 2455.58359 534013.1815
Mayamaea atomus (Kützing) Lange-Bertalot 23328.04696 654221.3403
Melosira lineata Agardh 1227.79179 1254844.971
Navicula arvensis Hustedt 1227.79179 91335.7577
Navicula capitatoradiata Germain 7366.75148 4256084.503
Navicula cincta (Ehrenberg) Ralfs 33150.38274 20763592.72
Navicula cryptotenella Lange-Bertalot ex Krammer et Lange-Bertalot 45428.30212 12002638.79
Navicula exilis Kützing 4911.16718 1749208.301
Navicula germainii Wallace 11050.12758 7293778.64
Navicula gregaria Donkin 17189.08727 4794781.559
Navicula harderii Hustedt 6138.95969 793942.6708
Navicula minima Grunow 106817.8997 4281758.109
Navicula reichardtiana Lange-Bertalot 4911.16718 641077.5525
Navicula rostellata Kützing 1227.79179 1088304.597
Navicula subminuscula Manguin 19644.67086 1430531.946
Navicula symmetrica Patrick 56478.4297 64667593.64
Navicula tripunctata (Müller) Bory 7366.75148 6880081.307
Navicula trivialis Lange-Bertalot 1227.79179 1338787.991
Navicula viridula (Kützing) Kützing emend. Van Heurck 1227.79179 1719982.62
Nitzschia acicularis (Kützing) Smith 29467.00664 5512128.542
Nitzschia amphibia Grunow 33150.38274 6177040.326
Nitzschia dissipata (Kützing) Grunow 19644.67086 4994171.76
Nitzschia frustulum (Kützing) Grunow 4911.16718 241851.161
Nitzschia inconspicua Grunow 117868.0273 4078223.324
Nitzschia palea (Kützing) Smith 45428.30212 13757222.13
Nitzschia palea var. debilis (Kützing) Grunow 2455.58359 418682.8575
Nitzschia palea var. tenuirostris Grunow 4911.16718 1695848.338
Nitzschia sociabilis Hustedt 20872.46265 4776206.955
Nitzschia solita Hustedt 2455.58359 655070.4782
Planothidium lanceolatum (Brébisson ex Kützing) Lange-Bertalot 2455.58359 326843.9504
Rhoicosphenia abbreviata (Agardh) Lange-Bertalot 7366.75148 3755897.677
Sellaphora pupula (Kützing) Meresckowsky 1227.79179 774353.8228
Sellaphora seminulum (Grunow) Mann 8594.54328 636380.4144
Simonsenia delognei (Grunow) Lange-Bertalot 27011.42234 1515231.711
Tryblionella apiculata Gregory 2455.58359 5993284.411
Lyngbya aestuarii (Mertens) Liebmann 2859.93392 438113.1723
Oscillatoria limnetica Lemmermann 10724.75218 371252.0788
Oscillatoria limosa (Dillwyn) Agardh 40039.07482 34665587.62
Phormidium aerugineo-caeruleum 4289.90087 214978.1372
Phormidium formosum 15014.65306 554644.4778
Phormidium tenue (Agardh ex Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek 5004.88435 859490.189
Unknown Cyanophyte curved filam. UL NAWQA 96 TS 6434.85131 4642916.811
Unknown Rhodophyte UL NAWQA 1996 TS (filament) 51478.81049 42208836.93
Unknown Rhodophyte UL NAWQA 1996 TS (resting spore, filament) NAWQA 96 TS 1429.96696 571986.7832

Reach C

Unknown alga UL NAWQA 1996 TS (forked form) NAWQA 96 TS 493.40065 98680.12904
Gloeocystis vesiculosa Nägeli 10361.41355 3052422.068
Protococcus viridis var. 0A UL NAWQA 1996 TS 3947.20516 1708065.552
Unknown Chlorophyte UL NAWQA 1996 TS (small coccoid, 5 µ) 493.40065 41939.05484
Unknown Chlorophyte UL NAWQA TS (unkn coccoid, 10µ) 986.80129 516426.0086
Unknown Chlorophyte UL NAWQA WHIT (unkn coccoid, 7µ) NAWQA WHIT 10361.41355 2033072.294
Amphora copulata (Kützing) Schoeman et Archibald 1304.96774 2182612.607
Amphora pediculus (Kützing) Grunow 26099.35966 2456576.587
Caloneis bacillum (Grunow) Cleve 1304.96774 560859.1886
Cocconeis placentula Ehrenberg 1957.4516 1475995.622
Cocconeis placentula var. euglypta (Ehrenberg) Cleve 2609.93597 1800974.293
Cocconeis placentula var. lineata (Ehrenberg) Van Heurck 11092.22773 12120872.53
Craticula cuspidata (Kützing) Mann 652.48387 4664591.165
Cyclotella meneghiniana Kützing 48936.29948 42286293.02
Cymatopleura solea var. apiculata (Smith) Ralfs 1957.4516 11936947.43
Gomphonema minutum (Agardh) Agardh 5219.87193 1738908.058
Gomphonema parvulum (Kützing) Kützing 652.48387 141894.9808
Gyrosigma acuminatum (Kützing) Rabenhorst 1304.96774 9162164.634
Gyrosigma scalproides (Rabenhorst) Cleve 3262.41983 4780347.744
Lyrella lyra (Ehrenberg) Karajeva 1304.96774 9788562.988
Navicula arvensis Hustedt 3914.9037 291230.7262
Navicula capitatoradiata Germain 652.48387 376967.58
Navicula cincta (Ehrenberg) Ralfs 25446.87579 15938535.88
Navicula cryptotenella Lange-Bertalot ex Krammer et Lange-Bertalot 28056.81175 7412906.963
Navicula erifuga Lange-Bertalot 3262.41983 1429751.42
Navicula gregaria Donkin 3914.9037 1092036.347
Navicula minima Grunow 30014.26336 1203111.237
Navicula rostellata Kützing 1957.4516 1735069.08
Navicula subminuscula Manguin 1957.4516 142542.3247
Navicula symmetrica Patrick 25446.87579 29136578.89
Navicula tenelloides Hustedt 2609.93597 431688.6452
Navicula tripunctata (Müller) Bory 3262.41983 3046894.383
Navicula trivialis Lange-Bertalot 652.48387 711470.4388
Navicula viridula (Kützing) Kützing emend. Van Heurck 652.48387 914048.227
Nitzschia acicularis (Kützing) Smith 33929.16755 6346824.946
Nitzschia amphibia Grunow 3262.41983 607899.433
Nitzschia dissipata (Kützing) Grunow 4567.38757 1161145.34
Nitzschia inconspicua Grunow 45021.39528 1557736.297
Nitzschia linearis (Agardh ex Smith) Smith 1304.96774 3882850.899
Nitzschia palea (Kützing) Smith 31319.23159 9484519.687
Nitzschia palea var. debilis (Kützing) Grunow 16312.09966 2781251.89
Rhoicosphenia abbreviata (Agardh) Lange-Bertalot 4567.38757 2328657.401
Sellaphora pupula (Kützing) Meresckowsky 652.48387 411513.89
Simonsenia delognei (Grunow) Lange-Bertalot 9134.77563 512424.0233
Surirella minuta Brébisson 6524.83967 5576330.524
Tryblionella apiculata Gregory 1304.96774 3185003.689
Tryblionella calida (Grunow) Mann 1304.96774 2875810.341
Unknown Chrysophyte UL 1996 NAWQA (golden circular) 493.40065 51488.21382
Oscillatoria limnetica Lemmermann 7401.00968 256196.1508
Oscillatoria limosa (Dillwyn) Agardh 10361.41355 8970848.873
Phormidium aerugineo-caeruleum 4440.60581 222530.355
Phormidium formosum 5920.80774 218715.8974
Trachelomonas verricosa Stokes 493.40065 740100.9678
Trachelomonas volvocina Ehrenberg 493.40065 725207.78

Table of Contents


Station Descriptions

Surface-Water Data

Ground-Water Data

Meteorological Data

Biological Data