LOCATION.-- Lat 41°44'20", long 87°53'47" (NAD of 1983), in SE1/4NE1/4 sec.31, T.38 N., R.12 E., Cook County, Hydrologic Unit 07120004, on left bank at upstream side of bridge on German Church Road, 1.1 mi northwest of Willow Springs, and at mile 2.2. | |
DRAINAGE AREA.-- 16.5 mi2. | |
DISCHARGE: July 1951 to current year. | |
STAGE: Water years 1994 to current year. | |
MISCELLANEOUS: Water year 2000; contaminants in streambed sediments, water year 2000. | |
ALGAE: Water year 2000. | |
FISH: Water year 2001. | |
HABITAT: Water year 2000-01. | |
REVISED RECORDS.-- WDR IL-75-1: Drainage area. | |
GAGE.-- Water-stage recorder, phone telemeter, and crest-stage gage. Datum of gage is 606.36 ft above NGVD of 1929 (606.08 ft NAVD 1988). Prior to June 17, 1963, water-stage recorder at same site at datum 3.73 ft higher. However, datum incorrectly published as 609.64 ft above NGVD of 1929 from 1951 to 1963. June 17, 1963, to June 26, 1964, nonrecording gage at site 0.5 mi upstream at datum 4.82 ft higher. | |
SURFACE-WATER DISCHARGE AND STAGE: Maximum discharge, 2,680 ft3/s, Sept. 14, 1961, gage height, 13.71 ft, present datum; minimum daily, 0.1 ft3/s, Dec. 9, 1957. | |
REMARKS FOR CURRENT YEAR.--Algae community samples were collected as part of the National Water-Quality Assessment program (NAWQA) in the lower Illinois River Basin. A quantitative sample was collected in accordance with NAWQA protocols (Cuffney and others, 1993). Reach A begins 36 feet upstream of German Church Road and continues upstream for 591 feet. |
PERIPHYTON ALGAE, QUANTITATIVE, RTH (Richest-targeted habitat, cobbles or snags) | |||
[sp., species; Chlorophyta, Green algae; Cyanophyta, Blue-green algae; Chrysophyta, Golden algae, for example diatoms; Cryptophyta, Cryptophytes; Euglenophyta, Euglenoids; Pyrrhophyta, Dinoflagellates; Rhodophyta, Red algae] | |||
Quantitative sample | |||
Phylum | |||
Taxon | Cells (number/cm2) | Biovolume (biovolume/cm2) | |
Reach A 7/13/2000 | |||
Chlorophyta | |||
Kirchneriella obesa (W. West) Schmidle | 2385.66229 | 343336.5644 | |
Scenedesmus acuminatus (Lagerheim) Chodat | 4771.32458 | 529298.1255 | |
Scenedesmus opoliensis Richter | 2385.66229 | 219059.1322 | |
Chrysophyta | |||
Achnanthidium exiguum (Grunow) Czarnecki | 1153.06991 | 124204.7696 | |
Amphora ovalis (Kützing) Kützing | 1729.60516 | 9237453.743 | |
Amphora pediculus (Kützing) Grunow | 15854.71376 | 1581823.682 | |
Aulacoseira muzzanensis (Meister) Krammer | 576.53466 | 1940767.297 | |
Caloneis bacillum (Grunow) Cleve | 1153.06991 | 495575.3578 | |
Cocconeis placentula Ehrenberg | 576.53466 | 420035.2105 | |
Cyclotella atomus Hustedt | 576.53466 | 47961.66492 | |
Cyclotella meneghiniana Kützing | 2882.67507 | 2457641.089 | |
Encyonema prostratum (Berkeley) Kützing | 1153.06991 | 8185775.711 | |
Gomphonema parvulum (Kützing) Kützing | 576.53466 | 146012.8186 | |
Kolbesia amoena (Hustedt) Kingston | 1729.60516 | 2582300.503 | |
Luticola goeppertiana (Bleisch) Mann | 1153.06991 | 902290.1021 | |
Navicula cryptotenella Lange-Bertalot ex Krammer et Lange-Bertalot | 1729.60516 | 447303.1427 | |
Navicula erifuga Lange-Bertalot | 576.53466 | 293856.926 | |
Navicula germainii Wallace | 576.53466 | 255251.6729 | |
Navicula gregaria Donkin | 5765.35013 | 1552894.953 | |
Navicula ingenua Hustedt | 7494.95529 | 324704.0126 | |
Navicula minima Grunow | 29403.28771 | 1173100.249 | |
Navicula recens Lange-Bertalot | 3459.21032 | 1733247.664 | |
Navicula sublucidula Hustedt | 7494.95529 | 56219659.65 | |
Navicula tantula Hustedt | 576.53466 | 29207.26163 | |
Navicula tripunctata (Müller) Bory | 1729.60516 | 1615342.143 | |
Nitzschia amphibia Grunow | 576.53466 | 106954.543 | |
Nitzschia clausii Hantzsch | 576.53466 | 73098.77108 | |
Nitzschia dissipata (Kützing) Grunow | 24214.47223 | 6166155.753 | |
Nitzschia frustulum (Kützing) Grunow | 20755.26191 | 1033006.805 | |
Nitzschia sociabilis Hustedt | 2306.13981 | 527709.7009 | |
Nitzschia supralitorea Lange-Bertalot | 576.53466 | 51166.15887 | |
Planothidium lanceolatum (Brébisson ex Kützing) Lange-Bertalot | 3459.21032 | 468180.086 | |
Planothidium rostratum (Østrup) Lange-Bertalot | 576.53466 | 48888.81832 | |
Rhoicosphenia abbreviata (Agardh) Lange-Bertalot | 27961.94988 | 14214471.14 | |
Sellaphora seminulum (Grunow) Mann | 576.53466 | 42405.06454 | |
Surirella minuta Brébisson | 576.53466 | 477810.8279 | |
Tryblionella apiculata Gregory | 2882.67507 | 7035676.413 | |
Cyanophyta | |||
Lyngbya hieronymusii Lemmermann | 22663.79174 | 12922872.9 | |
Rhodophyta | |||
Unknown Rhodophyte Florideophycidae (chantransia) | 25049.45403 | 50134090.18 | |
Table of Contents |
Introduction |
Station Descriptions |
Surface-Water Data |
Ground-Water Data |
Meteorological Data |
Biological Data |