LOCATION.-- Lat 42°29'21", long 87°55'35" (NAD of 1927), in SE1/4 sec.3, T.46 N., R.11 E., Lake County, Hydrologic Unit 07120004, on right bank at upstream side of Russell Road bridge, 0.3 mi west of Russell, 7.2 mi upstream from Mill Creek, and at mile 109.3. | |
DRAINAGE AREA.-- 123 mi2. | |
DISCHARGE: July 1967 to current year. | |
STAGE: Water years 1994 to current year. | |
PARTIAL RECORD: Annual maximum, water years 1960 to 1966. Occasional low-flow measurements, water years 1961-63, and annual maximum, water years 1960-67. | |
CHEMICAL: Water years 1978-1991 and 1999 to 2001. Additional chemical data for water years 1959-60, 1964-69, 1971-77 are published in Water-Resources Investigations 78-22 and 79-23 as site G 08. | |
MISCELLANEOUS: Water years 1999-2000; contaminants in streambed sediment, Water years 1998 and 2000; contaminants in fish tissue, Water year 1998. | |
PRECIPITATION: October 1999 to current year. | |
ALGAE: Water years 1999-2001. | |
BENTHIC MACROINVERTEBRATES: Water years 1999-2001. | |
FISH: Water years 1999-2001. | |
HABITAT: Water years 1999-2001. | |
REVISED RECORDS.-- WDR IL-75-1: Drainage area. WDR IL-76-1: 1960-68(M), 1973(M). | |
GAGE.-- Water-stage recorder, phone telemeter, raingage, and crest-stage gage. Datum of gage is 662.00 ft above NGVD of 1929 (661.74 ft NAVD 1988). Oct. 17, 1961 to June 29, 1967, crest-stage gage at left downstream side of bridge at datum 4.29 ft higher. | |
REMARKS.-- Collection, computation, and publication of precipitation data do not necessarily conform to standards used by the National Weather Service. Precipitation data could be subject to error for days with freezing and/or thawing of precipitation. | |
SURFACE-WATER DISCHARGE AND STAGE: Maximum discharge, 3,500 ft3/s, May 23, 2004, gage height, 11.09 ft, no flow, at times in most years. | |
PRECIPITATION: Maximum daily total, 3.55 in., June 12, 2000. | |
REMARKS FOR CURRENT YEAR.--Algae community samples were collected as part of the National Water-Quality Assessment program (NAWQA) in the upper Illinois River Basin. A qualitative sample was collected in accordance with NAWQA protocols (Cuffney and others, 1993). The qualitative periphyton sample is a composite of all samples collected from all periphyton microhabitats present within the sampling reach. All samples were processed by the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences. Reach A is located 295 ft upstream of the Russell Road bridge, and continues upstream for 656 ft. Reach B is 1444 ft upstream of Russell Road bridge, and continues upstream for 656 ft. Reach C is located 843 ft downstream of the Russell Road bridge and continues downstream for 984 ft. |
[The algal taxa listed below were identified at the indicated reach. sp., species; Chlorophyta, Green algae; Cyanophyta, Blue-green algae; Chrysophyta, Golden algae, for example diatoms; Cryptophyta, Cryptophytes; Euglenophyta, Euglenoids; Pyrrhophyta, Dinoflagellates; Rhodophyta, Red algae] | |||||||
Phylum | |||||||
Taxon | |||||||
Reach A 7/12/1999 | |||||||
Chlorophyta | |||||||
Cladophora sp. | |||||||
Cosmarium sp. | |||||||
Pediastrum biradiatum Meyen | |||||||
Scenedesmus bijuga (Turpin) Lagerheim | |||||||
Scenedesmus quadricauda (Turpin) Brébisson | |||||||
Chrysophyta | |||||||
Achnanthidium exiguum (Grunow) Czarnecki | |||||||
Amphora copulata (Kützing) Schoeman et Archibald | |||||||
Amphora pediculus (Kützing) Grunow | |||||||
Amphora veneta Kützing | |||||||
Aulacoseira muzzanensis (Meister) Krammer | |||||||
Cocconeis placentula Ehrenberg | |||||||
Cocconeis placentula var. lineata (Ehrenberg) Van Heurck | |||||||
Craticula accomoda (Hustedt) Mann | |||||||
Cyclotella atomus Hustedt | |||||||
Cyclotella meneghiniana Kützing | |||||||
Diadesmis confervacea Kützing | |||||||
Epithemia turgida (Ehrenberg) Kützing | |||||||
Fallacia tenera (Hustedt) Mann | |||||||
Fragilaria capucina Desmazičres | |||||||
Fragilaria capucina var. mesolepta Rabenhorst | |||||||
Gomphonema insigne Gregory | |||||||
Gomphonema minutum (Agardh) Agardh | |||||||
Gomphonema parvulum (Kützing) Kützing | |||||||
Gomphonema truncatum Ehrenberg | |||||||
Gyrosigma attenuatum (Kützing) Rabenhorst | |||||||
Hantzschia amphioxys (Ehrenberg) Grunow | |||||||
Hippodonta capitata (Ehrenberg) Lange-Bertalot, Metzeltin et Witkowski | |||||||
Luticola goeppertiana (Bleisch) Mann | |||||||
Mayamaea atomus (Kützing) Lange-Bertalot | |||||||
Mayamaea atomus var. permitis (Hustedt) Lange-Bertalot | |||||||
Melosira varians Agardh | |||||||
Navicula cryptotenella Lange-Bertalot ex Krammer et Lange-Bertalot | |||||||
Navicula difficillima Hustedt | |||||||
Navicula erifuga Lange-Bertalot | |||||||
Navicula exilis Kützing | |||||||
Navicula gregaria Donkin | |||||||
Navicula ingenua Hustedt | |||||||
Navicula minima Grunow | |||||||
Navicula radiosa Kützing | |||||||
Navicula rostellata Kützing | |||||||
Navicula stroemii Hustedt | |||||||
Navicula subminuscula Manguin | |||||||
Navicula symmetrica Patrick | |||||||
Navicula tenelloides Hustedt | |||||||
Navicula trivialis Lange-Bertalot | |||||||
Nitzschia agnita Hustedt | |||||||
Nitzschia angustata (Smith) Grunow | |||||||
Nitzschia capitellata Hustedt | |||||||
Nitzschia dissipata (Kützing) Grunow | |||||||
Nitzschia filiformis (Smith) Van Heurck | |||||||
Nitzschia frustulum (Kützing) Grunow | |||||||
Nitzschia palea (Kützing) Smith | |||||||
Nitzschia palea var. debilis (Kützing) Grunow | |||||||
Nitzschia pumila Hustedt | |||||||
Nitzschia sigma (Kützing) Smith | |||||||
Nitzschia supralitorea Lange-Bertalot | |||||||
Planothidium frequentissimum (Lange-Bertalot) Lange-Bertalot | |||||||
Planothidium lanceolatum (Brébisson ex Kützing) Lange-Bertalot | |||||||
Reimeria sinuata (Gregory) Kociolek et Stoermer | |||||||
Rhoicosphenia abbreviata (Agardh) Lange-Bertalot | |||||||
Sellaphora pupula (Kützing) Meresckowsky | |||||||
Simonsenia delognei (Grunow) Lange-Bertalot | |||||||
Staurosira construens var. venter (Ehrenberg) Hamilton | |||||||
Surirella minuta Brébisson | |||||||
Synedra acus Kützing | |||||||
Tabularia tabulata (Agardh) Snoeijs | |||||||
Tryblionella debilis Arnott | |||||||
Tryblionella hungarica (Grunow) Mann | |||||||
Tryblionella victoriae Grunow | |||||||
Cyanophyta | |||||||
Unknown Cyanophyte Oscillatoriaceae sp. 1 MSU | |||||||
Unknown Cyanophyte Oscillatoriaceae sp. 2 MSU | |||||||
Euglenophyta | |||||||
Euglena proxima Dangeard | |||||||
Reach B 7/13/1999 | |||||||
Chlorophyta | |||||||
Cladophora sp. | |||||||
Scenedesmus acuminatus (Lagerheim) Chodat | |||||||
Scenedesmus quadricauda (Turpin) Brébisson | |||||||
Chrysophyta | |||||||
Achnanthidium minutissimum (Kützing) Czarnecki | |||||||
Amphora copulata (Kützing) Schoeman et Archibald | |||||||
Amphora montana Krasske | |||||||
Amphora pediculus (Kützing) Grunow | |||||||
Caloneis amphisbaena (Bory) Cleve | |||||||
Caloneis bacillum (Grunow) Cleve | |||||||
Cocconeis placentula Ehrenberg | |||||||
Cocconeis placentula var. euglypta (Ehrenberg) Cleve | |||||||
Cocconeis placentula var. lineata (Ehrenberg) Van Heurck | |||||||
Craticula accomoda (Hustedt) Mann | |||||||
Cyclotella atomus Hustedt | |||||||
Cyclotella meneghiniana Kützing | |||||||
Fragilaria capucina var. mesolepta Rabenhorst | |||||||
Gomphonema affine Kützing | |||||||
Gomphonema olivaceum (Lyngbye) Kützing | |||||||
Gomphonema parvulum (Kützing) Kützing | |||||||
Hippodonta capitata (Ehrenberg) Lange-Bertalot, Metzeltin et Witkowski | |||||||
Lemnicola hungarica (Grunow) Round et Basson | |||||||
Melosira varians Agardh | |||||||
Navicula capitatoradiata Germain | |||||||
Navicula cryptocephala Kützing | |||||||
Navicula erifuga Lange-Bertalot | |||||||
Navicula exilis Kützing | |||||||
Navicula gregaria Donkin | |||||||
Navicula kotschyi Grunow | |||||||
Navicula lanceolata (Agardh) Ehrenberg | |||||||
Navicula minima Grunow | |||||||
Navicula salinarum Grunow | |||||||
Navicula subminuscula Manguin | |||||||
Navicula symmetrica Patrick | |||||||
Navicula upsaliensis (Grunow) Peragallo | |||||||
Nitzschia amphibia Grunow | |||||||
Nitzschia capitellata Hustedt | |||||||
Nitzschia dissipata (Kützing) Grunow | |||||||
Nitzschia filiformis (Smith) Van Heurck | |||||||
Nitzschia frustulum (Kützing) Grunow | |||||||
Nitzschia liebethruthii Rabenhorst | |||||||
Nitzschia palea (Kützing) Smith | |||||||
Nitzschia palea var. debilis (Kützing) Grunow | |||||||
Nitzschia siliqua Archibald | |||||||
Placoneis elginensis (Gregory) Cox | |||||||
Pseudostaurosira brevistriata (Grunow) Williams et Round | |||||||
Rhoicosphenia abbreviata (Agardh) Lange-Bertalot | |||||||
Sellaphora pupula (Kützing) Meresckowsky | |||||||
Skeletonema potamos (Weber) Hasle | |||||||
Surirella brebissonii Krammer et Lange-Bertalot | |||||||
Surirella minuta Brébisson | |||||||
Synedra ulna (Nitzsch) Ehrenberg | |||||||
Synura uvella Ehrenberg | |||||||
Tabularia tabulata (Agardh) Snoeijs | |||||||
Tryblionella debilis Arnott | |||||||
Tryblionella hungarica (Grunow) Mann | |||||||
Tryblionella victoriae Grunow | |||||||
Cyanophyta | |||||||
Oscillatoria anguina Gomont | |||||||
Oscillatoria retzii Agardh | |||||||
Unknown Cyanophyte Oscillatoriaceae sp. 1 MSU | |||||||
Reach C 7/13/1999 | |||||||
Chlorophyta | |||||||
Cladophora sp. | |||||||
Mougeotia sp. 1? | |||||||
Scenedesmus acutus Meyen | |||||||
Scenedesmus acutus var. alternans Hortobágyi | |||||||
Scenedesmus quadricauda (Turpin) Brébisson | |||||||
Staurastrum dejectum (Brébisson) Ralfs | |||||||
Chrysophyta | |||||||
Amphora copulata (Kützing) Schoeman et Archibald | |||||||
Amphora pediculus (Kützing) Grunow | |||||||
Amphora veneta Kützing | |||||||
Aulacoseira muzzanensis (Meister) Krammer | |||||||
Biremis circumtexta (Meister ex Hustedt) Lange-Bertalot et Witkowski | |||||||
Cocconeis placentula Ehrenberg | |||||||
Cocconeis placentula var. euglypta (Ehrenberg) Cleve | |||||||
Cyclostephanos invisitatus (Hohn et Hellerman) Theriot, Stoermer et Hĺkansson | |||||||
Cyclotella atomus Hustedt | |||||||
Cyclotella meneghiniana Kützing | |||||||
Cymbella tumida (Brébisson ex Kützing) Van Heurck | |||||||
Fallacia tenera (Hustedt) Mann | |||||||
Fragilaria capucina var. rumpens (Kützing) Lange-Bertalot | |||||||
Frustulia vulgaris (Thwaites) deToni | |||||||
Gomphonema affine Kützing | |||||||
Gomphonema angustatum (Kützing) Rabenhorst | |||||||
Gomphonema minutum (Agardh) Agardh | |||||||
Gomphonema olivaceum (Lyngbye) Kützing | |||||||
Gomphonema parvulum (Kützing) Kützing | |||||||
Gyrosigma attenuatum (Kützing) Rabenhorst | |||||||
Hippodonta capitata (Ehrenberg) Lange-Bertalot, Metzeltin et Witkowski | |||||||
Luticola ventricosa (Kützing) Mann | |||||||
Melosira varians Agardh | |||||||
Meridion circulare (Greville) Agardh | |||||||
Navicula cryptotenella Lange-Bertalot ex Krammer et Lange-Bertalot | |||||||
Navicula erifuga Lange-Bertalot | |||||||
Navicula exilis Kützing | |||||||
Navicula germainii Wallace | |||||||
Navicula gregaria Donkin | |||||||
Navicula minima Grunow | |||||||
Navicula sp. 5 ? | |||||||
Navicula subminuscula Manguin | |||||||
Navicula symmetrica Patrick | |||||||
Navicula tenelloides Hustedt | |||||||
Navicula trivialis Lange-Bertalot | |||||||
Nitzschia acicularis (Kützing) Smith | |||||||
Nitzschia agnita Hustedt | |||||||
Nitzschia amphibia Grunow | |||||||
Nitzschia angustata (Smith) Grunow | |||||||
Nitzschia bremensis Hustedt | |||||||
Nitzschia capitellata Hustedt | |||||||
Nitzschia frustulum (Kützing) Grunow | |||||||
Nitzschia liebethruthii Rabenhorst | |||||||
Nitzschia linearis (Agardh ex Smith) Smith | |||||||
Nitzschia palea (Kützing) Smith | |||||||
Nitzschia sigma (Kützing) Smith | |||||||
Nitzschia sociabilis Hustedt | |||||||
Nitzschia solita Hustedt | |||||||
Nitzschia sp. 1? | |||||||
Nitzschia suchlandtii Hustedt | |||||||
Nitzschia thermaloides Hustedt | |||||||
Placoneis elginensis (Gregory) Cox | |||||||
Planothidium frequentissimum (Lange-Bertalot) Lange-Bertalot | |||||||
Reimeria sinuata (Gregory) Kociolek et Stoermer | |||||||
Sellaphora laevissima (Kützing) Mann | |||||||
Sellaphora pupula (Kützing) Meresckowsky | |||||||
Surirella angusta Kützing | |||||||
Synedra ulna (Nitzsch) Ehrenberg | |||||||
Tabularia tabulata (Agardh) Snoeijs | |||||||
Tryblionella apiculata Gregory | |||||||
Tryblionella debilis Arnott | |||||||
Tryblionella hungarica (Grunow) Mann | |||||||
Tryblionella victoriae Grunow | |||||||
Cyanophyta | |||||||
Anabaena oscillarioides Bory | |||||||
Gloeocapsa rupestris Kützing | |||||||
Oscillatoria limnetica Lemmermann | |||||||
Phormidium aerugineo-caeruleum | |||||||
Unknown Cyanophyte Oscillatoriaceae sp. 1 MSU | |||||||
Euglenophyta | |||||||
Euglena acus Ehrenberg | |||||||
Rhodophyta | |||||||
Unknown Rhodophyte Florideophycidae (chantransia) | |||||||
Table of Contents |
Introduction |
Station Descriptions |
Surface-Water Data |
Ground-Water Data |
Meteorological Data |
Biological Data |