Station list     Available data



LOCATION.-- Lat 41°19'37", long 88°43'03" (NAD of 1927), in SE1/4SW1/4 sec.13, T.33 N., R.4 E., La Salle County, Hydrologic Unit 07120005, on right bank 0.5 mi downstream from Marseilles Dam in Marseilles, 6.9 mi upstream from Fox River, and at mile 246.5.


DRAINAGE AREA.-- 8,259 mi2, does not include diversion from Lake Michigan through the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal, which has occurred since Jan. 17, 1900.





DISCHARGE: October 1919 to current year. Prior to October 1939, published as "at Morris."


STAGE: Water years 1994 to current year.


PARTIAL RECORD: Annual maximum, water years 1894 to 1919.



CHEMICAL: Water years 1975-97.


SEDIMENT: February 2003 to current year.


SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE: Water years 1975-81.


WATER TEMPERATURE: Water years 1975-81.


MISCELLANEOUS: Water Year 1998; Contaminants in streambed sediments, October 1996; contaminants in fish tissue, October 1996; sediment concentration and particle size, water years 1993-97, 2003-2005.



ALGAE: Water years 1989-90, 1996-97.


REVISED RECORDS.-- WDR IL-75-1: Drainage area.


GAGE.-- Water-stage recorder, phone telemeter, automatic water sampler, and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers satellite telemeter. Datum of gage is 452.91 ft above NGVD of 1929 (452.71 ft NAVD 1988). October 1919 to January 1935, nonrecording gage at site at Morris, 16.6 mi upstream, at datum 25.59 ft higher. January 1935 to September 1939, water-stage recorder 300 ft downstream from Morris site at that datum. October 1939 to September 2002, water-stage recorder at current site at datum 10 ft. higher.


REMARKS.-- Figures of daily discharge include flow through navigation locks. Flow regulated by powerplants and navigation dam above station. Since Jan. 17, 1900, flow has included diversion from Lake Michigan through Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal. Suspended sediment samples were collected twice weekly with additionl samples during high-runoff periods by an automatic water sampler.



SURFACE-WATER DISCHARGE AND STAGE: Maximum discharge, 95,000 ft3/s, Feb. 22, 1997, gage height, 26.85 ft, present datum; minimum daily discharge, 461 ft3/s, Nov. 21, 2002.

SUSPENDED-SEDIMENT CONCENTRATIONS: Maximum daily, 307 mg/L, June 13, 2004; minimum daily, 6 mg/L, Jan. 28 - Feb. 6, 2004.

SUSPENDED-SEDIMENT LOADS: Maximum daily, 43,400 tons, Jan. 14, 2005; minimum daily, 37 tons, Feb. 4, 2004.



SURFACE-WATER DISCHARGE AND STAGE: Flood of May 6, 1892 reached an estimated discharge of 72,500 ft3/s, stage not determined. A stage of 26.2 ft at Morris occurred in 1831, discharge not determined, and a stage of 35.4 ft (ice jam) occurred at present site and datum on Jan. 21, 1916, estimated discharge, 40,000 ft3/s.


REMARKS FOR CURRENT YEAR.--Algae community samples were collected as part of the National Water-Quality Assessment program (NAWQA) in the lower Illinois River Basin. A quantitative sample was collected in accordance with NAWQA protocols (Cuffney and others, 1993). The quantitative phytoplankton sample was taken by collecting a representative whole-water sample of sufficient volume to ensure adequate phytoplankton biomass for analysis. All samples were processed by the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences.

[sp., species; Chlorophyta, Green algae; Cyanophyta, Blue-green algae; Chrysophyta, Golden algae, for example diatoms; Cryptophyta, Cryptophytes; Euglenophyta, Euglenoids; Pyrrhophyta, Dinoflagellates; Rhodophyta, Red algae]

Quantitative sample

Reach A

Actinastrum hantzschii var. subtile Woloszyńsea 1217.70335 58554.89285
Ankistrodesmus falcatus (Corda) Ralfs 38.05323 1649.17191
Characium rostratum Reinhard ex Printz 304.42584 25876.19617
Dictyosphaerium pulchellum Wood 190.26615 12682.95188
Gloeocystis vesiculosa Nägeli 951.33074 280257.4123
Golenkinia radiata Wille 38.05323 35756.52699
Kirchneriella obesa (W. West) Schmidle 76.10646 10952.98794
Oocystis novae-semliae Wille 190.26615 15310.03252
Oocystis solitaria Wittrock 38.05323 8593.1169
Pediastrum duplex Meyen 1217.70335 25165.86922
Scenedesmus bijuga (Turpin) Lagerheim 456.63876 18414.52404
Scenedesmus ovalternus Chodat 304.42584 53530.23923
Scenedesmus protuberans Fritsch 456.63876 65733.42497
Scenedesmus quadricauda (Turpin) Brébisson 380.5323 13247.01644
Tetrastrum glabrum (Roll) Ahlstrom & Tiffany 152.21292 3532.64024
Tetrastrum staurogeniaeforme (Schröder) Lemmermann 152.21292 4862.85933
Unknown Chlorophyte UL NAWQA 1996 TS (small coccoid,10µ) NAWQA 96 TS 38.05323 3234.52452
Unknown Chlorophyte UL NAWQA TS (unkn coccoid, 10µ) 38.05323 19914.52352
Unknown Chlorophyte UL NAWQA WHIT (unkn coccoid, 15µ) 76.10646 167043.0233
Unknown Chlorophyte UL NAWQA WHIT (unkn coccoid, 7µ) NAWQA WHIT 114.15969 22399.92639
Actinocyclus normanii (Gregory) Hustedt 15.8607 58421.53826
Amphora pediculus (Kützing) Grunow 31.72144 2985.74925
Aulacoseira ambigua (Grunow) Simonsen 237.91104 82922.948
Aulacoseira granulata (Ehrenberg) Simonsen 380.65764 138257.6639
Aulacoseira muzzanensis (Meister) Krammer 682.01167 2481199.78
Cocconeis neothumensis Krammer 15.8607 3281.51793
Ctenophora pulchella (Ralfs ex Kützing) Williams et Round 31.72144 59052.99519
Cyclostephanos invisitatus (Hohn et Hellerman) Theriot, Stoermer et Hĺkansson 348.93617 62790.29886
Cyclotella atomus Hustedt 2728.04669 228819.0738
Cyclotella meneghiniana Kützing 2632.88226 2275097.053
Cyclotella ocellata Pantocsek 95.16439 18079.53443
Cyclotella pseudostelligera Hustedt 111.02513 9594.15498
Cymbella spp. 15.8607 29411.68609
Diatoma vulgaris Bory 15.8607 57977.54088
Diploneis parma Cleve 15.8607 118971.1128
Fragilaria nanana Lange-Bertalot 15.8607 3506.13674
Geissleria decussis (Hustedt) Lange-Bertalot et Metzeltin 15.8607 4189.39969
Gomphonema minutum (Agardh) Agardh 15.8607 5283.71192
Gomphonema parvulum (Kützing) Kützing 111.02513 24144.51837
Hippodonta capitata (Ehrenberg) Lange-Bertalot, Metzeltin et Witkowski 31.72144 19776.81255
Luticola mutica (Kützing) Mann 15.8607 6802.77102
Melosira varians Agardh 31.72144 160968.8556
Navicula arvensis Hustedt 31.72144 2359.76624
Navicula erifuga Lange-Bertalot 79.30365 30533.22776
Navicula exilis Kützing 15.8607 5649.0988
Navicula germainii Wallace 31.72144 20938.143
Navicula gregaria Donkin 47.58218 13272.73176
Navicula minima Grunow 31.72144 1271.54276
Navicula sp. 0E UL NAWQA 96 KM 15.8607 118971.1128
Navicula tenelloides Hustedt 15.8607 2623.39165
Navicula tripunctata (Müller) Bory 15.8607 14812.89383
Navicula trivialis Lange-Bertalot 15.8607 17294.55691
Navicula viridula (Kützing) Kützing emend. Van Heurck 47.58218 66656.674
Nitzschia acicularis (Kützing) Smith 47.58218 8900.77092
Nitzschia angustatula Lange-Bertalot 15.8607 5864.21926
Nitzschia capitellata Hustedt 47.58218 18807.40604
Nitzschia gracilis Hantzsch ex Rabenhorst 63.44292 25301.20359
Nitzschia inconspicua Grunow 95.16439 3292.67955
Nitzschia palea var. debilis (Kützing) Grunow 253.77178 43268.69284
Nitzschia palea var. tenuirostris Grunow 31.72144 10953.55687
Nitzschia sp. 0F UL NAWQA 96 KM 15.8607 185792.2431
Planothidium lanceolatum (Brébisson ex Kützing) Lange-Bertalot 31.72144 4222.19808
Rhopalodia sp. 0A UL NAWQA 96 KM 15.8607 466304.5884
Staurosira construens var. venter (Ehrenberg) Hamilton 31.72144 3106.88486
Stephanodiscus niagarae Ehrenberg 697.87237 22211028.41
Synedra delicatissima var. angustissima Grunow 95.16439 95932.46229
Synedra ulna (Nitzsch) Ehrenberg 15.8607 95154.22897
Thalassiosira sp. 0A UL NAWQA 96 KM 79.30365 39651.82682
Thalassiosira weissflogii (Grunow) Fryxell et Hasle 79.30365 70720.77897
Tryblionella apiculata Gregory 31.72144 77421.76012
Tryblionella calida (Grunow) Mann 15.8607 34952.86867
Tryblionella victoriae Grunow 15.8607 13721.75564
Unknown Chrysophyte UL 1996 NAWQA (golden circular) 38.05323 3970.9977
Cryptomonas sp. 0A UL NAWQA 1996 TS 114.15969 1141.59689
Chroococcus limneticus Lemmermann 38.05323 4455.15168
Oscillatoria limnetica Lemmermann 684.95813 23710.76988
Phormidium formosum 190.26615 7028.47199
Planktothrix prolifica (Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek 1141.59689 219528.3319
Rhabdogloea smithii (Chodat) Komárek 76.10646 758.82632
Euglena acus Ehrenberg 38.05323 362261.8385
Euglena gaumei Allorge et Lefčvre 76.10646 218727.8501
Euglena polymorpha Dangeard 38.05323 257197.4401
Strombomonas fluviatilis (Lemmermann) Deflandre 114.15969 171239.5335
Strombomonas verrucosa (Daday) Deflandre 38.05323 57079.8445
Trachelomonas volvocina Ehrenberg 38.05323 55931.2163

Reach A

Actinastrum hantzschii var. subtile Woloszyńsea 161.69099 7775.12729
Ankistrodesmus falcatus (Corda) Ralfs 40.42275 1751.86337
Botryococcus sudeticus Lemmermann 4790.09555 700655.2601
Coelastrum pulchrum Schmidle 323.38198 10831.14039
Crucigenia tetrapedia (Kirchner) West & West 80.84549 740.64251
Dictyosphaerium pulchellum Wood 161.69099 10778.16024
Gloeocystis vesiculosa Nägeli 404.22747 119083.4487
Kirchneriella obesa (W. West) Schmidle 121.26824 17452.52114
Oocystis solitaria Wittrock 101.05687 22820.49355
Scenedesmus bicaudatus (Hansgirg) Chodat 40.42275 1450.41028
Scenedesmus bijuga (Turpin) Lagerheim 202.11374 8150.48703
Scenedesmus dimorphus (Turpin) Kützing 161.69099 121656.903
Scenedesmus dispar Brébisson 161.69099 2253.92751
Scenedesmus intermedius Chodat 60.63412 993.88708
Scenedesmus protuberans Fritsch 80.84549 11637.75782
Scenedesmus quadricauda (Turpin) Brébisson 161.69099 5628.75532
Schroederia setigera (Schröder) Lemmermann 80.84549 32212.36759
Tetrastrum punctatum (Schmidle) Ahlstrom & Tiffany 161.69099 63618.84676
Unknown Chlorophyte UL NAWQA 1996 TS (small coccoid, 20µ) NAWQA 96 TS 80.84549 6871.86704
Unknown Chlorophyte UL NAWQA 1996 TS (small coccoid,10µ) NAWQA 96 TS 60.63412 5153.90028
Unknown Chlorophyte UL NAWQA WHIT (unkn coccoid, 7µ) NAWQA WHIT 20.21137 3965.78938
Achnanthidium minutissimum (Kützing) Czarnecki 6.3869 347.27221
Actinocyclus sp. 0B UL NAWQA 96 KM 6.3869 12933.46263
Amphora inariensis Krammer 12.77379 1851.97363
Aulacoseira ambigua (Grunow) Simonsen 127.73808 44522.60252
Aulacoseira granulata (Ehrenberg) Simonsen 108.57738 39436.10482
Aulacoseira muzzanensis (Meister) Krammer 2177.93447 7923457.549
Aulacoseira sp. 0C UL NAWQA 96 KM 6.3869 3193.44756
Caloneis silicula (Ehrenberg) Cleve 6.3869 4673.38433
Cocconeis placentula Ehrenberg 12.77379 9631.94107
Cyclostephanos invisitatus (Hohn et Hellerman) Theriot, Stoermer et Hĺkansson 31.93452 5746.5462
Cyclotella atomus Hustedt 236.31546 19821.31964
Cyclotella comensis Grunow et Van Heurck 114.96427 14627.4222
Cyclotella meneghiniana Kützing 906.94046 783695.3459
Cyclotella pseudostelligera Hustedt 12.77379 1103.83769
Cyclotella sp. 0C UL NAWQA 96 KM 6.3869 16460.00705
Diadesmis confervacea Kützing 6.3869 3228.62784
Gomphonema angustatum (Kützing) Rabenhorst 12.77379 4009.27887
Gomphonema olivaceum (Lyngbye) Kützing 19.16071 7485.34203
Gomphonema parvulum (Kützing) Kützing 19.16071 4166.8585
Gyrosigma obtusatum (Sullivant et Wormley) Boyer 6.3869 56881.68801
Gyrosigma scalproides (Rabenhorst) Cleve 6.3869 9358.56857
Luticola goeppertiana (Bleisch) Mann 19.16071 8735.95858
Luticola mutica (Kützing) Mann 6.3869 2739.3863
Lyrella lyra (Ehrenberg) Karajeva 25.5476 191632.553
Melosira varians Agardh 12.77379 64819.96053
Navicula cincta (Ehrenberg) Ralfs 76.64284 48004.8988
Navicula cryptotenella Lange-Bertalot ex Krammer et Lange-Bertalot 38.32141 10124.9229
Navicula erifuga Lange-Bertalot 6.3869 2459.06102
Navicula germainii Wallace 19.16071 12647.26983
Navicula gregaria Donkin 70.25595 19597.42923
Navicula lanceolata (Agardh) Ehrenberg 31.93452 40219.13775
Navicula menisculus Schumann 12.77379 4474.71452
Navicula minima Grunow 51.09522 2048.13407
Navicula reichardtiana Lange-Bertalot 6.3869 1072.26169
Navicula rostellata Kützing 44.70833 39629.0947
Navicula tenelloides Hustedt 12.77379 2112.81054
Navicula tripunctata (Müller) Bory 6.3869 5964.95727
Navicula trivialis Lange-Bertalot 19.16071 20892.89297
Nitzschia amphibia Grunow 6.3869 1190.09512
Nitzschia dissipata (Kützing) Grunow 6.3869 1623.71014
Nitzschia gracilis Hantzsch ex Rabenhorst 12.77379 5094.22157
Nitzschia inconspicua Grunow 63.86903 2209.86287
Nitzschia linearis (Agardh ex Smith) Smith 6.3869 19003.81198
Nitzschia palea var. debilis (Kützing) Grunow 19.16071 3266.94599
Nitzschia vermicularis (Kützing) Hantzsch ex Rabenhorst 12.77379 58439.54867
Planothidium lanceolatum (Brébisson ex Kützing) Lange-Bertalot 51.09522 6800.89416
Rhoicosphenia abbreviata (Agardh) Lange-Bertalot 38.32141 19537.96047
Sellaphora pupula var. elliptica (Hustedt) Bukhtiyarova 6.3869 47908.10036
Simonsenia delognei (Grunow) Lange-Bertalot 12.77379 716.55805
Surirella minuta Brébisson 12.77379 10916.87768
Synedra delicatissima var. angustissima Grunow 63.86903 64384.51808
Synedra ulna (Nitzsch) Ehrenberg 12.77379 76634.70976
Tabellaria flocculosa (Roth) Kützing 12.77379 4394.68414
Tryblionella victoriae Grunow 6.3869 5525.57029
Undetermined Centric sp. 0B UL NAWQA 96 KM 6.3869 3193.44756
Undetermined Centric sp. 0C UL NAWQA 96 KM 12.77379 6386.89513
Unknown Chrysophyte UL 1996 NAWQA (golden circular) 20.21137 2109.13289
Anabaena circinalis Rabenhorst 808.45495 176926.3522
Chroococcus dispersus (Keissler) Lemmermann 282.95923 48828.03676
Chroococcus minor (Kützing) Nägeli 80.84549 673.81819
Cyanothece aeruginosa (Nägeli) Komárek 60.63412 85495.65632
Merismopedia tenuissima Lemmermann 1778.60088 2104.89958
Oscillatoria limnetica Lemmermann 1859.44638 64367.29915
Planktolyngbya subtilis (Lemmermann) Anagnostidis & Komárek 161.69099 10629.8204
Planktothrix prolifica (Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek 1253.10517 240971.3001
Rhabdogloea smithii (Chodat) Komárek 101.05687 1007.59663
Euglena acus Ehrenberg 20.21137 192409.6703
Euglena gaumei Allorge et Lefčvre 80.84549 232347.7057
Euglena polymorpha Dangeard 20.21137 136606.3697
Trachelomonas verricosa Stokes 60.63412 90951.18139
Unknown Euglenophyte sp. 0A UL NAWQA 1996 TS (flagellate) 20.21137 30317.06046
Peridiniopsis polonicum (Woloszyńska) Bourrelly 20.21137 4042.27473

Reach A

Acanthosphaera zachariasi Lemmermann 34.07317 2896.21965
Actinastrum hantzschii var. subtile Woloszyńsea 1362.92689 65538.16111
Ankistrodesmus falcatus (Corda) Ralfs 306.65855 13290.13786
Crucigenia tetrapedia (Kirchner) West & West 408.87807 3745.81762
Gloeocystis vesiculosa Nägeli 1124.41469 331247.1017
Kirchneriella obesa (W. West) Schmidle 34.07317 4903.69739
Microspora sp. A UL 1996 NAWQA 204.43903 17377.31791
Scenedesmus acuminatus (Lagerheim) Chodat 272.58538 30238.75819
Scenedesmus bijuga (Turpin) Lagerheim 545.17076 21984.6868
Scenedesmus dispar Brébisson 340.73172 4749.70566
Scenedesmus quadricauda var. longispina (Chodat) GM Smith 681.46345 62533.24676
Tetraedron minimum (Braun) Hansgirg 34.07317 6116.24802
Tetrastrum glabrum (Roll) Ahlstrom & Tiffany 374.8049 8698.67597
Unknown Chlorophyte UL NAWQA 1996 TS (small coccoid,10µ) NAWQA 96 TS 68.14634 5792.4393
Unknown Chlorophyte UL NAWQA TS (unkn coccoid, 10µ) 272.58538 142653.015
Unknown Chlorophyte UL NAWQA WHIT (unkn coccoid, 15µ) 204.43903 448715.0587
Unknown Chlorophyte UL NAWQA WHIT (unkn coccoid, 7µ) NAWQA WHIT 102.21952 20057.07688
Achnanthes conspicua Mayer 32.29632 2440.40498
Actinocyclus sp. 0C UL NAWQA 96 KM 16.14816 32700.02864
Aulacoseira ambigua (Grunow) Simonsen 193.77808 67540.58225
Aulacoseira granulata (Ehrenberg) Simonsen 96.88904 35190.81462
Aulacoseira muzzanensis (Meister) Krammer 758.96421 2761157.762
Bacillaria paradoxa Gmelin 16.14816 18904.97974
Brachysira microcephala (Grunow) Compčre 16.14816 2471.94142
Cocconeis placentula var. lineata (Ehrenberg) Van Heurck 32.29632 35291.3448
Cyclostephanos dubius (Frick) Round 306.81532 43906.49342
Cyclostephanos invisitatus (Hohn et Hellerman) Theriot, Stoermer et Hĺkansson 419.85253 75551.54227
Cyclotella atomus Hustedt 3068.15329 257346.0331
Cyclotella meneghiniana Kützing 3197.33869 2762848.89
Cyclotella pseudostelligera Hustedt 161.48173 13954.3245
Cyclotella sp. 0C UL NAWQA 96 KM 96.88904 249697.9018
Cyclotella stelligera (Cleve et Grunow) Van Heurck 80.74085 19569.87947
Diatoma vulgaris Bory 16.14816 59028.33561
Fragilaria vaucheriae (Kützing) Petersen 16.14816 10628.73263
Gomphonema gracile Ehrenberg emend Van Heurck 16.14816 13153.99784
Gomphonema minutum var. 1 UL NAWQA 96 KM 16.14816 21024.9073
Hantzschia amphioxys (Ehrenberg) Grunow 16.14816 17028.69788
Melosira varians Agardh 161.48173 819430.9471
Navicula capitatoradiata Germain 16.14816 9329.47764
Navicula cincta (Ehrenberg) Ralfs 48.44452 30343.00721
Navicula erifuga Lange-Bertalot 32.29632 12434.62298
Navicula exilis Kützing 32.29632 11502.96803
Navicula germainii Wallace 48.44452 31976.42828
Navicula spp. 16.14816 121136.9533
Navicula subminuscula Manguin 32.29632 2351.82989
Navicula tripunctata (Müller) Bory 16.14816 15081.36521
Nitzschia acicularis (Kützing) Smith 16.14816 3020.69183
Nitzschia gracilis Hantzsch ex Rabenhorst 80.74085 32199.66423
Nitzschia inconspicua Grunow 209.92625 7263.42955
Nitzschia palea (Kützing) Smith 161.48173 48902.11296
Nitzschia palea var. tenuirostris Grunow 32.29632 11152.0676
Reimeria sinuata (Gregory) Kociolek et Stoermer 16.14816 2669.18229
Staurosira construens var. venter (Ehrenberg) Hamilton 16.14816 1581.59539
Stephanodiscus niagarae Ehrenberg 32.29632 1027887.922
Thalassiosira pseudonana Hasle et Heimdal 16.14816 703.20383
Thalassiosira weissflogii (Grunow) Fryxell et Hasle 904.2978 806427.4743
Tryblionella calida (Grunow) Mann 16.14816 35586.36035
Tryblionella victoriae Grunow 48.44452 41911.38264
Chroococcus dispersus (Keissler) Lemmermann 477.02441 82316.33052
Cyanothece aeruginosa (Nägeli) Komárek 34.07317 48044.04171
Merismopedia tenuissima Lemmermann 13084.09819 15484.48168
Oscillatoria limnetica Lemmermann 34.07317 1179.48982
Strombomonas verrucosa var. borystheniensis (Roll) Deflandre 34.07317 39974.29919
Unknown Euglenophyte sp. 0A UL NAWQA 1996 TS (flagellate) 34.07317 51109.75856
Peridiniopsis polonicum (Woloszyńska) Bourrelly 34.07317 6814.63447

Table of Contents


Station Descriptions

Surface-Water Data

Ground-Water Data

Meteorological Data

Biological Data