Available Data
05552500 Fox River at Dayton, IL
(Station list)
Text Files of Phytoplankton Algae, Quantitative Data
Phytoplankton algae, quantitative data for this station are contained in the following three tab-delimited text files. The data in the first two files can be linked by the SampleID field. An explanation of column headers can be accessed at this link.
Sample Descriptions (1996)
-- Sample information, including location, date, sampler type, and area sampled.
Sample Data
-- Phytoplankton algae, quantitative abundance data.
Sample Bottle Descriptions (1996)
-- Sample information, including location, date, and sample volume; links sample data file to sample description file by BottleID.
Additional data for this station:
Station Descriptions
Surface-Water Data
Water Discharge and Stage
Water Discharge
Annual Tables (1998-2005)
Daily Values (1915-2005)
Gage Values (requires Internet connection) (1994-2005)
Real-Time (requires Internet connection)
Water Stage
Daily Values (1994-2005)
Gage Values (requires Internet connection) (1994-2005)
Real-Time (requires Internet connection)
Peak Flow (1915-1924; 1926-2005)
Water Quality
Suspended Sediment
Annual Tables (2003-2005)
Daily Values
Concentration (2003-2005)
Load (2003-2005)
Sediment Concentration and Particle Size (1996-1997; 2003-2005)
Biological Data
Phytoplankton Pigment and Biomass (1990)
Annual Tables (1996)
Text Files (1996)