Available Data

05547350 Grass Lake Outlet at Lotus Woods, IL

(Station list)  (Map)

Gage Values of Surface-Water Stage

1998-1999 -- Gage values are available as compressed files via an Internet connection. The files can be uncompressed with Gzip or WinZip.

Additional data for this station:
Station Descriptions
Surface-Water Data Water Discharge and Stage Water Discharge Annual Tables   (1998-1999)
Daily Values   (1998-1999)
Water Stage Daily Values   (1998-1999)
Gage Values (requires Internet connection)   (1998-1999)
Water Quality Suspended Sediment Annual Tables   (1998-1999)
Daily Values Concentration   (1998-1999)
Load   (1998-1999)
Miscellaneous Sediment Concentration and Particle Size   (1998-1999)

Table of Contents


Station Descriptions

Surface-Water Data

Ground-Water Data

Meteorological Data

Biological Data