New Jersey Water Science Center
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Water-resources data for the 2005 water year for New Jersey are presented in three volumes, and consists of records of stage, discharge, and water quality of streams: stage, contents, and water quality of lakes and reservoirs; and water levels and water quality of ground water. Volume 2 contains a summary of the hydrologic conditions for 2005 water year; a listing of current water resource projects in New Jersey; a bibliography of water-related reports, articles, and fact sheets completed by the Geological Survey in recent years; records of ground-water levels from 214 wells; and a table of discontinued observation wells for which ground-water-level data are available. The locations of the ground-water level sites are shown on figure 4. These data represent that part of the National Water Data System operated by the U.S. Geological Survey and cooperating Federal, State, and local agencies in New Jersey.
Report documentation page
List of ground-water wells, by county, for which records are published
Summary of hydrologic conditions
Special networks and programs
Explanation of records
Station identification numbers
Latitude-longitude system
Records of ground-water levels
Data collection and computation
Data presentation
Current water-resources projects in New Jersey
Water-related reports, articles, and fact sheets for New Jersey completed in recent years
Access to USGS water data
Definition of terms
Publications on Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations
Station records, ground water
List of discontinued ground-water-level observation wells
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