Water Resources Data, Colorado, Water Year 2000--Volume 2. Colorado River Basin
by R.M. Crowfoot, J.W. Unruh, R.W. Boulger, and G.B. O'Neill
Available from the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA 22161, USGS Water-Data Report CO-00-2, 596 p., 2 figs.
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Water-resources data for Colorado for the 2000 water year consist of records of stage, discharge, and water quality of streams; stage, contents, and water quality of lakes and reservoirs;
meteorological data; and water levels and water quality of wells and springs. This report (Volumes 1 and 2) contains discharge records for 305 gaging stations, stage and contents of 15 lakes
and reservoirs, discharge measurements for 1 partial-record low-flow station and 1 miscellaneous site, peak-flow information for 22 crest-stage partial-record stations; water quality for 102
gaging stations and for 7 lakes and reservoirs, supplemental water quality for 185 gaged sites; water quality for 141 miscellaneous sites and 14 observation wells; water levels for 4
observation wells, and meteorological data for 45 sites. Three pertinent stations operated by bordering States also are included in this report. The records were collected and computed by the
Water Resources Division of the U.S. Geological Survey under the direction of W.F. Horak, District Chief. These data represent that part of the National Water Data System collected by the
U.S. Geological Survey and cooperating State and Federal agencies.
Table of Contents
List of surface-water stations, in downstream order, for which records are published in this volume
Special networks and programs
Explanation of the records
Station identification numbers
Downstream order system
Latitude-longitude system
System for numbering wells, springs, and miscellaneous sites
Records of stage and water discharge
Data collection and computation
Data presentation
Station manuscript
Data table of daily mean values
Statistics of monthly mean data
Summary statistics
Identifying estimated daily discharge
Accuracy of the records
Other records available
Records of surface-water quality
Accuracy of the records
Classification of records
Arrangement of records
Onsite measurements and sample collection
Water temperature
Laboratory measurements
Water-quality data reporting convention
Data presentation
Remark codes
Records of ground-water quality
Data collection and computation
Data presentation
Access to USGS water data
Definition of terms
Selected references
List of discontinued surface-water discharge or stage-only stations
List of discontinued surface-water-quality stations
Publications on techniques of water-resources investigations
Station records, surface water
Transmountain diversions from Colorado River Basin in Colorado that are no longer published
Discharge at partial-record stations and miscellaneous sites
Low-flow partial-record stations
Crest-stage partial-record stations
Meteorological stations in the Gunnison River Basin
Supplemental water-quality data for gaging stations
Miscellaneous water-quality data
Eagle River watershed synoptic sampling study
North Fork Elk River blowdown study
Lower Gunnison River Basin selenium study
Station records, ground-water levels in La Plata County
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