Water Resources Data, Iowa, Water Year 2003--Volume 1. Surface Water and Precipitation

by G.M. Nalley, J.G. Gorman, R.D. Goodrich, and V.E. Miller


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Water resources data for Iowa for the 2003 water year consists of records of stage, discharge, and water quality of streams; stage, and/or contents of lakes and reservoirs; ground-water levels and water quality of ground-water wells. This report volume contains discharge records for 134 gaging stations; stage or contents for 9 lakes and reservoirs and 3 streams; water quality for 4 stream-gaging stations; sediment records for 11 stream-gaging stations; and precipitation record for 7 precipitation stations. Also included are data for 90 crest-stage partial-record stations.

Table of Contents





Surface-Water Stations, in Downstream Order, for which Records are Published in this Volume

Discontinued surface-water discharge or stage-only stations

Discontinued surface-water-quality stations



Summary of Hydrologic Conditions


Surface water


Suspended Sediment

Water Quality

Downstream Order and Station Number

Special Network and Programs

Explanation of Stage- and Water Discharge Records

Data Collection and Computation

Data Presentation

Station Manuscript

Peak Discharge Greater than

Data Table of Daily Mean Values

Statistics of Monthly Mean Data

Summary Statistics

Identifying Estimated Daily Discharge

Accuracy of Field Data and Computed Results

Other Data Records Available

Explanation of Precipitation Records

Data Collection and Computation

Data Presentation

Explanation of Water-Quality Records

Collection and Exmination of Data

Water Analysis

Surface-Water-Quality Records

Classification of Records

Accuracy of the Records

Arrangement of Records

On-Site Measurements and Sample Collection

Water Temperature


Laboratory Measurements

Data Presentation

Remark Codes

Water-Quality Control Data

Blank Samples

Reference Samples

Replicate Samples

Spike Samples

Access to USGS water data

Definition of terms

Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations of the U.S. Geological Survey

Gaging stations, surface water

Crest-stage partial-record stations


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