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U.S. Geological Survey
Water Resources Data
Water Year 2003

By Scott E. Morlock, Hieu T. Nguyen and Deborah K. Majors
Water-Data Report IN-03-1

The report has been broken into several sections to more easily locate a specific section and to aid in downloading.
If you are unsure which section to download:

Cover of Water Data Report IN-03-1.

  1. Pages i to iv: This includes the preface, and the report documentation page.
  2. Pages v to xv: The table of contents.
  3. Pages xvi to xx: List of discontinued stations.
  4. Pages 1 to 57: Introduction, information on Indiana's climate divisions, and an explanation of the records; also publications on techniques and selected references.
  5. Pages 58 to 60: Maps showing the location of gaging stations in Indiana.
  6. Pages 61 to 93: Great Miami River Basin, Indian-Kentuck River Basin, Silver Creek Basin, Buck Creek Basin, Indian Creek Basin, Blue River Basin, Anderson River Basin, and Crooked Creek Basin gaging station information.
  7. Pages 94 to 124: Wabash River Basin gaging station information (part 1).
  8. Pages 125 to 158: Wabash River Basin gaging station information (part 2).
  9. Pages 159 to 186: Wabash River Basin gaging station information (part 3).
  10. Pages 187 to 222 Wabash River Basin gaging station information (part 4).
  11. Pages 223 to 257: Wabash River Basin gaging station information (part 5).
  12. Pages 258 to 281: Wabash River Basin gaging station information (part 6).
  13. Pages 282 to 319: Wabash River Basin gaging station information (part 7).
  14. Pages 320 to 351: Wabash River Basin gaging station information (part 8).
  15. Pages 352 to 389: Wabash River Basin gaging station information (part 9).
  16. Pages 390 to 423: Grand Calumet River Basin, Burns Waterway, Trail Creek Basin, Galien River Basin, and St. Joseph River Basin gaging station information.
  17. Pages 424 to 445: Maumee River Basin.
  18. Pages 446 to 476: Illinois River Basin, Des Plaines River gaging station information, and misc. Wabash River Basin discharge and water quality sites.
  19. Pages 477 to 491: Lake gaging station information.
  20. Pages 492 to 535: Ground water well information (part 1).
  21. Pages 536 to 580: Ground water well information (part 2).
  22. Pages 581 to 606: Miscellaneous project data.
  23. Pages 607 to 610: Index and conversion chart.

Click here to download the entire report in PDF format (contains bookmarks and chapter links): 32.6 Megabytes (~3 hours @ 28,800 bps).

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