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Water Resources Data
Texas Water Year 1998

Volume 2. San Jacinto River Basin, Brazos River Basin, San Bernard River Basin, and Intervening Coastal Basins

Water Data Report TX-98-2

By S.C. Gandara, W.J. Gibbons, F.L. Andrews, and D.L. Barbie

Abstract: Water-resources data for the 1998 water year for Texas are presented in four volumes, and consist of records of stage, discharge, and water quality of streams and canals; stage, contents, and water quality of lakes and reservoirs; and water levels and water quality of ground-water wells. Volume 2 contains records for water discharge at 74 gaging stations; stage only at 9 gaging stations; stage and contents at 21 lakes and reservoirs; water quality at 32 gaging stations; and data for 73 partial-record stations comprised of 43 flood-hydrograph, 9 low-flow, and 16 crest-stage, and 5 miscellaneous stations. Also included are lists of discontinued surface-water discharge or stage-only stations and discontinued surface-water-quality stations. Additional water data were collected at various sites, not part of the systematic data-collection program, and are published as miscellaneous measurements. These data represent that part of the National Water Data System operated by the U.S. Geological Survey and cooperating Federal, State, and local agencies in Texas. Records for a few pertinent stations in the bordering States also are included.

Map of Texas basins with stations included in this volume.

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Volume 2. San Jacinto River Basin, Brazos River Basin, San Bernard River Basin, and Intervening Coastal Basins Water-Data Report TX-98-2
Vol. 2 Compressed (.zip)
1,883,943 Bytes (5 minutes at 56K)
Vol. 2 Uncompressed (.pdf)
4,160,816 Bytes (10 minutes at 56K)

Other Volumes In This Set:
Volume 1. Arkansas River Basin, Red River Basin, Sabine River Basin, Neches River Basin, Trinity River Basin, and Intervening Coastal Basins Water Data Report TX-98-1
Volume 3. Colorado River Basin, Lavaca River Basin, Guadalupe River Basin, Nueces River Basin, Rio Grande Basin, and Intervening Coastal Basins Water-Data Report TX-98-3
Volume 4. Ground Water: Water Data Report TX-98-4
Volumes 1-4 Complete Set: Compressed (.zip) 9,763,548 Bytes (24 minutes at 56K)



List of gaging stations, in downstream order, for which records are published

List of discontinued surface-water discharge or stage-only stations

List of discontinued surface-water-quality stations



Hydrologic conditions


Water quality

Special networks and programs

Explanation of the records

Station identification numbers

Downstream order numbering

Records of stage and water discharge

Data collection and computation

Data presentation

Station manuscript

Data table of daily mean values

Statistics of monthly mean data

Summary statistics

Identifying estimated daily discharge

Accuracy of the records

Other records available

Records of surface-water quality

Classification of records

Arrangement of records

On-site measurements and sample collection

Water temperature


Laboratory measurements

Data presentation

Remarks codes

Water Quality-Control Data

Access to USGS Water Data

Definition of terms

Publications of techniques of water-resources investigations

Gaging-station records

Discharge at partial-record stations and miscellaneous sites

Low-flow partial-record stations

Crest-stage partial-record stations

Miscellaneous partial-record stations




Figure 1. Area of Texas covered by volume 2 and location of selected streamflow and water-quality stations in volume 2

  2. Monthly mean discharges at four long-term hydrologic index stations during 1998 water year
and median of the monthly mean discharges for 1961-90 water years


Table 1. Streamflow at six selected stations
Volume 3 Volume 3 Volume 1 Volume 1 Volume 4
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