This series of annual reports for West Virginia began with the 1961 water year with a report that contained only data relating to the quantities of surface water. For the 1964 water year, a similar report was introduced that contained only data relating to water quality. Beginning with the 1975 water year, the report format was changed to present, in one volume, data on quantities of surface water, quality of surface and ground water, and ground-water levels.
Prior to introduction of this series and for several water years concurrent with it, water resources data for West Virginia were published in U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Papers. Data on stream discharge and stage and on lake or reservoir contents and stage, through September 1960, were published annually under the title "Surface-Water Supply of the United States, Parts 6A and 6B." For the 1961 through 1970 water years, the data were published in two 5-year reports. Data on chemical quality, temperature, and suspended sediment for the 1941 through 1970 water years were published annually under the title "Quality of Surface Waters of the United States," and water levels for the 1935 through 1974 water years were published under the title "Ground-Water Levels in the United States." The above mentioned Water-Supply Papers may be consulted in the libraries of the principal cities of the United States and may be purchased from the U. S. Geological Survey, Books and Open-File Reports, Federal Center, Box 25425, Denver, Colorado 80225.
Water Resources Data Reports are published annually by the Geological Survey for all States. These official Survey reports have an identification number consisting of the two-letter State abbreviation, the last two digits of the water year, and the volume number. For example, this volume is identified as "U.S. Geological Survey Water-Data Report WV-01-1." For archiving and general distribution, the reports for 1971-74 water years also are identified as water-data reports. These water-data reports are for sale in paper copy or in microfiche by the National Technical Information Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, Springfield, Virginia 22161. Additional information, including current prices, for ordering specific reports may be obtained from the District Chief at the address below.
For information on the water program in West Virginia write to:
District Chief, Water Resources Division
U.S. Geological Survey
11 Dunbar Street
Charleston, West Virginia 25301Or by telephone: (304) 347-5130
Or by email:
The West Virginia District Annual Water Resources Data Report contains a wide variety of streamflow, water-quality, and ground-water-level data and represents the culmination of thousands of hours of effort each year to collect, compute, and publish this important hydrologic information.
View Water Year 2001
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