Water year 2003 maximum |
Period of record maximum |
Station name and number |
Location and drainage area |
Period of record |
Date |
Gage height (ft) |
Discharge (ft3/s) |
Date |
Gage height (ft) |
Discharge (ft3/s) |
Lat 39°44'27", long 105°08'49", in SE14SE14 sec.31, T.3 S., R.69 W., Jefferson County, on right bank 200 ft north of West 15th Drive at Arbutus. Prior to July 6, 1988, at site approx. 500 ft downstream (formerly published as Lena Gulch at Alkire at Golden, CO, 1986-87). Drainage area is approximately 9.0 mi2. |
Lat 39°49'34", long 105°02'25", in NW14NE14 sec.6, T.3 S., R.68 W., Adams County, 400 ft downstream from 72nd Ave. in Westminster. REVISED RECORDS.--WDR CO-89-1: 1986. Drainage area not determined. |
Lat 38°57'04", long 104°42'47", in SE14NW14 sec. 6, T.13 S., R.65 W., El Paso County, Hydrologic Unit 11020003, on left bank on downstream side of bridge on Cowpoke Road at Colorado Springs, 1.0 mi upstream from Woodmen Road, and 5.3 mi east of Interstate 25. Drainage area is 5.93 mi2. |
Lat 38°55'45", long 104°44'48", in SE14SW14 sec. 11, T.13 S., R.66 W., El Paso County, Hydrologic Unit 11020003, on right bank 400 ft upstream from Dublin Road at Colorado Springs, 0.2 mi upstream from Rangewood Drive, 0.5 mi upstream from mouth, and 3.2 mi east of Interstate 25. Drainage area is 2.81 mi2. |
Lat 38°54'56", long 104°49'35", in SW14NE14 sec.18, T.13 S., R.66 W., El Paso County, on both banks, 300 ft upstream from Delmonico Drive at Colorado Springs, 0.2 mi west of Interstate 25, 0.3 mi upstream from mouth, and 2.0 mi downstream from Woodmen Road. Drainage area 1.82 mi2. |
Lat 37°33'17", long 104°01'16", in NW14NW14 sec.4, T.29 S., R.59 W., Las Animas County, on Pinon Canyon Maneuver site, on left bank 30 ft upstream from bridge on Pipeline Road, 5.3 mi upstream from mouth, and 4.8 mi east of Thatcher. REVISED RECORDS.--WDR CO-97-1:1987 (M). Drainage area is 15.5 mi2. |
Lat 38°12'52", long 102°28'47", in NE14NW14 sec.21, T.21 S., R.45 W., Prowers County, on left bank 106 ft upstream from Amity Canal Diversion 7.0 mi upstream from mouth, and 9.0 mi northeast of Kornman. Drainage area is 3,136 mi2, of which about 585 mi2 is probably noncontributing. |
Lat 38°01'40", long 102°08'19", in SE14SE14 sec.21,T.23 S., R.42 W., Prowers County, on left bank 200 ft downstream from road DD, approximately 1 mi upstream from mouth, and 2.9 mi southwest of Holly. Drainage area is 817 mi2. |