A Precipitation-Runoff Model for Analysis of the Effects of Water Withdrawals on Streamflow, Ipswich River Basin, Massachusetts

Water Resources-Investigations Report 00-4029

By Phillip J. Zarriello and Kernell G. Ries, III



May 21, 2004

After publication, an error was found in this report:


The 30-day, low-flow frequency curve shown for the simulation of no withdrawals and 1991 land use was incorrect (fig. 27C). The 30-day, low-flow frequency curve for the simulation of no withdrawals and 1991 land use should range from about 4.1 ft3/s at the 100 year recurrence interval to 25 ft3/s at about the 1-year recurrence interval. Figure 27 has been revised with the correct 30-day, low-flow frequency curve. Text on page 69, second column, second paragraph, third sentence should read: At the South Middleton station, flows ranged from about 4.1 ft3/s and 4.7 ft3/s at the 100-year recurrence interval to 25 ft3/s and 21 ft3/s at about the 1-year recurrence interval for simulation with (1) no withdrawals with 1991 land-use conditions, and (2) no withdrawals and undeveloped land-use conditions, respectively. (This errata sheet is available as a pdf 20KB.)


The corrected pages 68 and 69 are presented here. (pdf 99KB)


We apologize for any inconvenience that this error may cause.


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