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Table 9. Mercury concentrations in fish-muscle and bed-sediment samples collected in cooperation with the National Mercury Project
[g, grams; Hg, mercury; μg/g, micrograms per gram; ng/g, nanograms per gram; NA, not available]
Site number Site name Fish species Number of fish Average fish weight (g) Total Hg in Fish Sediment
Dry weight (μg/g) Wet weight (μg/g) Methyl Hg (ng/g) Total Hg (ng/g)
10 Bighorn River walleye 5 452 3.29 0.635 0.60 16.3
11 Bighorn Lake walleye 5 896 3.38 0.676 0.59 33.0
14 Shoshone River walleye 1 1,444 3.25 0.669 0.53 11.1
14 Shoshone River walleye 5 817 3.45 0.666 .53 11.1
19 Tongue River smallmouth bass 1 299 0.743 0.153 3.05 27.7
24 Yellowstone River near Sidney sauger 2 176 1.29 0.250 NA 18.7

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