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  1. Map showing locations of study lakes and Landsat-5 Worldwide Reference System paths and rows for Massachusetts
  2. Example of field form used in volunteer field-data collection program
  3. Graphs showing relations between volunteer and U.S. Geological Survey staff measurements of (A) Secchi disk transparency; (B) phytoplankton-chlorophyll concentration; (C) color; and (D) surface-water temperature
4-5. Graphs showing:
  4. Relations between Secchi disk transparency and phytoplankton-chlorophyll concentration in Massachusetts lakes in (A) 1996; (B) 1997; and (C) 1998
  5. Relations between color and dissolved organic carbon concentration in Massachusetts lakes
  6. Graphs comparing observed (field-mapped in summer 1996) and predicted (interpreted from July 1996 Thematic Mapper data) areal coverages of four aquatic macrophyte cover classes coverages in 12 Massachusetts lakes
  7. Maps showing observed (field-mapped in summer 1996) and predicted (interpreted from July 1996 Thematic Mapper data) areal coverages of four aquatic macrophyte cover classes coverages in Whitehall Reservoir, Hopkinton, Massachusetts
  8. Graphs comparing observed (field-mapped in summer 1997) and predicted (interpreted from August 1997 Thematic Mapper data) areal coverages of four aquatic macrophyte cover classes coverages in 12 Massachusetts lakes
  9. Maps showing observed (field-mapped in summer 1997) and predicted (interpreted from August 1997 Thematic Mapper data) areal coverages of four aquatic macrophyte cover classes coverages in Thompson Pond, Spencer, Massachusetts
  10. Graphs comparing observed (field-mapped in summer 1996) and predicted (interpreted from August 1997 Thematic Mapper data) areal coverages of four aquatic macrophyte cover classes coverages in 12 Massachusetts lakes
  11. Maps showing observed (field-mapped in summer 1996) and predicted (interpreted from August 1997 Thematic Mapper data) areal coverages of four aquatic macrophyte cover classes coverages in East Brimfield Reservoir, Brimfield and Sturbridge, Massachusetts


  1. Thematic Mapper spectral bands
  2. Massachusetts lakes for which the distributions of floating, emergent, and submerged macrophytes were mapped in 1996, 1997, and 1998 for calibration of Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper imagery
  3. Lakes sampled by Massachusetts Water Watch Partnership volunteers concurrently with U.S. Geological Survey staff for chlorophyll concentration, Secchi disk transparency, color, and water temperature in 1997 and 1998
  4. Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper scenes used to assess water quality and trophic state of Massachusetts lakes
  5. Thematic Mapper spectral bands and combinations of bands used as models to test for correlations with water-quality and trophic-state data for Massachusetts lakes
  6. Massachusetts lakes sampled in 1996, 1997, and 1998, and numbers of measurements of water-quality characteristics used to calibrate Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper imagery
  7. Lake-water-quality data collected within 24 hours of Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper imaging of the lakes, and haze-corrected digital numbers corresponding to the station locations in the images


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