Observation well USGS Site ID UTM East UTM North Land surface Well Interval Interval Thickness Radius or Geologic Unit Lithologic Description Pumped or injection Date Date Analyzed Test type Avg pumping Analyzed Horizontal Hyd. Vertical Hyd. Vertical to Transmissivity Storativity Specific yield Analyical method "Sources of hydraulic-property data, aquifer test analysis, and supporting data" coordinate coordinate altitude Depth Top Bottom (meters) interwell well if different from Test Test record or injection Data Conductivity Conductivity horizontal (m2/day) (asterisk indicates analysis (meters) (meters) (meters) (meters) (meters) (meters) distance (m) observation well started ended (minutes) rate (L/s) (meter/day) (meter/day) anisotropy was done during this study) Franklin Lake #14 None 555362.3 4013299.42 610.3 17.7 1.4 17.7 16.3 0.11 Quaternary stream channel and floodplain alluvium "Clay, silt, sand. and gravel" Not applicable No Data No Data 17 Slug-injection recovery test Not applicable Recovery 3.31 No Data No Data 54 No Data No Data Cooper and others (1967) Czarnecki (1997) Franklin Lake #14 None 555362.3 4013299.42 610.3 17.7 1.4 17.7 16.3 0.11 Quaternary stream channel and floodplain alluvium "Clay, silt, sand. and gravel" Not applicable No Data No Data 91 Constant-rate withdrawal test 1 Residual drawdown 2.7 No Data No Data 44 No Data No Data Theis (1935) recovery Czarnecki (1997) 15S/49-22dcc 3.63711E+14 549746.28 4053647.01 783.9 151.8 77.8 151.8 74 0.25 Quaternary fan and floodplain alluvium "Sandy gravel, cobble-boulder gravel, and gravelly clay with cobbles" Not applicable 7/12/62 7/12/62 180 Constant-rate withdrawal test 0.53 Drawdown 4.05 No Data No Data 300 No Data No Data Theis (1935) Kilroy (1991); Thordarson and Rush (draft report in USGS files) Airport well 3.6383E+14 552818.18 4054928.72 804.4 228.6 109.7 228.6 118.9 0.18 "Quaternary fan, floodplain, and playa deposits" "Cobble-boulder gravel, gravelly sand, fine sand, and sandy to gravelly clay" Not applicable 6/10/99 6/12/99 2867 Constant-rate withdrawal test 83.9 Drawdown 2.27 No Data No Data 270 No Data No Data Bourdet (1985) Questa Engineering Corp. (2000a); La Camera and Westenburg (1994) Doing well None 553288.05 4055086.07 807.7 146.3 108.2 146.3 38.1 495.5 "Quaternary fan, floodplain, and playa deposits" "Sandy gravel, cobble-boulder gravel, and gravelly, sandy clay with cobbles" Airport well 6/10/99 6/12/99 2867 Constant-rate withdrawal test 83.9 Drawdown 5.25 No Data No Data 200 0.0003 No Data Hantush and Jacob (1955) Questa Engineering Corp. (2000a); Kilroy (1991); USGS files NC-EWDP-9SX 3.64145E+14 539037.99 4061002.83 797.3 109.9 30 45.7 15.7 0.14 Quaternary fan and floodplain alluvium "Tuffaceous, silty, sandy gravel and gravelly, silty sand" Not applicable 1/15/99 1/18/99 1700 Constant-rate withdrawal test 11 Drawdown 43.31 No Data No Data 680 No Data No Data Cooper and Jacob (1946)* Questa Engineering Corp. (1999a); USGS files 40% of total T Furnace Creek test well None 515333.52 4034012.72 146.3 76.2 30.5 76.2 45.7 0.18 Pleistocene fan alluvium and Pliocene Funeral Fm "Coarse sand, sandy to clayey gravel, conglomerate, gravelly mudstone and ss" Not applicable 11/21/58 11/25/58 5860 Constant-rate withdrawal test 24.2 Residual drawdown 131.29 No Data No Data 6000 No Data No Data Cooper and Jacob (1946)* Pistrang and Kunkel (1964); McAllister (1970) Watertown 3 WW 3.71539E+14 603380.32 4124241.08 1355.1 113.1 32.6 111.6 79 0.15 "Quaternary floodplain, channel, and playa deposits" "Fine to coarse-grained sand, gravel and clay" Not applicable 11/23/59 11/23/59 1297 Constant-rate withdrawal test 10.4 Residual drawdown 4.3 No Data No Data 340 No Data No Data Theis (1935) recovery Schoff (1962); Winograd and Thordarson (1975) UCe-20 None 568069.77 4271868.87 1755.3 1829.3 213.4 219.5 6.1 0.12 Quaternary-Tertiary fan and floodplain alluvium "Gravelly sand with cobbles, variably indurated with clay minerals" Not applicable 1/6/68 1/7/68 1357 Slug-injection recovery test Not applicable Recovery 0.001 No Data No Data 0 No Data No Data Cooper and others (1967) "Dinwiddie (1968, 1970a); Dinwoodie and Schroder (1971); Thordarson (1985)" CL-VF-T-1A 3.74829E+14 646070.39 4186070.34 1560.6 400.8 338.6 400.8 62.2 0.13 Quaternary-Tertiary lowland fluvial deposits "Sand, gravel, and boulders with minor intermixed/interbedded silt and clay " Not applicable Jun-81 Jun-81 240 Constant-rate withdrawal test 28.4 Drawdown 4.82 No Data No Data 300 No Data No Data Neuman (1975) "Bunch and Harrill (1984, p. 115-118); Plume (1996, fig. 3)" CL-VF-O-1 3.74844E+14 645385.88 4186435.58 1562.1 442.6 348.1 442.6 94.5 167.6 Quaternary-Tertiary lowland fluvial deposits "Sand, gravel, and boulders with minor intermixed/interbedded silt and clay " CL-VF-T-1A Jun-81 Jun-81 240 Constant-rate withdrawal test 28.4 Drawdown 3.6 No Data No Data 340 0.0004 0.001 Neuman (1975) "Bunch and Harrill (1984, p. 115-118); Plume (1996, fig. 3)" DM-OW-2 3.72639E+14 688497.72 4146078.06 1435.6 299.0 264.4 296 31.6 152.4 Quaternary-Tertiary lower fan and floodplain deposits "Sand, gravel, and boulders with intermixed/interbedded silt and clay " DM-TW-2 May-80 May-80 3780 Constant-rate withdrawal test 5.36 Drawdown 3.16 No Data No Data 100 No Data No Data Cooper and Jacob (1946) "Bunch and Harrill (1984, p. 115-118); Plume (1996, fig. 3)" DM-OW-2 3.72639E+14 688497.72 4146078.06 1435.6 299.0 264.4 296 31.6 152.4 Quaternary-Tertiary lower fan and floodplain deposits "Sand, gravel, and boulders with intermixed/interbedded silt and clay " DM-TW-2 May-80 May-80 1596 Constant-rate withdrawal test 5.36 Recovery 3.8 No Data No Data 120 No Data No Data Theis (1935) "Bunch and Harrill (1984, p. 115-118); Plume (1996, fig. 3)" DL-TW-2 3.74215E+14 697594.47 4175155.68 1415.8 308.5 182.9 295.7 112.8 0.13 Quaternary-Tertiary lower fan and floodplain deposits "Sand, gravel, and boulders with minor intermixed/interbedded silt and clay " Not applicable Apr-80 Apr-80 14340 Constant-rate withdrawal test 18.9 Drawdown 2.22 No Data No Data 250 No Data No Data Cooper and Jacob (1946) "Bunch and Harrill (1984, p. 115-118); Plume (1996, fig. 3)" DL-OW-2 3.74215E+14 697594.47 4175155.68 1415.8 397.8 233.2 239.3 6.1 144.8 Quaternary-Tertiary lower fan and floodplain deposits "Sand, gravel, and boulders with minor intermixed/interbedded silt and clay " DL-TW-2 Apr-80 Apr-80 14340 Constant-rate withdrawal test 18.9 Drawdown 52.46 No Data No Data 320 0.0005 0.013 Neuman (1975) "Bunch and Harrill (1984, p. 115-118); Plume (1996, fig. 3)" DL-OW-2 3.74215E+14 697594.47 4175155.68 1415.8 397.8 387.1 393.2 6.1 144.8 Quaternary-Tertiary lower fan and floodplain deposits "Sand, gravel, and boulders with minor intermixed/interbedded silt and clay " DL-TW-2 Apr-80 Apr-80 14340 Constant-rate withdrawal test 18.9 Drawdown 55.74 No Data No Data 340 0.004 0.051 Neuman (1975) "Bunch and Harrill (1984, p. 115-118); Plume (1996, fig. 3)" MS-VFT-1 3.81256E+14 689601.08 4232080.97 1688.6 370.3 320 350.5 30.5 0.13 Quaternary-Tertiary fan and floodplain alluvium "Sand, gravel, and boulders with intermixed/interbedded silt and clay " Not applicable Jul-81 Jul-81 8640 Constant-rate withdrawal test 1.89 Drawdown 0.05 No Data No Data 1 No Data No Data Cooper and Jacob (1946) "Bunch and Harrill (1984, p. 115-118); Plume (1996, fig. 3)" MS-VFO-1 3.81256E+14 689561.72 4231891.3 1688.6 381.9 326.4 345.6 19.2 100.6 Quaternary-Tertiary fan and floodplain alluvium "Sand, gravel, and boulders with intermixed/interbedded silt and clay " MS-VFT-1 Jul-81 Jul-81 8640 Constant-rate withdrawal test 1.89 Drawdown 0.19 No Data No Data 4 0.0001 0.0004 Neuman (1975) "Bunch and Harrill (1984, p. 115-118); Plume (1996, fig. 3)" GN-IT-2 3.80132E+14 626416.92 4209428.58 1699.3 324.6 182.9 295.7 112.8 0.13 Quaternary-Tertiary middle fan alluvium "Sand, gravel, and boulders with minor intermixed/interbedded silt and clay " Not applicable Nov-80 Nov-80 43200 Constant-rate withdrawal test 32.2 Drawdown 2.66 No Data No Data 300 No Data No Data Cooper and Jacob (1946) "Bunch and Harrill (1984, p. 115-118); Plume (1996, fig. 3)" GN-IO-2 3.80132E+14 626196.63 4209480.67 1701.7 335.0 249.9 308.2 58.3 152.4 Quaternary-Tertiary middle fan alluvium "Sand, gravel, and boulders with minor intermixed/interbedded silt and clay " GN-IT-2 Nov-80 Nov-80 43200 Constant-rate withdrawal test 32.2 Drawdown 18.87 No Data No Data 1100 0.0006 0.003 Neuman (1975) "Bunch and Harrill (1984, p. 115-118); Plume (1996, fig. 3)" HM-ST-1 3.83023E+14 744326.39 4265517.85 1772.7 146.3 97.5 134.1 36.6 0.13 Quaternary-Tertiary upper and middle fan alluvium "Sand, gravel, and boulders with intermixed/interbedded silt and clay " Not applicable Sep-80 Sep-80 7200 Constant-rate withdrawal test 6.94 Drawdown 0.16 No Data No Data 6 No Data No Data Cooper and Jacob (1946) "Bunch and Harrill (1984, p. 115-118); Plume (1996, fig. 3)" HM-SO-1 3.83023E+14 744326.39 4265517.85 1778.2 159.1 97.5 128 30.5 152.4 Quaternary-Tertiary upper and middle fan alluvium "Sand, gravel, and boulders with intermixed/interbedded silt and clay " HM-ST-1 Sep-80 Sep-80 7200 Constant-rate withdrawal test 6.94 Drawdown 7.54 No Data No Data 230 0.0002 0.01 Neuman (1975) "Bunch and Harrill (1984, p. 115-118); Plume (1996, fig. 3)" HC-ST-1 3.82901E+14 568520.4 4259559.18 1707.8 146.3 72.3 140.2 67.9 0.13 Quaternary-Tertiary upper fan alluvium "Sand, gravel, and boulders with some intermixed/interbedded silt and clay " Not applicable Sep-80 Sep-80 5820 Constant-rate withdrawal test 14.8 Drawdown 11.05 No Data No Data 750 No Data No Data Theis (1935) "Bunch and Harrill (1984, p. 115-118); Plume (1996, fig. 3)" HC-SO-1 3.82901E+14 568520.4 4259559.18 1714.8 146.3 68.9 140.2 71.3 152.4 Quaternary-Tertiary upper fan alluvium "Sand, gravel, and boulders with some intermixed/interbedded silt and clay " HC-ST-1 Sep-80 Sep-80 5820 Constant-rate withdrawal test 14.8 Drawdown 25.25 No Data No Data 1800 0.001 0.02 Neuman (1975) "Bunch and Harrill (1984, p. 115-118); Plume (1996, fig. 3)" HC-S-T-2 3.82109E+14 558517.1 4244932.51 1683.1 153.9 89 147.8 58.8 0.13 Quaternary-Tertiary upper fan alluvium "Sand, gravel, and boulders with some intermixed/interbedded silt and clay " Not applicable Sep-80 Sep-80 7200 Constant-rate withdrawal test 23.7 Drawdown 3.91 No Data No Data 230 No Data No Data Theis (1935) "Bunch and Harrill (1984, p. 115-118); Plume (1996, fig. 3)" HC-S-O-2 3.82109E+14 558517.1 4244932.51 1678.8 138.7 92.5 132 39.5 152.4 Quaternary-Tertiary upper fan alluvium "Sand, gravel, and boulders with some intermixed/interbedded silt and clay " HC-S-T-2 Sep-80 Sep-80 7200 Constant-rate withdrawal test 23.7 Drawdown 3.8 No Data No Data 150 0.0001 0.004 Neuman (1975) "Bunch and Harrill (1984, p. 115-118); Plume (1996, fig. 3)" RE-VF-T1 3.80652E+14 558226.05 4218510.43 1671.8 207.3 96.5 200.6 104.1 0.13 Quaternary-Tertiary middle fan alluvium "Sand, gravel, and boulders with minor intermixed/interbedded silt and clay " Not applicable Apr-81 Apr-81 10200 Constant-rate withdrawal test 34.7 Drawdown 9.61 No Data No Data 1000 No Data No Data Theis (1935) "Bunch and Harrill (1984, p. 115-118); Plume (1996, fig. 3)" RE-VF-O1 3.80652E+14 558226.05 4218510.43 1630.7 214.0 97.9 123.4 25.5 152.4 Quaternary-Tertiary middle fan alluvium "Sand, gravel, and boulders with minor intermixed/interbedded silt and clay " RE-VF-T1 Apr-81 Apr-81 10200 Constant-rate withdrawal test 34.7 Drawdown 18.04 No Data No Data 460 0.0001 0.012 Neuman (1975) "Bunch and Harrill (1984, p. 115-118); Plume (1996, fig. 3)" RE-VF-O1 3.80652E+14 558226.05 4218510.43 1630.7 214.0 201.2 214 12.8 152.4 Quaternary-Tertiary middle fan alluvium "Sand, gravel, and boulders with minor intermixed/interbedded silt and clay " RE-VF-T1 Apr-81 Apr-81 10200 Constant-rate withdrawal test 34.7 Drawdown 72.66 No Data No Data 930 0.0002 0.002 Neuman (1975) "Bunch and Harrill (1984, p. 115-118); Plume (1996, fig. 3)" BG-VF-T1 3.83127E+14 584748.47 4264219.66 1771.2 174.6 142.6 174.6 32 0.13 Quaternary-Tertiary lower fan and floodplain deposits "Sand, gravel, and boulders with minor intermixed/interbedded silt and clay " Not applicable May-81 May-81 14400 Constant-rate withdrawal test 27.4 Drawdown 7.5 No Data No Data 240 No Data No Data Cooper and Jacob (1946) "Bunch and Harrill (1984, p. 115-118); Plume (1996, fig. 3)" RR-S-O-1 3.80906E+14 580197.9 4222836.37 1526.4 150.9 99.1 150.9 51.8 125.3 Quaternary-Tertiary upper fan alluvium "Sand, gravel, and boulders with intermixed/interbedded silt and clay " RR-S-T-1 Sep-80 Sep-80 12960 Constant-rate withdrawal test 46.2 Drawdown 19.31 No Data No Data 1000 0.0002 0.06 Neuman (1975) "Bunch and Harrill (1984, p. 115-118); Plume (1996, fig. 3)" RR-S-O-2 3.84342E+14 632441.07 4287520.91 1563 182.9 85.3 176.2 90.9 146.3 Quaternary-Tertiary lower fan alluvium "Sand, gravel, and boulders with intermixed/interbedded silt and clay " RR-S-T-2 Oct-80 Nov-80 40560 Constant-rate withdrawal test 44.5 Drawdown 8.03 No Data No Data 730 0.0003 0.001 Neuman (1975) "Bunch and Harrill (1984, p. 115-118); Plume (1996, fig. 3)" WPPP #2A 3.90802E+14 715154.23 4334377.12 1780.3 176.8 15.5 176.8 161.3 0.28 Quaternary-Tertiary fan and floodplain alluvium "Calcareous, poorly sorted, clayey to silty sand and gravel with interbedded clay" Not applicable Dec-82 Dec-82 600 Step-drawdown withdrawal test 29.6 - 94.0 Recovery 1.92 No Data No Data 310 No Data No Data Hantush (1961) "Dames and Moore (1983, table 3-6)" WPPP #2B 3.90802E+14 715370.35 4334383.05 1781.6 143.3 9.6 143.3 133.7 278.3 Quaternary-Tertiary fan and floodplain alluvium "Calcareous, poorly sorted, clayey to silty sand and gravel with interbedded clay" WPPP #2A Dec-82 Dec-82 600 Step-drawdown withdrawal test 29.6 - 94.0 Drawdown 1.35 No Data No Data 180 0.0002 No Data Hantush (1961) "Dames and Moore (1983, table 3-6)" WPPP #2C 3.90807E+14 715101.67 4334530.08 1784.6 54.3 14.6 54.3 39.7 92.4 Quaternary-Tertiary fan and floodplain alluvium "Calcareous, fine to coarse-grained sand and gravel" WPPP #2A Dec-82 Dec-82 600 Step-drawdown withdrawal test 29.6 - 94.0 Drawdown 11.84 No Data No Data 470 No Data 0.069 Neuman (1975) "Dames and Moore (1983, table 3-6)" AIP-1 None 663679.5 4135529.56 1079.9 239.0 37.1 88.4 51.3 0.16 Quaternary-Tertiary fan and floodplain alluvium Variably indurated sandy gravel with fine-grained sand and clay layers Not applicable 8/21/99 8/22/99 1440 Constant-rate withdrawal test 25.9 Drawdown 6.24 No Data No Data 320 No Data No Data Neuman (1975) Consulting Engineering Services (1999) Test Well A 3.70142E+14 585724.75 4099201.82 1221.3 570.0 489.2 570 80.8 0.16 Quaternary fan alluvium and playa deposits "Calcite-cemented, poorly sorted, silty sand and gravel with interbedded clay" Not applicable 9/20/60 9/21/60 2290 Constant-rate withdrawal test 3.78 Drawdown 1.88 No Data No Data 152 No Data No Data Cooper and Jacob (1946) "Winograd and Thordarson (1975); Price and Thordarson (1961, Appendix IV)" W-T: well 83-68 Test Well A 3.70142E+14 585724.75 4099201.82 1221.3 527.3 489.2 570 80.8 0.16 Quaternary fan alluvium and playa deposits "Calcite-cemented, poorly sorted, silty sand and gravel with interbedded clay" Not applicable 9/21/60 9/21/60 165 Recovery Not applicable Residual drawdown 2.03 No Data No Data 164 No Data No Data Cooper and Jacob (1946) "Winograd and Thordarson (1975); Price and Thordarson (1961, Appendix IV)" W-T: well 83-68 Water Well 5a 3.64635E+14 592982.61 4070370.54 942.7 277.4 212.4 277.4 65 0.14 Quaternary fan and floodplain alluvium "Variably indurated silty sand, fine- to coarse-grained sand, and gravelly sand" Not applicable 10/7/59 10/8/59 1485 Constant-rate withdrawal test 6.32 Drawdown 0.46 No Data No Data 30 No Data No Data Theis (1935) "Hood (1961, fig. 5)" Water Well 5a 3.64635E+14 592982.61 4070370.54 942.7 277.4 212.4 277.4 65 0.14 Quaternary fan and floodplain alluvium "Variably indurated silty sand, fine- to coarse-grained sand, and gravelly sand" Not applicable 10/8/59 10/8/59 560 Constant-rate withdrawal test 6.32 Recovery 0.31 No Data No Data 20 No Data No Data Theis (1935) "Hood (1961, fig. 5)" Water Well 5b 3.64805E+14 591986.26 4073102.55 942.5 274.3 209.4 274.3 64.9 0.14 Quaternary fan and floodplain alluvium "Variably indurated silty sand, fine- to coarse-grained sand, and gravelly sand" Not applicable 8/27/59 8/29/59 2886 Constant-rate withdrawal test 10.2 Drawdown 1.39 No Data No Data 90 No Data No Data Theis (1935) "Hood (1961, fig. 7)" Water Well 5c 3.64708E+14 592471.81 4071751.81 939.1 362.4 270.4 362.4 92 0.16 Quaternary fan and floodplain alluvium "Variably indurated sand, gravel, cobbles, and boulders with thin silt layers" Not applicable 9/9/59 9/11/59 2703 Constant-rate withdrawal test 8.29 Drawdown 0.34 No Data No Data 31 No Data No Data Theis (1935) "Hood (1961, fig.9)" Water Well 5c 3.64708E+14 592471.81 4071751.81 939.1 362.4 270.4 362.4 92 0.16 Quaternary fan and floodplain alluvium "Variably indurated sand, gravel, cobbles, and boulders with thin silt layers" Not applicable 9/9/59 9/11/59 2703 Constant-rate withdrawal test 8.29 Drawdown 0.33 No Data No Data 30 No Data No Data Cooper and Jacob (1946) "Winograd and Thordarson (1975, fig. 25)" Water Well 5c 3.64708E+14 592471.81 4071751.81 939.1 362.4 270.4 362.4 92 0.16 Quaternary fan and floodplain alluvium "Variably indurated sand, gravel, cobbles, and boulders with thin silt layers" Not applicable 9/9/59 9/13/59 5253 Constant-rate withdrawal test 8.29 Residual drawdown 0.35 No Data No Data 32 No Data No Data Theis (1935) recovery "Winograd and Thordarson (1975, fig. 25)" UE5PW-2 3.65152E+14 593669.53 4080138.47 989.5 280.3 256 280.3 24.3 0.13 Quaternary fan and floodplain alluvium "Gravelly, silty, medium-grained sand" Not applicable Apr-93 Apr-93 2 Swabbing-recovery test Not applicable Residual drawdown 0.3 No Data No Data 7 No Data No Data ASTM D 4044-91 (1992) Reynolds Electrical and Engineering Co. (1994) UE5PW-1 3.65105E+14 593655.59 4078714.21 968.7 255.7 235.2 255.7 20.5 0.12 Quaternary fan and floodplain alluvium "Gravelly sand, sand, and silty sand" Not applicable 9/16/92 9/30/92 1 Swabbing-recovery test Not applicable Residual drawdown 1 No Data No Data 21 No Data No Data ASTM D 4044-91 (1992) Reynolds Electrical and Engineering Co. (1994) HTH-2 3.83734E+14 568502.28 4275546.72 1836.4 304.8 172.3 304.8 132.5 153.8 Quaternary-Tertiary fan and floodplain alluvium "Gravelly sand with cobbles, variably indurated with clay minerals" HTH-1 8/18/67 8/25/67 10008 Constant-rate withdrawal test 7.7 Drawdown 0.77 No Data No Data 102 0.003 0.2 Walton (1962) "Dinwiddie (1968, 1970a); Dinwoodie and Schroder (1971); Thordarson (1985)" HTH-1 3.83734E+14 568543.15 4275398.56 1832.1 1126.2 289.6 350.6 61 0.16 Quaternary-Tertiary fan and floodplain alluvium "Gravelly sand with cobbles, variably indurated with clay minerals" Not applicable 8/4/67 8/4/67 45 Slug-injection recovery test Not applicable Recovery 0.051 No Data No Data 3 No Data No Data Cooper and others (1967) "Dinwiddie (1968, 1970a); Dinwoodie and Schroder (1971); Thordarson (1985)" HTH-1 3.83734E+14 568543.15 4275398.56 1832.1 1126.2 426.8 457.3 30.5 0.16 Quaternary-Tertiary fan and floodplain alluvium "Gravelly sand with cobbles, variably indurated with clay minerals" Not applicable 8/4/67 8/4/67 60 Slug-injection recovery test Not applicable Recovery 0.02 No Data No Data 1 No Data No Data Cooper and others (1967) "Dinwiddie (1968, 1970a); Dinwoodie and Schroder (1971); Thordarson (1985)" HTH-1 3.83734E+14 568543.15 4275398.56 1832.1 1126.2 506.1 524.4 18.3 0.16 Quaternary-Tertiary fan and floodplain alluvium "Gravelly sand with cobbles, variably indurated with clay minerals" Not applicable 8/3/67 8/3/67 320 Slug-injection recovery test Not applicable Recovery 0.004 No Data No Data 0 No Data No Data Cooper and others (1967) "Dinwiddie (1968, 1970a); Dinwoodie and Schroder (1971); Thordarson (1985)" HTH-1 3.83734E+14 568543.15 4275398.56 1832.1 1126.2 564 603.7 39.7 0.16 Quaternary-Tertiary fan and floodplain alluvium "Gravelly sand with cobbles, variably indurated with clay minerals" Not applicable 8/3/67 8/3/67 390 Slug-injection recovery test Not applicable Recovery 0.0021 No Data No Data 0 No Data No Data Cooper and others (1967) "Dinwiddie (1968, 1970a); Dinwoodie and Schroder (1971); Thordarson (1985)" HTH-1 3.83734E+14 568543.15 4275398.56 1832.1 1126.2 670.7 701.2 30.5 0.16 Quaternary-Tertiary fan and floodplain alluvium "Gravelly sand with cobbles, variably indurated with clay minerals" Not applicable 8/2/67 8/2/67 70 Slug-injection recovery test Not applicable Recovery 0.000062 No Data No Data 0 No Data No Data Cooper and others (1967) "Dinwiddie (1968, 1970a); Dinwoodie and Schroder (1971); Thordarson (1985)"