U.S. Geological Survey
Water-Resources Investigations Report 02-4000
The full report is available in pdf. Links to the pdf.
The potential for nutrient enrichment to coastal estuaries on Mt. Desert Island, Maine, may affect the health of these important ecosystems at Acadia National Park. Inputs of water and nitrogen entering one of these coastal estuaries, Northeast Creek, and adjacent wetlands on Mt. Desert Island were quantified in a recent study conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the National Park Service. Streamflow and concentra-tions of nitrogen species in the four perennial streams entering the wetland/estuary system were measured monthly for 18 months to estimate loads and develop a water budget. Old Mill Brook was instrumented with a continuous-recording stream-flow gage; the MOVE.1 record-extension technique was used with this and several other nearby continuous gages to estimate daily surface-water inflow to the wetland. Inflow from ungaged basins was estimated from the unit-area yield calculated from data obtained from the gaged basins. Precipitation data collected at the National Atmospheric Deposition Program (NADP) site at Acadia National Park Headquarters and the Acadia National Park weather station were used to calculate atmospheric inputs. Evapotranspiration from the wetland was calculated using Fennessey and Vogels regionalized multivariate regression model of Penman-Montieth evapotranspiration. Geologic data collected in the field and taken from published geologic maps indicate that ground water probably does not contribute significantly to the water budget of this wetland system. Surface-water outflow from the wetland was not calculated because of the tidal nature of the outlet of the wetland and the difficulties associated with measuring flow in a tidal stream.
Purpose and Scope
Description of Study Area
Conceptual Model of the Water Budget and Nitrogen Inputs to the Northeast Creek/Fresh Meadow Estuary System
Water Budget
Nitrogen Inputs
Methods of Data Collection
Surface Water
Ground Water
Water Budget for the Northeast Creek/Fresh Meadow System
Estimation of Surface-Water Inflow
Estimation of Precipitation Inputs
Estimation of Evapotranspiration
Estimation of Ground-Water Inputs
Monthly Water Inputs and Surface-Water Outflows
External Nitrogen Loading to Northeast Creek
Surface-Water Loading
Water-Quality Data
Estimation of Loads
Atmospheric Loading
Ground-Water Loading
Tidal Loading
Total External Nitrogen Loads
Summary and Conclusions
References Cited
District Chief
U.S. Geological Survey
26 Ganneston Drive
Augusta, ME 04330
U.S. Geological Survey
Branch of Information Services
Box 25286, Federal Center
Denver, CO 80225-0046
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