WRIR 02-4030: |
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Table 5. Flood-frequency information for LTIMP and USGS gaging stations in the monitored watersheds in the Lake Tahoe Basin through water year 1998, California and Nevada
[Abbreviations: ft3/s, cubic feet per second; ND, not determined. Note: Data from Glen W. Hess, U.S. Geological Survey, written communication, 2000]
USGS station number |
USGS station name |
Period of record, water years |
50-year peak streamflow |
100-year peak streamflow |
Maximum peak streamflow of record |
Date |
Streamflow (ft3/s) |
10336688 |
First Creek (at Highway 28) near Crystal Bay, Nev. |
1970-74 |
129 | 182 |
September 26, 1973 |
22 |
10336690 |
Second Creek at Lakeshore Dr. near Crystal Bay, Nev. |
1970-74 |
164 | 225 |
May 18, 1970 |
16 |
10336694 |
Wood Creek at mouth (at Lakeshore Dr.) near Crystal Bay, Nev. |
1970-74 |
216 | 302 |
May 18, 1970 |
15 |
10336698 |
Third Creek (at Lakeshore Dr.) near Crystal Bay, Nev. |
1970-73, 1975, 1978-98 |
625 | 907 |
June 18, 1982 |
150 |
10336700 |
Incline Creek (above Lakeshore Dr.) near Crystal Bay, Nev. |
1970-75, |
496 | 652 |
January 2, 1997 |
179 |
103366995 |
Incline Creek at Highway 28 at Incline Village, Nev. |
1990-98 |
333 | 470 |
January 2, 1997 |
143 |
103366993 |
Incline Creek above Tyrol Village near Incline Village, Nev. |
1991-98 |
126 | 157 |
June 26,1995, and January 2, 1997 |
52 |
10336730 |
Glenbrook Creek (near mouth) at Glenbrook, Nev. |
1972-75, |
158 | 243 |
January 1, 1997 |
144 |
10336740 |
Logan House Creek near Glenbrook, Nev. |
1984-98 |
24 | 31 |
January 2, 1997, and |
12 |
10336765 |
Edgewood Creek at Lake Tahoe near Stateline, Nev. |
1989-92 |
ND2 | ND2 |
March 4, 1991, and |
27 |
10336760 |
Edgewood Creek (at Highway 50) at Stateline, Nev. |
1993-98 |
ND2 | ND2 |
January 2, 1997 |
136 |
103367585 |
Edgewood Creek at Palisade Dr. near Kingsbury, Nev. |
1991-98 |
1493 | 1993 |
August 14, 1991 |
57 |
103367592 |
Eagle Rock Creek near Stateline, Nev. |
1991-98 |
683 | 943 |
January 2, 1997 |
4 |
10336790 |
Trout Creek (at Highway 50) at South Lake Tahoe, Calif. |
1972-74 |
773 | 966 |
May 31, 1973 |
190 |
10336780 |
Trout Creek (at Martin Ave.) near Tahoe Valley, Calif. |
1961-98 |
716 | 894 |
February 1, 1963, |
535 |
10336775 |
Trout Creek at Pioneer Trial near South Lake Tahoe, Calif. |
1991-98 |
505 | 630 |
January 2, 1997 |
525 |
10336770 |
Trout Creek at U.S. Forest Service Road 12N01 near Meyers, Calif. |
1991-98 |
365 | 450 |
June 27, 1995 |
166 |
10336610 |
Upper Truckee River (at Highway 50) at South Lake Tahoe, Calif. |
1972-74, 1978, 1980-98 |
4,3904 | 5,700 |
January 2, 1997 |
5,480 |
103366092 |
Upper Truckee River at Highway 50 above Meyers, Calif. |
1991-98 |
3,310 | 4,060 |
January 2, 1997 |
5,120 |
10336600 |
Upper Truckee River near Meyers, Calif. |
1961-86 |
2,900 | 3,540 |
February 1, 1963 |
2,550 |
10336580 |
Upper Truckee River at South Upper Truckee Road near Meyers, Calif. |
1991-98 |
1,4605 | 1,790 |
January 2, 1997 |
2,010 |
10336645 |
General Creek (at Highway 89) near Meeks Bay, Calif. |
1980-98 |
1,230 | 1,560 |
January 1, 1997 |
797 |
10336660 |
Blackwood Creek (at Highway 89) near Tahoe City, Calif. |
1961-98 |
3,500 | 4780 |
January 1, 1997 |
2,940 |
10336674 |
Ward Creek below confluence near Tahoe City, Calif. |
1992-98 |
1,390 | 1,890 |
January 1, 1997 |
1,220 |
10336675 |
Ward Creek at Stanford Rock Trail Crossing near Tahoe City, Calif. |
1992-98 |
2,240 | 3,030 |
January 1, 1997 |
2,370 |
10336676 |
Ward Creek at State Highway 89 near Tahoe Pines, Calif. |
1973-98 |
2,650 | 3,620 |
January 1, 1997 |
2,530 |
1 Determined from U.S. Interagency Advisory Committee on Water Data (1982) guidelines except where noted. The 100-year peak streamflow is theoretical and statistically has a 1-percent chance of occurring in any given year. Likewise, the 50-year peak streamflow is theoretical and statistically has a 2-percent chance of occurring in any given year.
2 Affected by regulation; value not determined (ND).
3 Estimated by regression methods of Thomas and others (1997).
4 Determined from U.S. Interagency Advisory Committee on Water Data (1982) guidelines based on historical flood designation.
5 Estimated by methods of Thomas and others (1997) and a nearby gaging station on the same stream.