USGS - science for a changing world

Water-Resources Investigations Report 03-4131


Version 1.2, November 20, 2012

For corrected tables B2 and B4, please use the Appendix Excel file available from the index Web page at

This update corrects the last two columns of tables B2 and B4, which were improperly sorted. These formatting errors had no effect on the conclusions and interpretations of the report WRIR 03-4131. These two tables have not been updated in the report pdf file.



Version 1.1, January 12, 2005

Please attach to USGS WRIR 03-4131: Geochemical Characterization of Ground-water Flow in the Santa Fe Group Aquifer System, Completed in 2004 on the Middle Rio Grande Basin, New Mexico

By L. Niel Plummer, Laura M. Bexfield, Scott K. Anderholm, Ward E. Sanford, and Eurybiades Busenberg Version 1.1

A page between pages 199 and 200 was omitted in the online version of this publication

Page '200a' has been added to version 1.1 and a separate PDF document containing page 200a only is also available.

A pdf document containing page 200a

For more information, contact the New Mexico Water Science Center.

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