Revision History


Publication Series and Series Number:  Water-Resources Investigations Report 03-4188


Publication Title:  Estimating the Magnitude and Frequency of Peak Streamflows for Ungaged Sites
on Streams in
Alaska and Conterminous Basins in Canada


Publication Authorship:  Janet H. Curran, David F. Meyer, and Gary D. Tasker


First Version and Date of First Release:  1.00  Oct. 20, 2003


Current Version and Date of Current Release:  1.10  Dec. 23, 2003


Summary of Product Components




Last Revised in Pub Version

Date of Last Revision


Estimating the Magnitude and Frequency of Peak Streamflows for Ungaged Sites


Dec. 23, 2003

Plate 1

Streamflow analysis regions and locations of streamflow-gaging and partial-record stations


Dec. 23, 2003


Historical List of Revisions (latest revision first)


Version 1.10—Dec. 23, 2003




On page 4, Figure 1, Boundaries of streamflow analysis regions were slightly corrected for regions 3, 4, and 6.


On page 12, first sentence of Accuracy and Limitations of Estimating Equations section: change “average equivalent years of record” to “equivalent years of record.”


On page 12, first sentence of second paragraph of Accuracy and Limitations of Estimating Equations section: change “average equivalent years of record” to “equivalent years of record”, and delete the following sentence, which reads “The average equivalent years of record… next section.”


On page 15, last sentence before formula 5: change “average equivalent years of record” to “equivalent years of record” and change “AEYR” to “EYR”.


On page 15, formula 5: change “AEYR” to “EYR”.


On page 15, second sentence after formula 5: delete “if the equivalent years of record is substituted for AEYR in the formula.”


On page 18, Example 1, sentence beginning “This”: change “4.3 average equivalent years of record for the regression equation (from table 3)” to “1.9 equivalent years of record for the regression equation (from the computer program).”


On page 94, last sentence of Average Equivalent Years of Record section: delete sentence, which reads “These values … equations.”


            Plate 1—

Boundaries of streamflow analysis regions were slightly corrected for regions 3, 4, and 6.